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Edinburgh  :  T.  and  A.  Constable,  Printers  to  His  Majesty 




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THE  ANCIENT  MARINER           .                      .           .           .  33 





THE  SICILIAN  CHAR-WOMAN            ....  115 

































To  face  page 

















TITLE-PAGE  ...... 

HEADPIECE  ...... 





TAILPIECE  ...... 






THE    KING    OF    TROY 





WHAT  A  TIME  WE  HAD    . 












VIGNETTE     .... 




TITLE-PAGE  ..... 


TAILPIECE     ...... 





















POSTCARD      ..... 

POSTCARD     ..... 

TAILPIECE     ..... 





TITLE-PAGE  ..... 



TAILPIECE    ...... 

VIGNETTE      ...... 




TITLE-PAGE  ...... 

HEADPIECE  ...... 

VIGNETTE      ....... 





TITLE-PAGE  .  .  .  . 

HEADPIECE  .  .  .  . 

TAILPIECE    ..... 
VIGNETTE      ..... 






TITLE-PAGE                ....... 

.        147 

HEADPIECE                 ....... 

.        148 

THE  REAL  SOLDIER             ...... 

.      153 


.      156 

'  YOUR  PATE  BE  UPON  YOUR  OWN  HEAD  '     . 

.      157 


.      159 


.      161 

TAILPIECE     ........ 

.      163 

VIGNETTE     ........ 

.      164 


TITLE-PAGE                ....... 

.      165 

HEADPIECE  ........ 

.      166 

I  PLEADED  MY  CASE          ...... 

.      169 

AND  KILLED  IT  ON  THE  SPOT     ..... 

.      173 

WE  COOKED  ONE  GREAT  STEAK               .... 

.      177 

TAILPIECE     ........ 

.      181 

VIGNETTE      ........ 

.      182 









TAILPIECE     ...... 




TITLE-PAGE  ..... 















TAILPIECE     ..... 




TITLE-PAGE                 ...... 

.      227 

HEADPIECE                 ...... 

.      228 


.      233 


.      234 


.      237 

TAILPIECE     ....... 

.      239 

VIGNETTE      .               .               .               , 

.      240 






PLAN  OF  SIEGE       .... 









OLD  CRISPIN,  the  mushroom  gatherer,  and 
his  good  wife  Chloe  had  ten  children,  and 
nine  of  them  were  bad-tempered.  There 
was  Chad,  the  youngest  and  most  bad-tempered  of  the 
lot,  Hannibal  and  Quentin  the  twins,  Randall  with 
the  red  head,  Noah,  Ratchett  the  short-sighted,  Nero 
the  worrit,  weeping  Biddulph  and  Knut.  The  only 
good-tempered  child  was  a  little  girl  named  Boadicea. 
It  is  well  known  that  a  boy  usually  takes  after 
his  father,  and  a  girl  after  her  mother,  and  these 
children  were  no  exception  to  the  rule,  for  the  boys 


all  resembled  old  Crispin,  whose  temper  had  been 
rather  tried,  poor  man,  by  the  early  hours  at  which 
he  had  to  rise,  in  order  to  gather  the  mushrooms  when 
they  were  quite  new  and  young.  On  the  other  hand, 
Boadicea  could  only  have  inherited  her  good-temper 
from  Chloe,  who  without  doubt  was  the  most  good- 
tempered  dame  alive. 

Now  it  is  quite  true  that  any  one  who  cares  to 
rise  early  enough  in  the  morning  may  gather  mush- 
rooms, and  plenty  of  them,  too,  but  those  who  do  so 
only  now  and  again,  and  merely  for  amusement,  little 
know  the  hard  life  of  the  professional  gatherer,  or  the 
skill  and  judgment  he  has  to  cultivate  in  order  to 
carry  on  his  work  with  any  success. 

In  the  course  of  time  Crispin  became  so  well 
skilled  that  he  could  not  only  tell  a  mushroom  from  a 
toadstool  at  the  distance  of  two  hundred  yards,  but 
his  hearing  became  so  acute  that  he  could  even  hear 
them  growing,  and  learnt  to  distinguish  the  sound  of 
each  as  it  broke  through  the  earth.  Indeed,  he  had 
no  need  for  any  alarm  to  wake  him  from  his  heavy 
slumbers  and  call  him  to  his  work  in  the  fields. 
However  cautiously  a  mushroom  made  its  appearance, 
at  its  first  rumble,  old  Crispin  would  jump  from  his 
hard  bed,  hastily  dress  himself,  and,  often  without 
tasting  a  morsel  of  breakfast,  be  out  of  the  house  and 
on  to  the  field  in  time  to  see  the  newcomer  pop  its 
head  through  the  earth.  This  he  would  pick,  and 
then  he  would  hop  about  with  his  head  on  one  side 



listening  for  others  like  some  old  starling  listening  for 
worms,  at  the  same  time  mewing  like  a  cat  to  frighten 
away  the  birds  that  prey  on  the  mushrooms.  He  was 
then  able  to  fill  his  basket  with  the  very  freshest  crop 
and  take  them  round  to  people's  houses  in  time  for 

With  such  anxious  work  it  will  be  readily  under- 
stood that  few  mushroom  gatherers  can  remain  in  the 
best  of  health  for  many  years,  and  it  so  happened  that 
in  time  the  anxieties  connected  with  the  gathering  of 
mushrooms  began  to  affect  old  Crispin,  so  that  he  fell 
ill  and  completely  lost  his  appetite.  Chloe  called  in 
the  doctor,  but  the  latter  at  first  could  do  nothing  for 
him.  He  painted  Crispin's  chest  and  then  his  back 
with  iodine  ;  he  rubbed  him  well  with  the  roots  of 
sarsaparilla ;  he  made  him  sleep  first  on  his  right  side, 
then  on  his  left,  and  finally  covered  him  in  brown 
paper  plasters  and  dock-leaf  poultices  and  sent  him 
to  the  sea-side  with  strict  injunctions  to  take  to  sea- 
bathing, running,  and  aeroplaning,  but  it  was  all  of 
no  avail. 

With  the  assistance  of  Boadicea,  Chloe  now  tried 
to  tempt  her  husband  with  every  known  and  unknown 
dish,  and  when  these  failed,  like  a  good  wife,  she  in- 
vented others.  She  made  trifles  of  vegetable  marrow, 
tartlets  of  hen  feathers  to  soothe  the  nerves,  salads  of 
spinach  and  carraway  comfits,  delicacies  composed  of 
porridge  and  mint,  and  the  most  luscious  stews  of 
pine-cones  and  lard.  She  then  tried  him  with  even 


lighter  dishes,  but  it  was  no  good.  He  became  thinner 
and  thinner  every  day,  and  his  temper  was  growing 
shorter  and  shorter,  when  at  last,  to  her  great  joy,  she 
succeeded  in  making  a  jelly  that  really  seemed  to 
take  his  fancy. 

At  first  there  was  little  or  no  sign  of  improvement, 
yet  he  ate  a  very  small  portion  of  the  jelly  every  day, 
and  with  this  the  anxious  wife  and  daughter  had  to 
be  contented  for  some  time.  He  had  remained  in 
this  state  for  weeks  when  Chloe  resolved  slightly  to 
increase  his  portion.  Finding  that  this  did  not  dis- 
agree with  him,  but  that,  instead,  he  became  a  little 
stouter  and  a  little  better  every  day,  she  continued 
gi-adually  giving  him  more  and  more. 

At  last  she  discovered  that  the  more  Crispin  ate  of 
this  jelly,  the  greater  his  appetite  became.  In  fact,  if 
the  truth  be  told,  the  old  gentleman  became  in  time 
not  only  quite  well  and  very  stout  but  also  somewhat 
greedy.  At  all  events,  Chloe  found  that  instead  of 
being  able  to  devote  more  time  to  her  children,  after 
restoring  her  husband's  appetite,  she  had  to  give  up 
more  and  more  time  to  cooking.  Crispin  now  spent 
the  whole  day  in  eating,  and  things  went  from  bad  to 
very  bad,  and  from  very  bad  to  worse.  Boadicea 
assisted  her  mother  to  the  utmost,  yet  Chloe,  worked 
almost  to  death,  was  at  length  compelled  to  look  out 
for  a  minder,  in  order  that  her  children  might  not  be 
entirely  neglected. 

Many  minders  from  all  parts  applied  for  employ- 



ment,  and,  as  a  test  of  their  skill,  she  set  them  the 
task  of  cheering  the  unfortunate  Chad,  who  was 
cutting  all  his  double  teeth  at  the  same  time.  Some 
tried  to  cheer  him  by  singing  to  him,  some  by  dancing 
to  him  ;  one  even  hoped  to  gladden  the  boy  by  jump- 
ing over  him  backwards  and  with  a  pleasant  smile 
dropping  on  the  grass  in  front  of  him.  Again,  some 
thought  to  distract  him  by  running  swiftly  with  him 
several  times  round  the  w  ell,  which  only  made  him  very 
ill.  Another  energetic  young  minder  stood  on  his  head 
in  front  of  the  child  for  at  least  ten  minutes,  which, 
instead  of  cheering  the  lad,  nearly  frightened  him  to 
death.  One  minder,  more  experienced  than  the  rest, 
tried  to  make  him  forget  his  ache  by  giving  him  other 
aches  to  think  of  with  the  aid  of  a  slipper,  which  he 
maintained  he  had  succeeded  in  doing.  However, 
he  was  not  elected,  for,  try  as  they  would,  no  one 
could  discover  for  which  ache  the  child  was  crying. 

Many  methods  were  tried,  but  none  with  even  the 
smallest  success ;  in  fact,  the  competition  greatly 
increased  the  child's  discomfort.  His  howls  became 
terrific,  and  so  heartrending  that,  as  a  last  resource, 
Chloe  sent  for  her  nephew  Bill,  who  cleaned  the  boots. 
Now  no  one  had  suspected  Bill  of  having  the  makings 
of  a  good  minder  in  him,  but  it  happened  that  he  knew 
Chad's  little  ways,  and  so,  to  everybody's  surprise  and 
relief,  he  easily  succeeded  in  keeping  him  quiet  until 
all  the  double  teeth  had  been  cut.  Thereupon  he  was 
at  once  elected  Minder  to  the  family. 



Bill  soon  proved  that  he  was  no  ordinary  minder. 
Having  once  started  on  his  new  work,  he  took  his 
profession  very  seriously.  He  read  all  the  books  that 
had  ever  been  written  upon  the  subject,  which  were 
to  be  found  in  the  library  of  the  British  Museum.  He 
talked  about  it  with  the  most  knowing  professors  of 
the  subject,  and  he  was  as  well  known  in  the  Minding 
Eoom  of  the  Patent  Museum  at  South  Kensington  as 
in  his  father's  house.  And  it  is  even  said  that  he  once 
contrived  to  be  shut  in  all  night  by  hiding  behind  a 
case  of  red  coral  rattles  when  the  policeman  came 
round  at  dusk  to  shut  and  lock  the  doors. 

Moreover,  as  you  can  see  for  yourselves  in  the 



pictures,  he  was  always  inventing  new  ways  of  minding 
his  charges.  So  expert  did  he  become  in  time  that  he 
was  never  at  a  loss  with  the  most  fractious,  and  easily 
surpassing  all  rivals,  he  became  the  most  perfect 
minder  of  the  district. 

Bill's  fame  spread  to  the  most  distant  towns,  and 
worrited  mothers  for  miles  around  flocked  to  him  with 
their  children.  He  was  most  successful  in  distracting 
the  vaccinated,  and  under  his  care  young  tooth-cutters 
soon  forgot  their  troubles.  Even  the  pangs  of  in- 
digestion were  allayed  and  the  fretfulness  of  the 
sleepless  lulled  to  rest  by  the  charm  of  his  ways. 
Short  tempers  were  lengthened,  and  terrified  midnight 
wakers  were  taught  to  realise  how  ridiculous  were 
their  fears.  Screechers  ceased  to  screech,  and  grizzlers 
to  grizzle,  while  weepers  and  howlers  reformed  their 
habits  and  learnt  to  chuckle  throughout  the  day. 

If  any  one  could  mind.  Bill  could  ! 

But  life  was  not  all  condensed  milk  and  honey  to 
Bill.  Like  all  good  minders  and  men,  he  had  the  bad 
fortune  to  arouse  the  jealousy  of  rivals.  The  unvaiying 
success  which  met  his  clever  treatment  of  the  most 
difficult  cases,  instead  of  arousing  the  admiration  of 
his  brother  minders,  as  one  would  have  expected,  and 
making  them  eager  to  imitate  him,  only  had  the  effect 
of  making  them  very  cross  and  jealous.  Some,  indeed, 
became  so  wild  that  they  had  to  be  minded  themselves, 
while  others  neglected  their  charges  and  wandered 
about  the  country  in  a  dreadful  state  of  grumpiness, 


biting  their  nails  to  the  quick,  and  tearing  their  hair 
or  anything  else  they  could  get  hold  of. 

The  time  now  arrived  for  the  great  annual  Minding 
Tournament,  held  by  the  Duke  to  celebrate  his  birth- 
day, to  which  every  one  had  been  looking  forward  all 
through  the  year.  Few  people  have  ever  been  so 
delighted  over  being  born  as  was  the  Duke,  and  this 
was  how  he  most  liked  to  show  his  joy  and  thankful- 
ness. The  prizes  and  cups  were  usually  subscribed 
for  by  the  mothers  and  fathers,  but  this  year  was  a 
very  special  occasion,  for  the  Duke,  having  arrived  at 
the  age  of  sixty,  had  decided  to  present  a  gold- 
mounted  feeding-bottle  to  be  competed  for  during  the 

Everybody  was  there ;  the  Duke  and  his  Duchess 
with  a  handsome  bouquet  of  marigolds  and  groundsel, 
presented  by  the  wives  of  the  policemen;  the  Duchess's 
cousin,  the  chatty  old  Viscount,  and  his  sweet  young 
wife ;  the  stout  old  Marquis  who  (as  every  lady  knows) 
is  also  admiral  of  the  Regent's  Canal,  and  his  six  old- 
maid  daughters,  who  all  arrived  in  bath  chairs.  The 
general  was  there,  as  a  matter  of  course,  with  all  his 
medals  beautifully  polished,  and  his  pockets  full  of 
Pontefract  cakes  and  peardrops  to  throw  to  the  chil- 
dren. At  least  twelve  bishops  were  present,  besides 
the  vicar  and  his  eight  kind  curates,  who  made  them- 
selves extremely  pleasant  to  every  one. 

All  the  mothers  and  fathers  of  the  neighbourhood 
were  present,  and  minders  were  continually  arriving 




to  compete  for  the  prizes.  There  were  at  least  one 
hundred  policemen  to  keep  order,  and  the  music  was 
provided  by  the  band  of  the  militia,  lent  for  this 
occasion  by  the  kind-hearted  general.  Each  member 
of  the  band  performed  on  a  separate  harmonium 
borrowed  from  the  vicar.  Refreshments  also  could 
be  had  by  every  one  who  could  prove  that  he  or  she 
was  hungry. 

The  first  event  was  the  egg-and-spoon  race,  which 
was  decided  in  the  following  way.  A  well-pinched 
baby  and  a  glass  of  milk  were  placed  at  the  end  of 
the  course,  and  each  competitor  had  to  run  to  them 
balancing  a  new-laid  egg  on  a  spoon ;  when  he  had 
reached  them,  he  had  to  beat  up  the  egg  in  the  glass 
of  milk  and  pacify  the  child  with  the  beverage.  The 
competitor  who  did  it  in  the  shortest  time  won 
the  prize. 

Some  murmurings  were  heard  when  it  was  an- 
nounced that  Bill  had  won  by  two-and-a-half  minutes, 



but  these  were  soon  drowned  by  the  cheers  of  the 
crowd  and  the  music  of  the  harmoniums. 

The  second  event  was  the  obstacle  race,  in  which 
each  competitor  had  to  run  with  three  babies  in  his 
arms  along  a  course  strewn  with  perambulators  full 
of  children.  Over  the  latter  he  had  to  climb,  and 
having  placed  his  three  babies  in  an  empty  peram- 
bulator stationed  at  the  end  of  the  course,  wheel 
them  back  the  same  way  and  empty  them  into  the 
arms  of  the  Duke  without  a  cry  from  the  children. 

The  loud  cheers  of  the  crowd  and  the  roar 
of  the  harmoniums  this  time  hardly  drowned  the 
jeering  of  his  rivals  when  it  was  proclaimed  that 
Bill  had  also  won  this  race ;  and  when  he  secured 
the  gold-mounted  feeding-bottle,  presented  by  the 
Duke,  for  minding  seventeen  tooth-cutters  and  three 
indigesters,  and  sending  them  all  to  sleep  in  three 
hours  and  forty-five  minutes,  their  rage  was  almost 
beyond  their  control.     The  cheers,  the  hurrahs,  and 



the  clapping  of  hands,  as  well  as  the  soothing  music 
of  the  harmoniums,  only  made  them  more  disagree- 
able and  spiteful. 

But  far  worse  was  to  happen  when  Bill  presently 
carried  off  the  great  cup  for  remaining  shut  up  in  a 
bathing-machine  with  twelve  vaccinated  children  for 
twelve  hours.  Then  they  quite  lost  their  tempers, 
and  Bill  very  nearly  lost  his  life.  At  least  seven 
babies  were  hurled  at  him,  as  well  as  the  cup  and 
the  bathing-machine,  and  Bill  was  only  saved  by  the 
seven  mothers  of  the  seven  hurled  babies,  who  rushed 
forward  to  grapple  with  the  hurlers,  and  carried  Bill 
and  the  babies  out  of  their  reach. 

This  shocking  disturbance  caused  the  vicar  and 
his  eight  kind  curates  to  faint,  while  the  Duke,  who, 
now  having  lost  all  interest  in  the  proceedings,  was 
only  waiting  to  give  away  the  prizes,  turned  quite 
white,  and  at  once  drove  off  with  the  Duchess  in  his 
motor,  and  never  again  referred  to  the  subject.  The 
general  stripped  off  his  medals  in  despair,  and  gave 
them  away  to  the  children  to  cut  their  teeth  with. 
The  chatty  old  Yiscount  became  dumb  with  astonish- 
ment, and  the  twelve  bishops,  with  heads  erect  and 
half-closed  eyes,  walked  off  to  their  cathedrals.  The 
harmoniums  were  all  put  out  of  tune  and  quite  spoilt 
by  the  efforts  of  the  bandsmen  to  drown  the  noise, 
and  the  tournament  was  completely  broken  up. 

After  this,  as  might  have  been  foreseen,  no  mother 
would  entrust  the  care  of  her  children  to  any  one  but 



Bill,  who  became  the  only  minder  of  the  district. 
What  became  of  the  rivals  no  one  ever  knew  for 
certain,  though  it  has  been  said  that  they  all  emi- 
grated to  a  desolate  island  in  the  Dead  Sea,  and 
clothed  themselves  in  crocodile's  hide  with  the  rough 
and  knobby  side  worn  against  the  skin,  sleeping  at 
night  on  beds  of  flints  with  coverlets  made  of  stinging 
nettles.  It  is  also  said  that  they  nagged  and  threw 
stones  at  each  other  all  through  the  day,  and  for  very 
rage  would  eat  nothing  but  thistles,  uncooked  and 
with  the  prickles  left  on,  and  drink  nothing  but  cold 
vinegar  for  the  rest  of  their  wretched  lives. 

Another  story  has  it  that  Bill's  jealous  rivals  all 



embarked  for  Mount  Vesuvius,  with  the  intention  of 
committing  suicide  by  plunging  into  the  burning 
crater.  But  standing  on  its  edge  and  gazing  therein, 
they  all  suddenly  altered  their  minds  and  walked  back 
down  the  mountain  side  to  Pompeii  or  Herculaneum, 
where  they  were  supposed  to  have  settled  and  married, 
and  repented,  let  us  hope,  of  their  unkind  and  un- 
reasonable behaviour. 

Whether  either  of  these  stories  is  true  or  not,  it  is 
certain  that-  the  rivals  disappeared  altogether  from 
the  country.  Unmolested,  Bill  now  devoted  all  his 
days  to  minding,  and  Randall,  Noah,  Knut,  Biddulph, 
Nero,  Ratchett,  Hannibal,  Quentin,  Chad,  and  his  in- 
numerable other  charges  never  left  him,  but  wandered 
with  him  everywhere,  even  in  his  dreams. 

Such  a  minder  was  Bill ! 

THE- KING ^  or  TROY 


NOW  it  happened  one  morning  as  Bill  was 
shepherding  his  little  flock  across  the 
downs,  whither  they  loved  to  ramble  on 
a  fine  summer's  day,  that  Hannibal,  Quentin,  and 
Boadicea  came  running  up  to  him  with  the  wonderful 
tidings  that  they  had  discovered  a  real  golden  crown 
lying  on  the  top  of  a  hayrick.  Bill  hastened  to  the 
spot,  and  there,  sure  enough,  was  a  most  beautiful 
crown,  ornamented  with  what  he  took  to  be  priceless 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

gems.  Looking  all  round  and  seeing  no  one  to  whom 
it  might  belong,  he  climbed  the  rick  and  attempted 
to  remove  the  treasure.  But,  try  as  he  would,  it  still 
resisted  his  efforts,  until  at  last,  with  one  mighty 
wrench,  he  seemed  to  elicit  a  groan  from  the  depths 
of  the  rick,  and  presently  the  crown  arose  apparently 
of  its  own  accord  and  disclosed  the  head  of  an  aged 
man  firmly  fixed  therein.  Soon  his  neck,  then  his 
shoulders  appeared,  as  gradually  the  old  fellow  lifted 
himself  from  his  place  of  hiding  and  climbed  down  the 
sides  of  the  rick  and  stood  trembling  in  the  midst  of  the 
children,  who  now  wonderingly  gathered  round  him. 

Having  recovered  from  his  agitation,  and  being 
greatly  encouraged  by  Bill's  kindly  inquiries  and 
genial  manners,  the  royal  old  boy  proceeded  to 
account  for  his  strange  appearance  on  the  downs. 

*  Prepare  yourselves,  you  bantlings,  and  you,  their 
noble  curator,  for  the  most  astounding  revelations ; 
and  those  of  you  who  are  nerveful  or  softish  in  any 
way,  hide  your  chubby  heads  in  this  old  rick,  that  no 
word  of  my  story  of  woes  may  enter  your  ears  and  so 
curdle  your  simple  minds.' 

At  this  young  Chad  and  some  of  the  others  set  up 
a  terrible  hullabaloo,  but  Bill  soon  comforted  them, 
and  then,  seated  in  a  circle  on  the  grass  around  the 
old  fellow,  they  made  themselves  comfortable  and 
prepared  to  listen  to  his  story. 

*Are    you    all    fit?'     demanded    the    old    gent. 
'Yes,'     shouted     Bill     and     his     charges     in     reply. 
B  17 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 


'  Well,  here  goes  then.'  And  he  commenced  his 
tale  in  the  following  way : — 

'  I  am  that  King  of  Troy  who  ruled  over  his 
subjects  with  such  wisdom  and  justice  that  the 
greatest  happiness  prevailed  amongst  them ! ' 

'We've  heard  that  before,'  murmured  Chad,  but 
ignoring  the  interruption,  the  King  of  Troy  continued 
his  story : — 

'  Safely  protected  from  baseness  of  every  descrip- 
tion, from  robbery,  from  the  ill  effects  of  envy,  and 
from  unworthy  tricksters  of  every  colour,  by  the  stern, 
yet  just  rule  under  which  they  happily  lived,  the 
Trojans  throve  and  pursued  their  various  trades  with 
unvarying  success.  All  amassed  a  considerable  for- 
tune, and  as  their  wealth  increased,  so  did  their  pride 
in  the  beloved  city  of  their  birth.  All  contributed 
most  willingly  to  the  upkeep  of  their  sovereign,  and 
the  ever-increasing  state  which  I  was  expected  to 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

hold  was  paid  for  down  to  the  last  farthing  by  the 
noble  fellows. 

'The  well-meaning  creatures  at  length  gave  no 
rest  to  their  poor  old  king,  and  as  their  prosperity 
grew,  they  raised  him  to  a  more  and  more  exalted, 
and  at  the  same  time  increasingly  uncomfortable, 
position  above  them.  Heavier  and  heavier  grew  the 
robes  of  state  to  suit  the  swelling  dignity  of  the  city : 
more  and  more  overloaded  with  gold,  with  jewels, 
with  filigree  silver  and  enamelled  bronze  became  the 
crown,  until  so  ponderous  had  grown  the  regalia  that 
I  could  hardly  support  it.  But  no  pity  had  the  gallant 
lads.  Mistaking  the  signs  of  my  gradually  drooping 
spirits  for  the  signs  of  undue  modesty,  they  slapped 
me  on  the  back  again  and  again,  and  with  joyful 
shouts  endeavoured  to  instil  into  my  dejected  soul 
some  of  their  own  abundant  ardour. 

'With  my  own  personal  dignity,  the  number  of 
ceremonials  and  functions  I  was  expected  to  endure 
also  increased.  Town  hall  after  town  hall  was  built, 
and  bazaars  without  end  were  held  especially  to  be 
opened  by  myself  But  in  time  even  this  doubtful 
relaxation  ceased,  and  so  high  did  my  subjects  raise 
me  that  few  of  them  dared  to  approach  me,  and  then 
only  on  bended  knees.  As  for  speaking  familiarly 
with  me,  none  had  the  temerity  to  attempt  it.  Per- 
petual state  I  was  now  compelled  to  keep,  and  never 
for  an  instant  permitted  to  leave  my  throne  or  doff 
my  royal  robes,    except   for   one   short   hour  in   the 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 

morning  to  perform  ablutions  in  the  regal  tub,  and 
even  then  I  was  not  allowed  to  remove  my  crown. 
Seated  on  my  throne  from  morning  until  night,  over- 
burdened by  the  weight  of  my  crown  and  the  heavily 
brocaded  and  bejewelled  robes,  I  felt  as  lonely  as  a 
stranded  limpet  in  the  middle  of  the  Sahara  desert. 

'  At  last  things  came  to  such  a  pass,  that,  except 
perhaps  to  bring  me  food  or  drink,  not  one  of  my 
subjects  would  dare  to  draw  nearer  than  to  the  outer 
door  of  my  ante-room,  and  even  there  they  would  fall 
upon  their  faces  and  grovel  in  the  dust  and  quake,  so 
that  the  very  clicking  of  their  bones  could  be  dis- 
tinctly heard  from  my  place  upon  the  throne,  as  they 
trembled  in  every  joint. 

'Ah,  how  I  missed  the  old  days, — the  cheerful 
cup  of  tea,  the  pipe  of  baccy  and  the  homely  game  of 
dominoes  with  that  primest  of  all  Prime  Ministers. 
How  gladly  would  I  have  snatched  from  the  royal 
board  the  dainties  now  prepared  for  me, — the  aspa- 
ragus truffles,  the  prawn  cutlets,  the  anchovy  jelly, 
and  suchlike,  and  hurled  from  me  the  trivial  and 
shimmering  mass,  tweaking  my  old  rascal  of  a  waiter 
by  the  nose,  and  calling  for  a  hunk  of  bread  and 
some  cheese.  Even  my  sparkling  and  frolicsome  old 
chum,  the  Prime  Minister,  had  seemingly  quite  for- 
gotten our  loyal  chumship  and  never  appeared  before 
me  now  except  upon  his  hands  and  knees  and  with 
his  head  bent  low  to  the  ground.  And  what  of  my 
old  friend  the  Secretary  of  State  ?  Where  were  his 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 


gibes,  his  playful  fancies,  his  quirks  and  rare  conceits, 
the  droll !  Alas,  only  rarely  now  could  I  glimpse  the 
rogue,  and  with  real  sorrow  did  I  see  his  erstwhile 
bonny  and  jovial  old  face  distorted  by  expressions  of 
the  most  abject  servility.  And  that  respectful  mute, 
the  Minister  of  Education,  does  he  dream  that  I  forget 
his  winsome  pranks  and  jokes  ?  Does  he  imagine  for 
a  moment  that  those  glorious  evenings,  when  the  four 
of  us  used  to  meet  and  gladden  the  very  stars  by  the 
sounds  of  our  joviality,  were  nothing  to  me  ?  Alas, 
in  my  solitude  what  would  have  befallen  me  but  for 
those  sweet  memories ! 

'  One  evening  the  Prime  Minister  appeared  on 
his  hands  and  knees  at  the  door  of  the  throne-room, 
bearing  on  a  little  plate  upon  his  back  the  slight 
supper  that  was  served  to  me  in  this  strange  manner 
every    evening.     With    drooping    head,    and    visibly 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 

quaking  with  awe,  he  gradually  crawled  near,  and 
when  at  the  foot  of  the  throne  placed  the  supper  (a 
mere  anchovy  truffle  on  toast)  before  me  and  fell  flat 
on  his  face,  writhing  at  my  feet. 

'Who  can  describe  my  feelings  as  I  bent  over 
him  and  witnessed  this  degradation,  this  prostration 
before  me,  of  one  who  had  revelled  with  me,  who  had 
slapped  me  on  the  back  in  pure  amity,  and  who,  in 
days  of  yore,  had  gambolled,  frisked,  and  carolled  the 
most  enchanting  glees  with  me.  A  great  hot  tear  fell 
from  my  left  eye  as  I  gazed,  and  the  startled  wretch 
leapt  to  his  feet  as  it  splashed  upon  his  bald  crown 
and  trickled  down  its  glossy  sides,  leaving  a  red  and 
glowing  spot  where  it  had  fallen.  No  words  of  mine 
could  describe  the  misery  expressed  on  the  face  of  the 
unhappy  man  as  he  took  one  hasty  glance  at  me,  full 
of  the  deepest  meaning,  and  rushed  from  the  room 
weeping  bitterly.     Alas !  he,  too,  remembered. 

'  No  heart  had  I  now  for  the  anchovy  truffle,  nor 
indeed  for  the  toast,  both  of  which  I  tossed  lightly 
from  me.  I  gave  up  my  mind  to  most  melancholy 
reflections.  Night  drew  on,  and  one  by  one  I  could 
hear  the  ministers  and  domestics  creeping  up  stealthily 
to  bed,  and  at  nine  o'clock  all  the  electric  lights  in  the 
palace  were  switched  ofl",  and  I  was  left  in  total  dark- 
ness and  in  solitude.  Still  I  brooded  on  my  throne, 
unable  to  sleep  for  the  weight  of  my  robes  and  for 
the  sad  thoughts  that  passed  through  my  mind,  and 
mechanically  counted  the  hours  as  they  stole  slowly  by. 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

*  At  length  the  clock  in  the  hall  downstairs  struck 
eleven,  and  as  the  last  beat  echoed  through  the  empty 
rooms,  a  light  appeared  underneath  the  door  opposite 
the  throne.  Little  heed  did  I  give  to  this  at  first, 
imagining  that  one  of  the  ministers,  on  retiring,  had 
omitted  to  remove  his  boots  and  leave  them  in  the 
hall,  and  was  now  returning  to  place  them  there. 
The  light,  however,  remained,  and  to  my  increasing 
wonderment  some  one  tried  the  handle  of  the  door, 
which  was  then  opened  very  cautiously  and  in  there 
crept,  on  hands  and  knees,  my  old  friend  the  Prime 
Minister.  As  soon  as  he  was  well  within  the  room 
and  had  quietly  closed  the  door,  he  leapt  to  his  feet 
and  executed  the  most  astonishing  capers  that  were 
ever  danced.  With  the  liveliest  satisfaction  expressed 
all  over  his  mobile  features,  he  pirouetted  round  the 
room  with  the  greatest  animation,  and  daringly  accom- 
plished the  giddiest  somersaults  that  were  ever  turned. 
At  last,  nearly  exhausted  with  this  vigorous  perform- 
ance, he  ran  up  to  the  throne,  grasped  me  by  the 
hand,  which  he  wrung  most  heartily,  and  for  all  the 
world  was  his  good  old  self  again. 

'  He  now  bade  me  follow  him,  and  in  utter  silence 
we  both  crept  out  of  the  throne-room,  through  the 
ante-room,  down  the  stairs,  across  the  hall,  and  out  by 
the  front  door  into  the  garden. 

*We  now  traversed  the  terrace  and  crossed  the 
tennis  lawn,  and  stepping  gently  across  the  Rhododen- 
dron beds,  scrambled  as  carefully  as  possible  over  the 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 

barbed-wire  fence  and  found  ourselves  in  the  kitchen 
garden.  Passing  through  innumerable  beds  of  cab- 
bages, beetroots,  turnips,  brussels  sprouts,  and  broccoli, 
we  at  last  stood  in  front  of  an  old  broken-down  hen- 
house. The  Minister  knocked  very  gently  three 
distinct  times  and  gave  a  low  musical  call,  which  was 
immediately  answered  from  within.  The  door  now 
opened  just  sufficiently  to  admit  one  person  at  a  time, 
and  the  Prime  Minister  crept  in,  dragging  me  after 
him,  and  then  closing  the  door  as  quickly  and  as 
quietly  as  possible. 

'  You  may  imagine  my  surprise  when  I  discovered 
my  two  other  old  cronies  seated  amongst  the  hay 
newly  strewn  on  the  floor,  the  fat  old  roosters  chortling 
wisely  the  while  on  their  perches  in  the  roof  of  the 
shed.  Two  or  three  candles,  that  were  glued  with 
their  own  fat  on  the  stakes  that  were  driven  securely 
into  the  ground,  together  with  an  old  stable  lantern  sus- 
pended from  the  roof,  served  to  light  up  the  interior. 
A  squat  and  homely  kettle  was  simmering  cheerily  in 
front  of  some  glowing  embers  in  the  centre  of  the  floor 
awaiting  the  brewing  of  a  stout  cup  of  tea,  and  the 
dominoes  were  all  ready  for  a  rattling  game  as  of  old. 

*  Nothing  could  exceed  the  joy  of  the  dear  old  boys, 
as  they  gripped  me  by  the  hand  and  punched  me  first 
on  the  chest  and  again  on  the  back  from  pure  joy, 
forgetting  all  the  awe  with  which  they  had  regarded 
me  for  so  long  since,  and  only  remembering  the  many 
happy  times  we  had  spent  together  in  days  of  yore, — 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

those  far-off  happy  days,  before  I  had  been  so  terribly, 
so  uncomfortably  exalted  by  my  subjects. 

'  As  soon  as  I  had  made  myself  pretty  comfortable, 
the  Minister  of  Education  reached  up,  and  taking  one 
of  the  old  chickens  from  its  perch,  quickly  killed  it, 
plucked  it  and  trussed  it,  and  then,  suspending  it  over 
the  embers  by  a  piece  of  string  from  the  roof,  turned 
it  round  and  round  gently  until  it  was  done  to  a  T. 

'  What  a  time  we  had  in  that  old  shed  to  be  sure. 
After  demolishing  the  chicken  we  played  the  most 
exciting  games  of  dominoes  until  we  were  tired  of 
them,  then  cats'  cradles,  then  honey-pots,  and  then 
touch  wood.  And  what  could  have  been  more  re- 
freshing than  those  cups  of  tea!  And  what  more 
invigorating  than  the  Pontefract  cakes,  the  slabs  of 
cocoa-nut  ice,  and  sheets  of  almond  hard-bake  that 
we  crunched  between  the  games!  And  the  songs 
and  choruses  with  which  we  shook  the  crazy  old  hen- 
house to  its  rotting  foundations!  My  word!  How 
we  trolled  them  out ! 

*When  our  joy  was  at  its  height,  and  we  were 
carolling  the  inimitable  chorus  of  that  more  than 
glorious  old  song  of  the  country-side,  "  Waiting  for  the 
Guinea  Fowl,"  we  were  suddenly  reminded  of  the 
approach  of  day  by  the  loud  crowing  of  the  old  cock 
over  our  heads,  and  peeping  at  once  out  of  the  door 
we  perceived  that  already  the  dawn  had  advanced  and 
lightened  the  eastern  sky. 

*  Without    a   moment's   hesitation,   the    guttering 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 


candles  were  extinguished,  and  I  was  hurried  back 
to  the  palace.  But  only  just  in  time,  for  as  I  mounted 
the  steps  of  my  throne  I  could  hear  the  lazy  steps  of 
the  boot-boy  as  he  unwillingly  crawled  downstairs  to 
his  work. 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

'  In  the  course  of  the  day  the  Egg  Counter  to  the 
Royal  Household  was  dragged  grovelling  before  me, 
complaining  that  the  foxes  had  stolen  one  of  the 
chickens  under  his  care.  I  ordered  the  treasurer  to 
disburse  9d.  for  a  trap  and  dismissed  the  grinning 
churl,  who  little  guessed  the  breed  of  foxes  which  had 
made  away  with  his  bird. 

'  Night  after  night  the  four  of  us,  unsuspected  of 
any,  now  sought  the  hen-house,  and  forgot  the  harass- 
ing troubles  of  state  in  the  pure  joys  of  friendship. 
After  killing,  roasting,  and  supping  off  one  of  the 
birds  as  on  our  first  meeting,  we  abandoned  ourselves 
to  the  heartiest  revelry,  only  to  be  awakened  to  the 
cold  everyday  world  by  the  crowing  of  the  old  bantam. 

'During  the  daytime  my  friends  resumed  their 
deferential  and  almost  servile  demeanour,  and  nothing 
remained  to  remind  me  of  the  revels  of  the  night 
before  but  the  troubles  of  the  Egg  Counter,  who  now 
came  to  me  every  day  with  a  fresh  complaint  that  yet 
another  of  his  birds  had  disappeared. 

'And  now  begins  the  narration  of  the  most 
terrible  of  all  my  trials.  One  night — how  well  can  I 
remember  it,  it  was  on  the  eve  of  that  very  day  when 
the  mighty  King  of  the  Persians  and  all  his  court  were 
coming  to  spend  the  week-end  with  us,  in  order  to 
celebrate  my  sixty-fifth  birthday — we  met  as  usual  in 
the  hen-house,  and  discovered  to  our  dismay  that  we 
had  demolished  all  the  fowls  with  the  exception  of 
the  old  cock.     After  some  discussion,  and  regardless 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 

of  consequences,  we  decided  to  treat  him  as  we  had 
already  treated  his  brothers  and  sisters,  and  in  a  veiy 
Httle  time  nothing  was  left  of  the  tough  old  biped  but 
bones,  beak  and  feathers.  Heedless  of  the  morrow, 
we  now  gave  ourselves  up  to  the  wildest  enjoyment. 
Discarding  such  simple  games  as  dominoes  and  honey- 
pots,  we  now  indulged  in  the  more  thrilling  joys  of 
leap-frog.  Hunt  the  Stag,  Red  Rover,  Robbers  and 
Thieves,  and  you  would  not  believe  me  were  I  to  tell 
you  the  amount  of  toffee,  brandy-snaps,  bull's  eyes, 
and  Edinburgh  rock  that  we  absorbed  in  the  course  of 
this  agreeable  evening. 

*  Enlivened,  no  doubt,  by  the  thought  that  to- 
morrow was  my  birthday,  my  excitement  was  intense, 
and  communicating  itself  to  my  prankful  cronies,  it 
electrified  their  old  bones  in  the  most  amazing 

*How  long  we  should  have  kept  it  up,  it  is,  of 
course,  impossible  for  me  to  say,  but  we  were  suddenly 
brought  to  a  standstill  by  a  loud  knocking  on  the  door 
of  the  shed  and  the  sound  of  a  great  concourse  of 
people  on  the  other  side.  On  opening  the  door  I 
nearly  fainted  in  my  horror,  for  whom  should  I  behold 
but  the  King  of  Persia  and  all  his  court,  and  as  far  as 
the  eye  could  reach  the  faces  of  the  Trojans  all  lit  up 
by  the  morning  sun,  staring  intently  at  the  shed. 
Alas,  we  had  eaten  the  old  cock,  our  only  timepiece, 
many  hours  ago,  and  without  our  knowledge  the  day 
had  dawned  and  grown  to  midday. 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

'  Who  shall  describe  my  profound  mortification, 
as  I  observed  the  look  of  sorrow  on  the  King  of 
Persia's  noble  countenance,  or  the  distress  with  which 
I  viewed  the  agonised  disappointment  of  my  subjects 
as  they  beheld  their  king,  whom  they  one  and  all 
delighted  to  honour,  playing  leap-frog  in  a  hen-house. 

*It  appeared  that  on  the  arrival  of  the  King  of 
Persia,  they  had  all  proceeded  in  lordly  procession 
with  bands  playing  and  flags  flying  to  the  throne-room, 
and  not  finding  me  there  they  had  hunted  everywhere 
for  me,  high  and  low,  until  at  last,  guided  by  the 
sounds  of  revelry  in  the  hen-house,  they  discovered 
my  wretched  self  in  the  ignominious  position  I  have 
already  described. 

'  I  was  now  seized  by  two  of  the  Persian  guards 
at  the  command  of  their  monarch  and  marched  ofl*  to 
the  Palace,  a  lane  being  opened  for  me  through  the 
crowds  of  my  silent  and  sorrowing  subjects. 

'A  council  was  very  hurriedly  called  together,  at 
which  it  was  decided  that  I  should  be  banished  for 
ever  from  the  city  of  Troy  for  so  demeaning  the 
exalted  position  to  which  I  had  been  elevated,  by 
my  frolics  in  the  hen-house,  and  that  henceforth 
the  King  of  Persia  should  reign  in  my  stead. 

*  Stripping  my  royal  robes  from  me  (they  were 
compelled  to  leave  my  crown  on,  for  it  was  so  firmly 
fixed  that  it  would  not  come  off*,  try  as  they  would), 
they  now  bandaged  my  eyes,  and,  with  the  only  bag- 
gage   I    was    allowed    to    take,    tied    up    in   an    old 


THE    KING    OF    TROY 

patch-work  quilt,  they  led  me  forth.  Past  crowds 
of  my  subjects,  who  now  gave  way  to  the  most  heart- 
felt sorrow,  I  was  led,  through  the  old  gates  of  my 
beloved  city  and  far  out  into  the  country.  After  we 
had  travelled  for  about  thirty  miles  my  conductors 
at  last  removed  the  bandage  from  my  eyes  and  left 
me  to  my  despair,  alone  in  the  wilderness. 

'  Sinking  to  the  ground,  I  wept  bitterly  for  three- 
quarters  of  an  hour,  when  hunger  beginning  to  assert 
itself,  I  started  upon  this  long  journey,  which  has  at 
length  brought  me  to  you. 

'  For  many  months  have  I  travelled,  often  com- 
pelled to  ask  the  way  or  beg  assistance  of  the  merest 
strangers,  until  at  last,'  concluded  the  old  gentleman, 
'  as  I  was  resting  to-day  in  the  shadow  of  this  rick,  I 
saw  you  all  coming  over  the  hill,  and  mistaking  you 
for  the  legions  of  the  King  of  Persia  sent  to  hunt  me 
down,  I  hid  myself  in  the  top  of  the  rick.' 

Bill  and  all  his  charges  were  deeply  moved  at  so 
harrowing  a  tale,  and  willingly  proffered  any  assistance 
they  were  capable  of  rendering  to  the  unhappy  old 

The  King  of  Troy,  now  assured  of  the  good  faith 
of  his  new  friends,  unfolded  to  them  a  scheme  he  had 
formed  to  raise  an  army  and  to  march  on  Troy,  and 
so  recover,  if  possible,  his  lost  power.  Bill  at  once 
offered  his  services  and  was  created  commander-in- 
chief  on  the  spot,  and  calling  for  volunteers,  was 
answered  by   one    great  shout  of  joy  from   all   his 


The   King  of  Troy  compelled  to  ask  his  way 

THE    KING    OF    TROY 

charges,  every  one  of  whom  enhsted  there  and  then 
in  the  new  army  of  the  King  of  Troy. 

Chad,  Hannibal,  Randall,  Noah,  Ratchett,  Nero, 
Biddulph,  and  Knut  were  each  promoted  to  the  rank 
of  officers  as  a  matter  of  course,  while  the  gentle 
Boadicea  was  deputed  to  look  after  the  old  King, 
whose  comfort  was  now  her  greatest  aim  in  life. 




THE  next  thing  to  be  done  was  certainly  to 
make  the  old  King  comfortable,  so  Bill  took 
him  home,  and  the  good  Chloe  dosed  him 
well  with  hot  gruel,  and  made  him  put  his  feet  in  hot 
water,  and  sent  him  to  bed.  After  remaining  snugly 
tucked  up  for  a  few  days,  the  cheerful  old  soul  was 
ready  and  eager  to  start  with  his  new  army  for  Troy. 

In    the    meantime   Bill,   with    the    assistance    of 
Crispin,  had  constructed  a  wonderful  perambulator, 


in  which  the  King  could  be  conveyed  with  his  luggage 
and  such  comforts  as  would  be  necessary  for  the  old 
man  during  his  progress. 

Having  secured  the  permission  of  Crispin  and 
Chloe,  and  of  the  other  parents  concerned  (most  of 
whom  seemed  only  too  glad  to  get  rid  of  the  lot),  Bill, 
the  King,  and  all  the  gallant  young  soldiers  started 
on  their  adventurous  journey.  Loud  were  the  shouts 
of  admiration  as  the  brave  creatures  marched  down 
the  village  street ;  and  at  last,  when  they  had  entirely 
disappeared,  the  place  seemed  suddenly  so  quiet  and 
dull  that  all  retired  to  their  bedrooms  and  gave  way 
to  tears. 

However,  our  duty  is  to  follow  the  young  braves. 
Having  marched  along  the  road  across  the  Downs  for 
some  distance,  they  met  the  strangest  couple, — a  kind- 
looking  old  gentleman  who,  to  judge  from  his  appear- 
ance, had  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  upon  the 
ocean,  carrying  in  his  arms,  carefully  and  tenderly  as 
though  he  were  a  frail  young  baby,  another  man,  with 
the  saddest  and  most  thoughtful  face  that  you  ever 
beheld.  Such  touching  kindness  deeply  affected  all 
who  witnessed  it,  and  Bill  at  once  greeted  the  good 
gentleman,  and  begged  of  him  to  account  to  them  for 
his  very  strange  appearance  on  the  country  road. 

*  Sirs,'  said  the  Ancient  Mariner,  as  he  placed  his 
burden  lovingly  on  the  ground,  *my  name  is  Jack, 
Plain  Jack,  and  I  am  the  ninth  mate  of  the  Swedish 
ship   Turnip,  a  brig-rigged   barquentine,   that   sailed 



from  Cherry  Garden  Pier  for  Margate  with  a  cargo  of 
camels,  in  the  year  1840,  and  has  never  since  been 
heard  of 

'Though  a  born  sailor,  I  succeeded  my  father  in 
what  was  one  of  the  best  corn-chandler's  businesses  in 
that  part  of  Barking.  By  my  industry  and  thrift  I,  in 
time,  so  bettered  my  position  and  improved  my  busi- 
ness that  I  felt  fully  entitled  to  settle  down  and  enter 
into  the  state  of  matrimony.  For  some  years  I  had 
had  my  eye  on  the  enchanting  Jane  Osbaldistone  de 
Trevor,  whose  father  kept  a  large  brill  farm  by  Barking 
Creek, — in  fact,  the  largest  of  the  many  brill  farms 
that  used,  in  those  days,  to  line  the  river  from  Lime- 
house  Reach  to  Cherry  Garden  Pier. 

*  His  wealth  and  importance  did  not  deter  me  from 
aspiring  to  the  hand  of  his  fascinating  daughter ;  and 
why  should  they  have  done  so  ?  Was  not  I  in  the  very 
promising  position  of  owning  the  largest  corn-chandler's 
store,  from  Wapping  Old  Stairs  even  as  far  down  as 
Barking  Creek  ?  And  then,  again,  was  not  I  as  well 
born  as  he,  for  did  not  my  ancestors  chandle  corn  in 
Barking  long  before  the  De  Trevors  had  crossed  the 
Channel,  when  they  may,  indeed,  have  earned  a  pre- 
carious livelihood  by  letting  bathing-machines  on  the 
beach  at  Boulogne  ? 

'  Nevertheless,  on  my  broaching  the  subject  to  the 

old  gentleman,  he  threw  every  conceivable  obstacle  in 

my  way,   and   made   conditions    that  were  wellnigh 

impossible  of  being  carried  out.     "  If,"  said  he,  "you 



can  bring  to  me,  within  the  next  few  years,  some 
object  more  wonderful  than  anything  in  the  Bethnal 
Green  Museum, — some  object  beside  which  St.  Paul's 
Cathedral,  the  Monument,  the  Tower  of  London,  or 
the  Tower  Bridge  will  be  as  uninteresting  as  an  old 
one-bladed  pocket-knife, — then  you  shall  marry  my 
daughter,  but  not  otherwise " ;  and  he  chuckled  to 
himself,  knowing  only  too  well  that  he  had  wellnigh 
dashed  my  hopes  for  ever. 

*  But,  after  all,  little  did  he  know  Plain  Jack.  Dis- 
appointed, but  with  some  hope  yet  of  claiming  the 
lovely  Jane,  I  sold  my  business  for  a  considerable  sum 
of  money,  which  I  took  with  me  in  my  sea-chest, 
and  signed  on  as  Cabin  Boy  aboard  the  Swedish  ship. 
Turnip,  fully  determined  to  travel  all  over  the  world,  if 
necessary,  in  order  to  fulfil  the  conditions  imposed 
upon  me  by  the  irritating  old  gentleman. 

*  Foreseeing  well  how  useful  my  superior  officers 
might  be  to  me  in  my  quest,  I  resolved,  as  far  as  possible 
to  deserve  their  good-will,  and  I  behaved  with  such 
exemplary  conduct  that  before  we  had  passed  Green- 
wich Hospital  I  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  twelfth 

'Still  persevering  in  my  good  intentions,  I  per- 
formed many  little  acts  of  kindness,  such  as  brewing 
the  captain  a  cup  of  tea  when  he  least  expected  it,  and 
handing  round  to  the  officers  and  crew  bars  of  colt's- 
foot  rock,  a  supply  of  which  I  took  good  care  to  bring 
with  me.    I  repeat,  so  continually  attentive  was  I,  that, 



before  we  had  passed  the  Nore,  I  was  promoted  to  the 
rank  of  eleventh  mate. 

*  Ott*  Heme  Bay,  I  was  still  further  able  to  gratify 
the  captain  and  officers  by  pointing  out  to  them  the 
various  public  buildings  and  places  of  interest,  which 
1  had  visited  only  last  year  during  a  delightful  week- 
end trip.  So  delighted  were  they  all  that,  before 
sighting  Margate,  I  was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  tenth 

'  On  arriving  at  Margate,  numerous  merchants  came 
along  the  jetty  in  bath-chairs  to  examine  our  cargo. 
None,  however,  wanted  to  buy  camels ;  all  wanted 
donkeys  for  the  sands.  In  spite  of  the  captain's  argu- 
ment, that  camels  were  much  more  used  to  sand  than 
donkeys,  having  spent  the  best  part  of  their  lives  on 
the  sands  of  the  desert,  the  merchants  were  obdurate, 
and  we  had  to  sail  away  again  with  our  camels.  We 
also  now  carried  with  us  a  shipload  of  Carraway  Com- 
fits, which  w6  had  purchased  at  Margate,  hoping  to  be 
able  to  dispose  of  them  at  some  port,  and  so  compen- 
sate ourselves  for  the  loss  of  business  at  Margate. 

'  For  many  days  we  sailed  on  and  on,  out  through 
the  Yarmouth  Roads  into  the  Persian  Gulf,  one  incident 
alone  standing  out  vividly  in  my  memory  during  this 
part  of  the  voyage.  It  was  the  dog-watch,  on  a  lovely 
summer  evening;  we  were  making  little  way,  just 
sufficient  to  enliven  the  whitebait  that  leapt  and 
prattled  round  our  prow,  or  disturb  a  lazy  brill 
that  dozed  upon  our  course.  Here  and  there  the 



spotted  tunny  would  leap  several  yards  from  the  sea, 
to  descend  again  with  a  mighty  smack  upon  the  waters. 
From  afar,  borne  upon  the  gentle  breeze,  came  the 
low  grizzle  of  the  sperm-whale  as  it  herded  its  young, 
or  the  thud  of  the  mighty  sword-fish,  as  it  drove  home 
the  deadly  weapon  with  which  Nature,  knowing  its 
own  ends,  has  provided  him ;  while,  mellowed  by  even 
greater  distance,  the  high-pitched  yell  of  the  land-cod 
and  the  shriek  of  its  maddened  prey,  could  now  and 
again  be  heard.    I  was  lazily  reclining  among  the  peak 



halyards,  whittling  out  a  mermaid's  head  from  a  piece 
of  hard-boiled  gannet's  egg,  which  I  intended  to  send 
to  Jane,  should  a  passing  vessel  give  me  such  an 
opportunity.  Full  of  peace,  and  imbued  with  the  calm 
that  pervaded  the  sea  and  the  sky,  I  was  hardly  pre- 
pared for  the  shock  in  store  for  me.  Suddenly,  without 
any  warning,  I  was  jerked  from  my  position  among  the 
halyards,  and  flung  head-first  into  the  sea.  Down, 
and  down  I  went,  until,  nearly  exhausted,  I  made  one 
sreat  eff'ort  to  come  to  the  surface.  When  at  last  I 
reached  it,  I  found  that  from  some  unknown  cause  the 
ship  had  been  tilted  nearly  on  to  its  side,  and  thus 
had  sent  me  almost  to  the  bottom  of  the  sea. 

'  To  climb  on  deck  and  ascertain  the  cause  of  the 
disaster  was  the  work  of  a  moment.  It  transpired 
that  the  cargo  of  carraway  comfits  had  got  shifted 
and  was  mixed  up  with  the  camels.  The  captain 
was  asleep  at  the  time,  and  every  one  else  seemed  to 
lose  his  wits,  so  I  at  once  took  the  matter  into  my 
own  hands,  and  descended  into  the  hold  with  twelve 
picked  men. 

'  The  plight  of  the  camels  was  sad  indeed  to  see. 
Some  were  fearfully  chafed  with  the  comfits,  thus 
proving  with  what  force  the  latter  must  have  been 
showered  upon  them  by  the  shifting  of  the  cargo. 
Fortunately,  however,  although  it  was  very  black  in  the 
ship's  hold,  the  camels  were  easily  distinguished  from 
the  comfits,  and  it  was  only  a  work  of  patience  and 
a  little  time  to  sift  them  and  so  right  the  ship  again. 


*When  the  captain  awakened  and  learnt  how  I 
had  saved  the  ship,  his  gratitude  knew  no  bounds, 
and  he  still  further  promoted  me  by  making  me  his 
ninth  mate. 

*  For  years  we  sailed  from  port  to  port,  taking  in 
one  cargo  here,  another  there,  occasionally  with  some 
advantage  to  ourselves,  but  more  often  with  none  at 
all,  and  never  with  any  good  fortune  attending  me 
in  my  quest.  When  we  were  about  thirty  days'  sail 
out  from  Guatemala,  and,  as  far  as  I  could  tell,  in 
latitude  195  and  longitude  350  (that  is,  about  60 
degrees  east  of  the  Equator),  we  encountered  a 
storm  which  brought  me  to  the  successful  accom- 
plishment of  my  quest.  It  was  four  bells  and  my  watch 
below,  so  I  had  gone  aloft  in  the  mizzen  shrouds,  and 
with  my  feet  resting  idly  on  the  top-gallant  backstay, 
holding  securely  to  the  weather  topsail  reeftackle,  I 
munched  a  tunny  sandwich,  a  few  of  which  I  had 
prevailed  upon  the  steward  to  cut  for  me.  Under  a 
clear  sky,  we  were  making  roughly,  I  should  say,  about 
335  knots,  and  it  was  already  blowing  half  a  gale ;  a 
choppy  sea  was  running,  yet,  except  for  the  clots  of 
spindrift,  that  now  and  again  hurtled  against  the  mast, 
there  was  no  real  promise  of  the  storm  to  come ;  so  I 
went  on  with  my  sandwiches. 

*  We  were  now  sailing  close-hauled  under  double- 
reefed  main  storm  topsails  and  fore  and  aft  main 
staysails,  keeping  a  good  course  and  shipping  very 
little  water,  when,  suddenly,  I  beheld  on  the  horizon, 




well  to  windward,  a  little  cloud  no  larger  than  a 
tomato, — the  English  tomato,  I  mean,  not  the  foreign 
species,  though  it  rapidly  attained  that  size.  It  grew 
larger  and  larger  until  it  was  quite  the  size  of  a  full- 
grown  vegetable  marrow ;  yet,  little  recking  that  it 
contained  the  seeds  of  the  terrible  tempest  that  was 
so  soon  to  overwhelm  us,  I  still  went  on  with  my 

*  Presently  the  gale  increased,  and  the  seas  swelled 


up  to  the  size  of  Ludgate  Hill.  Whole  shoals  of  the 
passive  skate  arose  to  the  surface  and  flopped 
warningly  about  our  vessel.  To  leeward  could  be 
seen  flocks  of  the  wild  sea  shrike,  whose  ominous 
bark  could  be  distinctly  heard  above  the  snort  of 
the  coming  tempest.  By  now  the  cloud  had  half 
filled  the  heavens ;  the  seas  rose  higher  and  higher ; 
the  din  was  terrific,  as  the  wind  tore  from  the  sea 
shoal  upon  shoal  of  the  shy  sardine  and  whirled 
them  through  the  air.  Soon  the  ship  was  drenched 
in  the  high  seas  that  continually  broke  over  her  and 
the  quarts  and  quarts  of  rain  that  woUoped  from  the 
dense  cloud  now  covering  the  whole  sky  and  blotting 
out  all  light. 

'At  last  came  the  order  from  the  captain,  who 
now  realised  the  danger  that  threatened  his  vessel. 
"  Up  helm,"  roared  he,  through  his  speaking-trumpet, 
"  clew  up  the  lee  braces  of  the  topsail  halyards ;  haul 
out  the  reef  tackle  and  brail  up  the  spanker."  But 
the  command  came  too  late.  The  fore-topsail  stud- 
ding booms  went  by  the  board,  carrying  with  them 
the  bowsprit,  the  main  mast,  the  fo'c's'le,  the  top- 
gallant studding-sail  halyard,  and  the  captain's 
tobacco-pouch,  which  had  been  placed  upon  the 
bowsprit  earlier  in  the  afternoon.  Nothing  could 
now  be  seen  except,  here  and  there,  the  gleam  on 
some  fish  as  it  was  whirled,  with  the  masts,  men, 
boots,  screws,  sharks,  thimbles,  sea  anemones,  watch- 
chains,  ship's  stores,  planks,  and  other  miscellaneous 



objects,  through  the  sky.  I  had  barely  finished  my 
last  sandwich  when,  lo,  everything  became  a  blank  to 
me  and  I  lost  all  consciousness. 

'How  long  I  remained  thus  I  cannot  say,  but  I 
awakened  on  the  sandy  shore  of  some  island,  upon 
which  I  had  been  thrown  by  the  force  of  the 
wind.  Nothing  could  I  see  of  my  companions :  a 
few  planks  and  spars  and  my  own  wretched  self 
were  all  that  remained  to  tell  the  tale  of  the  good 
ship  Turnip. 

*The  wind  had  dropped,  and  it  was  a  beautiful 
morning,  not  a  trace  of  the  storm  remaining,  only 
here  and  there  the  panting  of  the  crayfish,  as  they 
nestled  behind  the  rocks,  or  the  gasping  of  the 
oysters  telling  of  the  strain  they  had  undergone. 
I  gazed  along  the  shore  in  each  direction,  hoping 
to  discover  a  bathing-machine,  and  so  satisfy  myself 
that  the  island  was  inhabited.  Nothing  was  in  sight, 
however,  so  I  lay  down  again  and  dozed.  When  I 
awoke  once  more  it  was  high  noon,  and  the  vertical 
rays  of  the  sun  warned  me  that  it  was  time  to  take 
shelter.  I  raised  myself  on  one  arm  with  this  in- 
tention, when  I  became  aware  of  a  strange  figure, 
dressed  in  a  long  robe  and  with  a  great  turban, 
who  was  seated  on  a  rock  near  by,  gazing  out 
to  sea. 

'  I  got  to  my  feet  with  considerable  difficulty  as  I 
was  faint  with  hunger  and  stiff*  in  the  limbs,  and  was 
about  to  approach  the  object,  when  I  discovered  two 


more  figures,  who  evidently  had  the  same  intention. 
Seemingly  they  did  not  wish  to  be  observed  by  the 
singular  creature  I  have  already  described,  for  they 
were  stealthily  approaching  him  from  behind,  creep- 
ing from  rock  to  rock.  I  at  once  stooped  down 
behind  a  great  star-fish,  determined  to  watch  un- 

'  I  now  noticed  that  both  were  savages,  and  that 
one  of  them  held  close  to  his  body  an  old,  rusty  kitchen- 
range  ;  while  the  other  carried,  in  one  hand,  a  basket 
of  coals,  and  with  the  other  supported  a  huge,  iron 
sauce-pan  across  his  shoulders.  Nearer  and  nearer 
drew  the  cannibals  (as  I  soon  guessed  them  to  be)  to 
their  intended  victim,  who,  however,  either  because  he 
did  not  hear  them,  or  did  not  dread  them,  took  no 
notice  at  all.  Presently  they  were  crouching  down 
behind  him,  and  he  was  still  apparently  unconscious 
of  their  presence.  Then,  with  a  wild  whoop  they  leapt 
into  the  air,  and  dropped  on  the  ground  in  front  of 
him.  Even  now  the  amazing  creature  took  no  notice 
of  the  cannibals  or  their  antics,  as  they  danced  and 
yelled  around  him.  Soon  realising  that  there  was 
something  very  unusual  in  his  reception  of  them,  they 
stared  in  awe  and  amazement  at  him  for  some  time, 
and  then  fled  in  terror,  leaving  the  saucepan,  the 
kitchen-range  and  the  other  cooking  utensils  behind 

*They  ran  along  the  sands,  and  dropped  behind 
a  rock  at  a  great  distance  away,  where  they  remained 



completely  hidden  for  some  long  time.  Presently, 
however,  one  black  head  appeared  for  an  instant  above 
the  rock,  and  gazed  in  the  direction  of  the  thoughtful 
creature  by  the  sea.  This  head  was  very  quickly  with- 
drawn from  view  and  another  popped  up, — only  to 
disappear  as  quickly.  Then  the  first  appeared  again, 
and  so  on.  This  continued  until  they  had  regained 
a  little  of  their  nerve,  when  I  could  see  them  once 
more  crawling  back  to  the  abstracted  figure  on  the 
shore.  Again  they  drew  very  close  to  him,  and  now 
that  they  had  sufficiently  mastered  their  fears,  they 
approached  and  examined  him  very  closely,  and  pro- 
ceeded at  once  to  prepare  their  evening  meal.  First 
of  all  they  lit  the  fire,  then  they  carefully  placed  their 
unresisting  victim  in  the  saucepan,  after  filling  it  with 
water  from  the  sea,  and  were  just  about  to  lift  it  on 
to  the  range  when  I  lost  all  patience,  and  shouted 
from  my  hiding-place,  "Hold!"  so  many  times  in 
quick  succession,  and  each  time  in  a  different  tone 
of  voice,  that  the  cannibals  must  have  thought  there 
were  at  least  thirty  men  or  more  in  hiding.  At  any 
rate,  they  fled  in  the  most  abject  terror,  never  to 

'Giving  them  good  time  to  disappear,  I  now  emerged 
from  my  hiding-place  and  approached  the  absent- 
minded  creature,  gently  lifting  him  from  the  saucepan, 
in  which  I  found  him  still  sitting  and  gazing  out 
to  sea.  Gathering  together  many  sea-urchins,  rock- 
beetles,  and  branches  of  a  succulent  sea-weed,  with 



which  the  beach  had  been  strewn  by  the  recent  storm, 
I  prepared  an  exquisite  stew,  and  made  a  very  hearty 
meal.  I  was  also  able  to  induce  my  companion  to 
take  some,  without,  however,  succeeding  in  breaking 
his  train  of  thought. 

'  For  many  months  no  other  friend  had  I  than  this 
preoccupied  curiosity,  who  seemed  quite  unable  to 
give  me  any  clue  as  to  who  he  was  or  whence  he  came. 
Perhaps  he  had  been  shipwrecked  there  in  childhood 
— who  knows? — and  wandered  there  ever  since,  the 
wonder  of  every  limpet  or  lugworm  that  squirmed 
upon  those  shores,  or  the  sport  of  every  mer-kid  that 
flipped  a  fin  in  those  unknown  waters. 



'To  cut  a  long  story  short,  I  soon  realised  that 
here  was  the  object  I  was  in  search  of,  and  that  if  this 
dreamy  creature  did  not  sufficiently  astonish  old  De 
Trevor,  and  compel  him  to  consent  to  my  marrying 
his  daughter,  nothing  on  this  earth  would  do  the  deed, 
so  I  resolved  to  leave  the  island  with  my  treasure  as 
soon  as  I  could  make  it  possible  to  do  so.  I  set  about 
making  a  raft,  which  I  quickly  succeeded  in  com- 
pleting, having  since  my  childhood  had  a  great  knack 
at  the  making  of  rafts,  and,  without  undue  delay,  I 
embarked  with  my  prize,  provisioned  with  as  many 
shell-fish  and  branches  of  the  succulent  sea-weed  as 
the  raft  would  carry. 

*  After  some  few  months,  and  just  as  we  had  finished 
our  last  limpet,  we  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  picked 
up  by  a  tramp-steamer,  bound  for  Saskatchewan  from 
Mombasa,  with  a  cargo  of  periwinkles.  The  captain 
was  such  a  kind-hearted  man  that,  on  hearing  my  story 
he  decided  to  go  out  of  his  course,  and  land  us  at 
Cherry  Garden  Pier ;  and  so,  my  good  friends,  after 
sixty  years'  sailing  all  over  the  globe,  I  arrived  home 
again,  a  poorer  but  a  kinder  man. 

*  You  may  be  sure  that  I  lost  no  time  in  seeking 
out  Jane  herself,  with  every  hope  of  at  last  being 
able  to  claim  her  hand,  but  alas !  gentlemen,'  said  the 
Ancient  Mariner,  with  a  large,  salt  tear  about  to  fall 
from  each  eye,  and  as  he  once  more  tenderly  lifted  his 
burden,  *  I  was  to  find  that  Jane  had  become  a  very, 
very  old  woman,  with  many  little  grandchildren   of 


The  sport  of  every  nier-kid 


her  own,  and  that  she  had  entirely  forgotten  my  exist- 
ence. She  had  me  turned  away  from  her  doorstep 
as  a  raving  madman,  even  with  my  interesting,  absent- 
minded,  and  inseparable  companion. 

*Thus,  Good  Sirs,  I  have  to  start  life  anew,  and  if 
my  great  experience  should  be  of  any  service  to  you, 
believe  me,  it  is  yours  to  command.' 







RIGHT  gladly  were  the  services  of  the  plucky 
old  salt  accepted  by  the  gallant  little  band, 
and  taking  it  in  turns  to  relieve  him  of  his 
•burden,  they  jovially  marched  along.  The  way  was 
enlivened  by  many  a  good  chorus,  until  the  old  King 
complained  of  a  headache,  when  every  one  had  to  be 
quiet  and  talk  only  in  quite  a  low  tone,  while  Boadicea 
soothed  the  old  fidget,  and  lulled  him  to  sleep,  by 
removing  his  crown  and  gently  stroking  the  top  of  his 
head  with  a  mint  leaf,  rolled  into  a  little  ball,  and 
fastened  to  the  end  of  a  stem  of  sweet-briar.  He 
awakened  shortly  after  tea,  very  much  refreshed  for 
his  nap,  and  every  one  grew  merry  again. 

He  now,  however,  considerably  delayed  the  progress 


of  the  expedition  by  insisting  on  running  after  butter- 
flies, and  trying  to  catch  them  in  his  crown.  Though 
anxious  enough  to  continue  their  journey,  all  the  army 
awaited  with  great  patience  the  pleasure  of  the  old 
sportsman.  At  length  Knut,  who  had  been  eagerly 
watching  the  King  for  some  time,  as  he  frisked  about 
the  fields  after  the  brightly-coloured  insects,  could  not 
restrain  himself  from  doing  likewise.  Now  Hannibal 
joined  in  the  sport,  then  Quentin,  then  Noah,  then 
Ratchett,  and,  so  exciting  did  the  chase  become,  soon 
all  the  force  were  frantically  running  about  the  fields 
with  the  lively  monarch,  while  Boadicea  remained  by 
the  carriage  and  darned  his  old  stockings. 

At  last  the  King  grew  tired,  and  they  all  came 
back  to  the  road  and  resumed  their  march.  The  tire- 
some sovereign  now  insisted  on  the  Ancient  Mariner 
removing  his  burden  to  the  rear,  complaining  that  the 
absent-minded  creature  would  stare  at  him,  and  that 
he  did  not  wish  to  be  gazed  at  or  wondered  at.  *  Time 
enough  for  that,'  said  he,  'when  I'm  on  my  throne 
again.'  Having  effected  this  change  in  the  order  of 
the  procession,  they  now  marched  on  without  further 
interruption  from  the  King. 

Towards  nightfall  they  drew  near  to  the  sea,  on  the 
shores  of  which  they  hoped  to  spend  the  night.  Bill 
being,  as  usual,  a  little  in  advance  of  the  others,  was 
the  first  to  descend  to  the  sands,  seated  on  which  he 
discovered,  to  his  great  astonishment,  three  young 
children  weeping  bitterly,  and   near  to  them,  in  the 



same  state  of  grief,  he  beheld  an  old  gentleman  seated 
upon  a  rock.  But  what  aroused  his  astonishment 
even  more  than  their  extreme  wretchedness,  was  the 
fact  that  the  three  children  were  all  exactly  alike  in 
every  particular, — the  same  size,  the  same  hair,  the 
same  eyes, — in  fact,  there  was  no  perceptible  difference 
of  any  kind  between  them.  Now  and  again,  one  of  the 
children  would  endeavour  to  comfort  the  old  man,  and 
he  again  would  attempt  to  perform  the  like  kindly 
office  for  them.  Wondering  what  could  so  upset  such 
worthy  creatures.  Bill  approached  and  besought  them 
to  confide  to  him  their  troubles,  that  he  might  try  to 
relieve  them  to  the  best  of  his  ability.  Their  tears, 
however,  effectually  prevented  them  from  replying  at 
once  to  him.  Giving  them  a  little  time  to  recover,  Bill 
again  addressed  them.  '  Who  are  you  ? '  said  he,  and 
they  all  answered  between  their  sobs,  'We  are  the 
Duchess  of  Blowdripping  and  her  two  sisters,  Mellinid 
and  Edil.' 

'  Which  of  you,'  asked  Bill,  '  is  the  Duchess  ? ' 

*  That 's  what  we  don't  know,'  they  replied.  '  We 
only  know  that  she  is  neither  Mellinid  nor  Edil.' 

'  Then  who  of  you  is  Mellinid,  and  who  Edil  ? ' 
again  queried  the  puzzled  Bill. 

'  That 's  what  all  the  trouble 's  about,'  they  tearfully 
rejoined.  *A11  we  can  tell  you  for  certain  is  that 
neither  of  them  is  the  Duchess,'  and  the  poor  little 
creatures  redoubled  their  cries. 

More  puzzled  than  ever,  and  quite  at  a  loss  to  find 



any  clue  to  their  troubles,  Bill  again  besought  them  to 
relieve  their  minds  by  confiding  in  him.  Then  one  of 
the  little  creatures  stood  up  and,  after  drying  her  eyes, 
addressed  Bill  in  the  following  way : — 

*  As  you  have  most  likely  guessed,  we  are  triplets, 
and  were  christened  Blaura,  Mellinid  and  Edil,  after 
three  great-aunts  renowned  for  their  intelligence  and 
their  many  virtues.  From  our  earliest  days  we  were  so 
much  alike  that  each  had-to  wear  a  different  coloured 



hair-ribbon  to  distinguish  her  from  her  sisters.  Blaura 
wore  red,  MeUinid  blue,  and  Edil  green.  Our  affec- 
tionate parents,  the  late  Duke  and  Duchess  of  Blow- 
dripping,  died  when  we  were  barely  six  months  old, 
and  we  were  all  left  in  charge  of  our  uncle,  the 
benevolent  gentleman  you  see  weeping  on  my  left. 
Before  the  thoughtful  creatures  expired,  feeling  that 
their  end  was  drawing  near,  they  were  faced  with  the 
difficult  problem  as  to  which  of  us  should  be  the  new 
Duchess ;  all  of  us,  as  I  have  said  before,  being  of  the 
same  age.  Of  course,  I  need  not  tell  you  that  it  was 
quite  out  of  the  question  we  should  all  inherit  the 
title ;  three  young  ladies  trying  to  be  one  duchess 
would  be  absurd  in  the  extreme.  So  our  intelligent 
and  resourceful  mother  and  father  decided,  after  much 
deliberation  with  the  family  solicitor,  and  the  vicar  of 
the  parish,  that  Blaura  should  succeed  to  the  title  and 
all  the  dignities  of  the  Duchy  of  Blowdripping  when 
she  arrived  at  the  age  of  eight  years,  and  that,  at  the 
same  time,  Mellinid  should  become  the  owner  of 
Blowdripping  Hall,  with  its  priceless  collections  of 
pictures,  old  china,  fossils  and  foreign  stamps,  and 
Edil  become  the  possessor  of  the  Blowdripping  Park, 
in  which  the  Hall  is  so  pleasantly  situated,  with  its 
herds  of  hedgehogs,  elands  and  gnu.  I  am  sure  you 
will  agree  with  me  that  no  more  just  division  of  their 
great  possessions  could  have  been  devised  by  the  fair- 
minded  couple.  Our  uncle  was  kindness  itself,  ever 
watching  us  with  the  affectionate  care  of  a  mother. 


He  was  always  at  hand  to  look  to  our  comforts,  and 
to  see  that  no  danger  drew  nigh,  whether  we  were 
bathing  in  the  marble  fountains  of  the  courtyard, 
taking  the  air  in  the  park,  or  sleeping  in  our  taste- 
fully-decorated bedroom. 

*  One  beautiful  summer's  afternoon,  when  we  were 
about  one  year  old,  we  had  been  taken  on  to  the 
verandah  to  enjoy  our  afternoon  nap,  in  order  that  we 
might  have  advantage  of  the  delightful  breeze  that 
blew  across  the  woods  from  the  sea.  As  usual  our 
uncle  was  near  by,  and  so  soothing  was  the  air  that, 
unable  to  resist  its  drowsy  influence,  he,  too,  soon 
dozed  off.  Unfortunately  we  awakened  before  our 
unconscious  nurse,  and  immediately  rolled  out  of 
our  cradles,  and  crawled  along  the  pavement  of  the 
verandah.  Great  sport  we  had,  I  have  no  doubt,  as 
children  will,  and  certain  it  is  that,  attracted  by  their 
brilliant  colours,  we  lost  no  time  in  removing  from  each 
other's  heads  our  distinguishing  ribbons,  and  speedily 
mixing  them  up.  However,  at  length,  and  too  late, 
our  baby  laughter  awakened  the  old  gentleman  from 
his  sleep.  Too  great  for  words  was  the  astonishment 
of  the  unhappy  man  when  he  beheld  us  all  shuffled  up 
and  mixed  in  this  deplorable  way  upon  the  pavement. 
Bitterly  he  accused  himself  of  wicked  negligence  for 
allowing  such  a  thing  to  happen,  for  so  alike  were  we 
without  our  distinguishing  ribbons,  that  he  could  never 
hope  to  know  one  from  the  other  again.  He  thought, 
and  thought,  and  thought  for  the  whole  afternoon,  but 




at  the  end  he  was  no  nearer  discovering  again  which 
was  the  future  Duchess,  which  MelHnid,  and  which 
Edil.  At  last,  he  gave  it  up  in  despair.  Henceforth 
we  were  known  only  collectively  as  the  future  Duchess 
and  her  two  sisters,  but  which  is  the  Duchess, 
and  which  the  two  sisters,  will  remain  for  ever  a 

*  Nevertheless,  we  grew  up  in  comparative  happi- 
ness until  yesterday,  the  fateful  day  when  we  all  became 

He  was  always  at   hand 


eight  years  of  age.  Before  breakfast,  and  with  all  due 
solemnity,  our  faithful  uncle  handed  over  to  us  the 
control  and  guardianship  of  the  Blowdripping  posses- 
sions, which  had  been  entrusted  to  him  until  we  should 
arrive  at  our  present  age,  but,  alas  !  we  could  not  avail 
ourselves  of  the  good  provision  made  for  us  by  our 
thoughtful  parents,  as  neither  one  of  us  knew  which 
of  us  we  were.  The  Duchess,  as  head  of  the  family, 
could  not  give  her  consent  to  anything,  or  advance  any 
money  for  the  housekeeping  as,  for  all  she  knew,  she 
might  be  one  of  her  own  sisters,  in  which  case  she 
would  have  been  touching  that  which  did  not  rightly 
belong  to  her.  For  the  same  reason  Mellinid,  not 
knowing  who  she  herself  was,  could  not  give  her  con- 
sent to  our  remaining  at  the  Hall,  and  likewise  Edil 
could  not  allow  the  magnificent  house  still  to  occupy 
its  lovely  situation  in  the  Blowdripping  Park.  After 
talking  the  matter  over,  and  over  again,  we  have  come 
to  the  conclusion  that,  without  the  permission  of  the 
proper  owners,  which,  you  will  see,  it  is  impossible  for 
us  to  obtain,  the  only  course  open  to  us  was  to  abandon 
our  riches,  and  to  leave  the  park  and  the  castle  for 
ever.  Our  good  uncle,  putting  all  the  blame  for  our 
troubles  upon  his  own  negligence,  insisted  on  accom- 
panying us.' 

At  the  conclusion  of  this  strange  story  Bill  was 
certainly  aghast  at  the  very  difficult  problem  put  before 
him,  and  quite  at  a  loss  to  offer  any  solution.  He 
therefore  conducted  the  trembling  triplets  and  their 



grief-stricken  uncle  before  the  King,  who  had  in  the 
meantime  arrived  upon  the  shore.  Bill  explained  the 
difficult  position  in  which  the  poor  young  things  found 
themselves ;  but,  wise  as  he  undoubtedly  was,  the 
King  for  some  time  could  make  nothing  whatever  of 
it.  He  called  all  his  officers  and  soldiers  round  him, 
and  they  formed  one  great  semicircle,  of  which  he  was 
the  centre ;  the  triplets  were  then  placed  before  him, 
and  he  at  once  proceeded  to  question  them. 

*Have  you,'  said  he,  addressing  the  first  triplet, 
*  any  idea  as  to  which  of  the  three  of  you  you  really 
are  ? ' 

'  None  whatever,'  answered  the  child. 

He  then  repeated  the  same  question  to  the  other 
triplets,  and  received  the  same  answer. 

'  Come  now,'  continued  the  King,  in  a  cheerful 
voice,  *  does  any  one  of  you  feel  at  all  like  a  duchess  ? ' 

'  We  don't  know  how  a  duchess  should  feel,'  they 
all  replied. 

The  King  here  frowned  severely  and  ground  his 

'  Now,  one  of  you  must  be  telling  an  untruth,'  said 
he,  *  for  one  of  you,  as  you  say,  is  the  Duchess,  and 
must  know  exactly  how  she  feels,  which  must  be  how 
a  duchess  feels.  Come  now,  which  of  you  is  she  ? ' 
And  the  quick-tempered  monarch  knit  his  brows  into 
the  most  terrible  folds.  'Unless  that  one  is  one  of 
her  own  sisters  and  not  the  Duchess,'  he  roared, 
'  she  ought  to  be  ashamed  of  her  deceit,  and  severely 


punished ;  and  if,  indeed,  she  is  not  the  Duchess, 
then  she  ought  to  be  punished  all  the  same.  I've 
half  a  mind  to  have  the  three  of  you  smacked  hard, 
that  I  may  at  least  be  certain  of  punishing  the 
right  one.' 

Bill  suggested  timidly  that  perhaps  this  would  be 
rather  unfair,  as  two  of  them  at  least  would  be  unjustly 

*  But  which  two  ? '  snapped  the  irritated  King. 
'How  can  any  of  them  feel  unjustly  treated  if  she 
doesn't  know  whether  she's  the  guilty  one  or  not?' 
And  he  worked  himself  into  a  terrible  fury,  and  strode 
up  and  down  the  sands,  no  one  daring  to  approach 
him.  Suddenly,  without  any  warning  of  his  intention, 
he  ran  down  to  the  sea,  and  removing  his  shoes  and 
stockings,  cooled  his  temper  by  paddling  his  feet  in 
the  sea-water.  In  a  little  time  he  returned,  his  excite- 
ment much  allayed,  and  soon  the  cries  of  the  dis- 
tracted and  unhappy  triplets,  together  with  the  pitiful 
sighs  of  the  dejected  uncle,  entirely  assuaged  the 
wrath  of  the  sympathetic,  though  quick-tempered, 
old  man. 

When  he  once  more  resumed  his  place  before  the 
three  children  the  storm  had  passed,  and  a  sweet, 
good-natured  smile  enlivened  his  homely  old  face,  and 
charmed  all  beholders. 

*Well,  well,  well,'  said  he,  *  triplets  will  be 
triplets  after  all,  and  uncles  uncles,  all  the  world 



He  at  once  resumed  the  inquiry,  and  placing 
his  hand  kindly  on  the  head  of  the  second  triplet 
he  now  addressed  the  first  in  the  following  way  : — 

'  Let  us  suppose  for  the  moment  that  you  happen 
to  know  which  of  your  sisters  this  particular  one  really 
is,  who,  in  that  case,  would  the  third  one  be,  if  she 
(the  third)  were  not  Mellinid  ? ' 

'  Either  Edil  or  the  Duchess,'  promptly  replied  the 
intelligent  child. 

'  Quite  right,'  said  the  King  encouragingly,  '  Now 
as  this  is  not  so,  and  you  certainly  do  not  know  which  of 
your  sisters  this  one  happens  to  be,  the  reverse  must 
be  true,  so  that  if  your  other  sister  is  neither  Edil  nor 
the  Duchess,  who  must  she  be  ?  ' 

'  Mellinid,  of  course,'  readily  answered  the  child, 
and  every  one  applauded  and  wondered  at  the  wisdom 
of  the  King. 

'  It  only  now  remains,'  proceeded  the  King,  address- 
ing the  first  and  second  triplets  '  to  discover  which  of 
you  is  Edil  and  which  the  Duchess.'  Placing  his  hand 
once  more  upon  the  head  of  the  second  triplet,  he 
again  addressed  the  first. 

*  Suppose,  for  the  sake  of  argument,  that  this  sister 
of  yours  whom  we  now  know  not  to  be  Mellinid  were 
Mellinid  and  Mellinid  the  Duchess,  in  that  case  you 
would  assuredly  be  Edil.  Now  as  you  cannot  suppose 
this  sister  to  be  Mellinid  when  you  know  she  is  not, 
and  the  Duchess  is  the  Duchess  and  not  Mellinid, 
then  our  supposition  must  be  wrong  and  the  reverse 



true,  so  that  Mellinid  remains  Mellinid  and,  as  we  say 
you  are  not  Edil,  then  this  Httle  girl  must  be  she.' 
Then  shaking  the  first  triplet  by  the  hand,  the  com- 
placent old  potentate  said  in  conclusion  : — '  And  you, 
my  dear  creature,  are  thus  proved  to  be  neither  Edil 
nor  Mellinid  but  Blaura,  the  charming  Duchess  of 
Blowdripping,  to  whom  I  offer  my  hearty  congratula- 
tions.' The  cheerful  soul  now  embraced  the  three 
children,  and  when  he  had  a  hand  free  he  slapped 
the  old  uncle,  who  now  looked  the  very  picture  of 
happiness,  several  times  upon  the  back. 

Cheers  were  raised  again  and  again  at  the  unheard- 
of  wisdom  of  the  King  of  Troy.  The  old  uncle  com- 
pletely exhausted  himself  by  leaping  high  into  the 
air  over  and  over  again,  while  the  triplets  were 
beyond  themselves  with  joy  at  such  a  successful 
end  to  their  troubles. 

So  delighted  were  the  triplets  with  their  new 
friends  that,  during  breakfast  the  next  morning,  they 
announced  their  intention  of  accompanying  them  to 



their  journey's  end,  and  entrusted  the  care  of  the 
Blowdripping  estate  to  their  old  uncle  until  they 
should  return.  The  camp  packed  up  and  when 
every  one  was  ready  to  continue  the  journey,  they  all 
took  an  affectionate  leave  of  the  old  man  and 
marched  on. 



AT  first  the  King  seemed  disposed  to  be  not  a 

/%        little  irritable  towards  the  triplets,  murmur- 

X     A.     ing  something  to  himself  about  the  extra 

expense.     A  good   lunch,  however,  soon  put  him  to 

rights,  and  he  was  his  old  cheerful  self  again. 

In  the  afternoon  they  met  upon  the  road  a  long 
thin  man  with  a  grin  of  the  greatest  self-satisfaction 
widening  his  otherwise  narrow  face.  In  one  hand  he 
carried  a  cage  containing  a  miserable  old  bird  that 
could  hardly  boast  an  egg-cupful  of  feathers  on  its 


whole  shrivelled  body ;  in  the  other  he  carried  a  large 
wooden  box.  He  very  good-naturedly  stood  aside  for 
the  army  to  move  on,  but  the  King,  whose  curiosity 
had  been  aroused,  would  not  allow  him  to  be  passed 
unquestioned,  so  he  rang  a  little  bell  he  always  carried 
with  him  for  the  purpose,  and  the  whole  force  at  once 
stopped  short.  In  obedience  to  a  signal  from  the 
King,  the  long  man  stepped  jauntily  before  him. 
*  Anything  wrong,  old  chirpy?'  said  he,  addressing 
the  King  rather  rudely  as  some  thought.  *  Not  with 
me,'  the  King  replied  with  much  dignity.  '  My  only 
reason  for  calling  you  before  me  is  to  learn  why  you 
are  so  extremely  pleased  with  yourself  Such  a  secret 
would  be  of  the  greatest  value  to  us  all.'  *  Because 
she's  given  these  back  to  me,'  answered  the  long 
fellow  as  he  opened  his  box  and  disclosed,  all  neatly 
arranged,  a  beautiful  collection  of  birds'  eggs.  Every 
kind  appeared  to  be  there,  and  all  of  the  most  beauti- 
ful colours  imaginable. 

'  But  who  is  she  ? '  queried  the  King. 

*  Why,  my  good  Aunt  Galladia,  of  course,  but  it 's 
too  long  a  story  to  tell  standing  up,  so  let  us  sit  down 
by  the  roadside,  and  you  shall  hear  all  about  it.' 

Every  one  now  seated  themselves  on  the  grass  by 
the  side  of  the  road  and  over  a  comforting  cup  of  tea, 
speedily  brewed  by  Boadicea,  the  long  man  began  his 
story : — 

*My  good  aunt's  full  name  was  Galladia  Glow- 
mutton,   and    she   was    the    only  daughter    of   that 



gallant  genei*al,  Sir  Francis  Melville  Glowmutton, 
who  distinguished  himself  so  greatly  in  the  defence 
of  his  country. 

*  It  was  my  good  fortune  to  spend  my  earliest  days 
in  this  good  creature's  company,  she,  noble  soul  that 
she  was,  having  undertaken  to  look  after  me  when  my 
poor  father  and  mother  disappeared  in  a  sand-storm 
many  years  before. 

'  The  greater  part  of  her  life  this  good  woman  had 
devoted  to  brightening  the  declining  years  of  her  well- 
loved  father,  whose  arduous  life,  poor  man,  had  left 
him  in  his  old  age,  truth  to  tell,  rather  a  tiresome, 
and  sometimes  a  difficult,  subject  to  get  on  with. 
However,  thanks  to  her  devotion  and  patience,  he 
led  a  tolerably  happy  life.  In  the  course  of  time  the 
old  warrior  died  and  left  the  sorrowing  lady  well  pro- 
vided for, — that  is,  over  and  beyond  necessaries,  with 
sufficient  money  to  keep  up  appearances,  and  even 
enough  for  her  simple  pleasures  and  hobbies. 

*  For  some  months  my  good  aunt  could  not  fill  the 
blank  in  her  life  left  by  the  loss  of  her  father.  So 
much  kindness,  however,  could  not  be  kept  back  for 
long,  and  was  bound  in  the  course  of  time  to  find 
its  object.  Always  with  a  love  for  every  feathered 
creature,  she  at  last  set  about  gathering  around  her 
as  complete  a  collection  of  them  as  she  could  obtain. 
Soon  she  had  in  her  aviaries  the  most  marvellous 
assembly  of  birds  ever  brought  together  even  at  the  Zoo. 
There  were  specimens  of  the  Paraguay  gull,  Borneo 



parrots,  Australian  gheck  ghees,  the  laughing  grete, 
Malay  anchovy  wren  that  only  feeds  upon  anchovies 
(and  very  amusing  indeed  it  is,  too,  to  watch  them 
spearing  the  little  fish  with  their  beaks  and  then  trying 
to  shake  them  off  again),  and  the  golden-crested  mussel 
hawk,  that  swoops  down  from  an  incredible  height 
and,  snatching  its  prey  from  the  rocks,  again  dis- 
appears in  the  sky.  Without  wearying  you  with  a 
long  list,  nearly  every  known  bird  was  represented  in 
my  aunt's  collection,  from  the  fierce  saw-beaked  stork 
of  Tuscaroca  to  the  mild  and  pretty  little  Gossawary 

*Much  as  she  prized  every  one  of  her  pets,  she 
loved  most  of  all  the  very  rare  and  beautiful  green- 
toed  button  crane  of  Baraboo.  So  fond  was  she  of  the 
stately  creature,  and  so  careful  of  its  every  comfort, 
that  she  employed  a  maid  to  wait  on  it  alone,  and  a 
special  cook  to  prepare  its  meal  of  Peruvian  yap  beans, 
the  delicious  and  tender  kernels  of  which  the  dainty 
creature  was  inordinately  fond  of, — and,  indeed,  they 
were  the  only  food  upon  which  it  throve. 

*  Now,  with  your  permission,  a  few  words  about 
myself  Like  my  aunt  I,  too,  had  birdish  leanings, 
but  unlike  her  in  this,  that  instead  of  birds  I  collected 
birds'  eggs,  of  which  I  had  a  vast  number  of  every 
conceivable  variety.  Ashamed  as  I  am  to  state  it, 
little  did  my  good  Aunt  Galladia  know  how  many  of 
the  valuable  specimens  in  my  collection  were  taken 
from    her    aviaries.       Nevertheless    she   viewed    my 



specimens  with  growing  suspicion,  until  at  last  she 
implicitly  forbade  me  to  collect  any  more.  For  a 
time  I  desisted,  and  merely  contented  myself  with 
gloating  over  my  already  vast  collection,  but  in  a 
little  while  temptation  became  too  strong  for  me  and 
I  resumed  my  pursuits. 

*One  afternoon  about  this  time  I  had  mounted  a 
tall  tree  in  the  Glowmutton  Park,  intent  on  obtaining 
the  contents  of  a  nest  built  in  its  highest  branches. 
For  some  time  I  was  unable  to  approach  the  nest, 
but  at  length,  by  dint  of  much  perseverance,  I  just 
managed  to  reach  my  hand  over  the  top,  and  took 
therefrom  three  beautiful  eggs,  of  a  kind  as  yet  un- 
represented in  my  collection.  So  occupied  was  I 
with  my  prize,  that  I  did  not  at  first  observe  what 
was  taking  place  beneath  the  tree.  But  on  beginning 
to  descend,  I  saw  to  my  horror  immediately  below  me, 
my  Aunt  Galladia  and  her  pet  crane  seated  at  tea, 
with  the  crane's  maid  in  attendance. 

*  Needless  to  say  I  did  not  continue  my  descent, 
but  climbed  out  to  the  end  of  a  branch,  high  over  the 
group.  I  waited  in  dreadful  suspense  in  the  hope 
that  my  aunt  would  not  look  up,  and  that  they  would 
soon  finish  their  meal  and  depart  as  quickly  as  they 
had  arrived,  but,  alas !  they  were  in  no  hurry.  I 
trembled  now  so  much  that  I  could  hear  the  leaves 
rustling  on  the  branch,  and  whether  it  was  that  in  my 
fear  I  loosened  my  hold,  or  that  the  branch  shook  so 
under  my  trembling  form,  or  whether  the  sight  of  a 




beautiful  plum  cake,  directly  over  which  I  was  poised, 
made  me  lose  my  nerve,  I  know  not,  but  certain  it  is 
that  I  fell  from  my  position  right  on  to  the  table. 
Both  my  aunt  and  the  maid  fainted  at  once  quite 
away,  and  the  timid  green-toed  button  crane  of 
Baraboo  was  in  such  a  terrible  flutter  that  in  its 
excitement  it  snapped  the  slender  gold  chain  that 
held  it  and  flew  into  the  sky,  where  it  was  soon  lost  to 
view.  "  Now  I  've  done  it,"  thought  I,  and,  no  doubt, 
should  have  run  away  had  I  been  able  to  move,  but  I 
was  so  bruised  that  I  was  compelled  to  remain  among 
the  shattered  remains  of  the  table  and  tea  things. 
Presently  the  maid  came  to,  and  then  my  aunt,  and 
nothing  could  exceed  her  rage  and  grief  at  losing  her 
valuable  pet.  They  took  me  home  between  them  and 
put  me  to  bed,  and  the  severest  punishment  they 
could  devise  was  to  take  away  from  me  my  lovely 




collection  of  egg^.  "Never,"  shrieked  my  wrathful 
aunt,  "shall  you  have  these  again  until  you  bring 
back  to  me  my  beautiful  crane." 

'After  a  while  I  recovered,  but  no  one  dared  to 
speak  to  me,  and  I  moped  about  the  house  in  solitary 
wretchedness  without  a  single  egg  to  contemplate. 

'  At  last  I  could  bear  it  no  longer,  and  one  night  I 
left  the  house  determined  never  to  return  again  with- 
out the  crane.  I  took  with  me  an  old  perambulator, 
in  which  I  had  been  wheeled  about  as  a  child,  and 

I   fell   from   my  position 





in  this  I  placed  six  of  the  dehcious  kernels  of  the 
Peruvian  yap  bean,  besides  a  hatchet  and  other  things 
which  I  thought  might  be  useful  on  my  journey.  I 
slept  in  the  forest  and,  on  the  following  morning  I  cut 
down  the  straightest  tree  I  could  find  for  my  purpose, 
trimmed  it  to  a  fine  long  pole,  and  on  the  very  top  of 
this  I  fastened  a  pin,  bent  to  the  form  of  a  fish-hook, 
which  I  now  baited  with  one  of  the  yap  kernels. 

*  "If  anything  will  attract  the  bird,  this  will,"  thought 
I,  having  fastened  the  foot  of  the  pole  to  my  peram- 
bulator.    I  now  proceeded  to  angle  the  air  for  the 



lost  crane.  Carefully  following  the  direction  I  had 
observed  the  bird  to  take  when  it  broke  away  from  its 
chain,  I  travelled  for  weeks  and  weeks,  without  seeing 
any  sign  of  it.  In  time,  without  even  a  nibble,  the 
first  kernel  was  dissolved  and  worn  away  by  the  wind 
and  rain,  and,  in  like  manner  the  same  fate  overcame 
the  second,  with  which  I  baited  my  hook;  then  the 
third,  then  the  fourth,  and  then  the  fifth. 

'Still  keeping  the  same  direction,  by  this  time  I 
had  arrived  at  the  very  edge  of  the  world,  beyond 
which  there  is  nothing  but  sea  and  sky.  Believing 
that  the  poor  creature  had  flown  out  over  this  lonely 
sea,  and  hoping  that  it  might  return  when  it  realised 
that  there  was  no  land  beyond,  I  determined  to  wait 
on  the  desolate  shore. 

*  I  now  erected  my  pole  on  the  sands,  after  once 
more  baiting  my  hook,  this  time  with  a  piece  of  my 
last  kernel,  having  taken  the  precaution  of  cutting  it 
into  six  pieces.  I  now  waited  patiently,  week  after 
week,  subsisting  on  the  oysters,  the  starfish,  and  the 
edible  crustaceans,  that  wandered  tamely  about  the 
shore.  Months  now  passed  by,  and,  one  by  one,  the 
five  pieces  of  my  last  yap  kernel  had  followed  the 
other  five  kernels  with  which  I  had  set  out  from  home. 
I  am  not  easily  beaten,  however,  and  though  many 
months  had  passed  by  without  my  meeting  with  any 
success,  I  would  not  give  in,  but  husbanded  my  last 
piece  of  bait  with  the  greatest  care.  I  cut  a  chip  of  j 
wood  from  my  angling  pole,  and  shaped  it  in  the  form  | 
74  I 



of  a  kernel  of  the  Peruvian  yap  bean.  This  I  rubbed 
well  all  over  with  the  tiny  piece  of  the  real  kernel  that 
yet  remained  to  me,  until  it  assumed  somewhat  the 
colour  of  the  original  bean  and,  certainly,  when  applied 
to  the  tip  of  the  tongue,  it  appeared  to  partake,  though 
very  slightly,  it  is  true,  of  the  original  flavour,  and  with 
this  I  once  more  baited  my  hook. 

*  By  this  means  I  made  my  last  piece  of  bean  last  for 
some  years,  for  as  soon  as  the  artificial  bean  had  lost 
its  flavour,  I  rubbed  it  up  again  with  the  real  one. 
But  even  this  could  not  go  on  for  ever,  and,  at  last, 
the  true  piece  was  worn  right  away ;  so,  to  preserve 
what  little  flavour  there  yet  remained  of  the  true  bean 
in  the  false  bean,  on  which  it  had  been  so  often  rubbed, 
I  soaked  it  for  six  days  in  a  large  shell  of  rain-water. 
In  the  meantime  I  cut  another  chip  from  my  pole,  and 
spent  nearly  six  days  in  carving  out  another  artificial 



kernel.  Before  baiting  my  hook  with  this,  I  dipped  it 
into  the  fluid  in  which  the  old  wooden  kernel  was  still 
soaking,  whence  it  received  a  very  very  faint  suggestion 
of  the  original  flavour,  but  so  faint  was  this  that  it  had 
to  be  redipped  three  times  a  day.  This  went  on  for 
some  time,  until  the  precious  liquor  began  to  run  low, 
and  I  was  compelled  to  dilute  it  still  further,  in  the 
proportion  of  about  five  drops  to  a  mussel-shellful  of 
water,  into  which  the  wooden  kernel  was  now  dipped 
ten  or  twelve  times  a  day. 

'  Well,  I  had  been  at  this  game,  I  should  say,  getting 
on  for  twenty  years,  and  now  resolved  to  have  done 
with  it,  after  risking  all  on  one  throw.  So  I  dropped 
my  wooden  kernel,  all  rotted  and  weather-beaten  as  it 
was,  into  what  little  there  remained  over  of  the  pure 
liquor,  this  time  without  diluting  it  at  all,  and  then  let 
it  stew  all  day  in  the  sun. 

*  In  the  evening  the  liquor  was  all  evaporated,  and 
the  wooden  bean  seemed  to  the  taste  as  though  it 
possibly  might  have  been  in  the  vicinity  of  a  real  one 
some  time  before.  On  that  evening,  for  the  last  time, 
I  baited  my  hook  and  slept  soundly  at  the  foot  of 
the  pole. 

*  I  was  awakened  next  morning  by  the  wind  that 
had  arisen  during  the  night,  and  a  great  wrenching 
noise,  as  it  tore  my  poor  old  angling-pole  from  its 
place  in  the  sand,  and  carried  it  out  to  sea. 

'  "  That  settles  it  once  and  for  all,"  thought  I,  much 
relieved,  "  and  I  'm  off*  home,"  and  I  set  about  getting 


my  things  together.  While  I  was  thus  engaged,  it 
occurred  to  me  that  the  old  pole  might  be  useful  for 
fires,  so  I  swam  out  for  it.  Already  it  had  been  blown 
some  way  out  to  sea,  and,  as  the  tide  was  against  me, 
it  was  only  with  a  very  great  exertion  of  strength  that 
I  gained  at  all  upon  it,  and  I  was  just  about  to  give  it 
up  when  I  beheld,  fastened  to  the  bent  pin  at  the  end 
of  the  pole,  the  wretched  crane.  The  sight  lent  me 
greater  strength,  and,  after  incredible  exertio/ns,  I 
reached  the  pole  almost  exhausted.  We  were  now 
too  far  from  the  shore  to  attempt  to  return,  so  I  got 
astride  the  pole,  and  immediately  proceeded  to  un- 
fasten the  unhappy  fowl  from  my  bent  pin.  At  first  I 
thought  the  poor  thing  dead,  but  I  nursed  it  in  my 
arms  all  through  the  ensuing  night,  and,  on  the  follow- 
ing morning,  iiappening  to  glance  down  its  half-opened 
beak,  I  could  just  see  that  my  wooden  imitation  of 
the  kernel  of  the  Peruvian  yap  bean  had  become 
lodged  in  its  throat.  This  I  at  once  removed,  and,  to 
my  great  joy,  the  dejected  fowl  almost  immediately 
opened  its  eyes.  Soon  it  became  its  old  stately  self 
again,  though  now  I  could  see  that  the  poor  thing  had 
aged  very  considerably  since  it  left  home. 

'  Well,  to  cut  a  long  story  short,  at  length  the  gale 
ceased,  and  we  landed  safely  on  the  shore,  much  nearer 
to  our  home,  and,  after  many  vicissitudes  and  adven- 
tures, of  which  I  shall  have  great  pleasure  in  telling 
you  at  another  time,  we  eventually  arrived  at  Glow- 
mutton  Castle. 

.    77 


*  To  my  grief  I  learnt  that  my  good  aunt,  Galladia, 
had  died  many  years  before  of  old .  age,  and  that,  true 
to  her  own  good-nature,  her  last  commands  were  that 
if  ever  I  should  return  with  her  dearly-loved  fowl,  my 
collection  of  eggs  was  to  be  handed  back  to  me,  and 
in  recompense  for  all  my  privations  and  exertions  to 
recover  the  bird,  I  was  to  have  the  care  of  it  and  the 
comfort  of  its  society  as  long  as  it  lived.  So,  now  you 
see  why  I  am  so  pleased  with  myself 

The  King  and  the  whole  army  were  charmed  with 
the  recital,  and  the  long  man,  whose  many  noble 
qualities  had  already  endeared  him  to  them,  was  cor- 
dially invited  to  join  the  forces. 

*  It 's  all  one  to  me,  my  cronies,'  said  the  good- 
natured  creature,  and  they  all  trudged  on. 



FOR  many  days  they  had  now  travelled  without 
meeting  with  any  adventure,  when  one  evening 
they  saw  coming  towards  them  a  bright  young 
lad,  who  was  leading  by  the  hand  an  exceedingly 
learned-looking  old  gentleman.  Their  appearance  was 
such  as  to  arouse  the  King's  curiosity  to  such  a  degree 
that  he  asked  the  boy  the  time  as  he  was  passing,  and 
then,  when  all  stood  still  in  the  road,  he  led  the  talk 
from  one  thing  to  another  until  at  last,  emboldened 
by  their  friendliness,  the  King  came  to  the  point, 


and  asked  the  lad  who  he  was  and  whence  he  had 

The  two  strangers  then  sat  down  at  the  side  of  the 
road,  and  the  lad  thus  addressed  the  King : — 

*  You  may  not  believe  it,  but  I  am  the  original 
Ptolemy  Jenkinson,  the  only  and  well-beloved  nephew 
of  that  great  and  celebrated  doctor,  Ebenezer  Scrout, 
whom  you  now  see  at  my  side.  When,  a  trembling 
orphan,  I  was  thrown  upon  an  unfeeling  world,  he 
alone  of  my  numerous  uncles,  aunts,  so-called  friends 
and  guardians,  undertook  to  find  me  a  comfortable 
and  even  luxurious  home,  and  so  to  educate  me 
that  I  might  prove  worthy  of  occupying  the  exalted 
position  for  which  I  am  destined. 

*  Uncle  Ebenezer  was  my  mother's  brother  and,  a 
true  Scrout,  he  inherited  all  his  good  qualities  from 
my  grandfather,  Phelim  Scrout,  the  well-known  turf- 
cutter,  from  whom,  by  the  way,  I  inherit  most 
of  mine — but  of  these  it  does  not  become  me  to 

*  Many  people,  jealous  perhaps  of  his  great  fame, 
have  ridiculed  my  uncle's  claim  to  be  a  member  of 
this  ancient  family,  but  to  set  this  matter  for  ever  at 
rest,  I  have  here  copied  a  few  notes  from  the  Scroutean 
genealogical  tree,  preserved  in  the  archives  of  the 
family.'  Ptolemy  Jenkinson  here  took  from  his  pocket 
and  handed  to  Bill  a  sheet  of  paper  upon  which 
the  following  notes  were  written  in  a  clear  bold 
hand : — 

F  81 



Phelim  Scrout  =  Molly  ? 
(The  well-known  turfcutter) 

Tod  Scrout  =  Mandy  M'Guire  Pearl  (died  of 

megrims  at  an 
early  age) 

Lu       Ebenezer       Mandy       Cassandra  =       Wat      Lil 

Tom  Jenkinson 


When  these  had  been  examined  by  the  company, 
Ptolemy  resumed  his  tale  : — 

*  Uncle  Eb,  as  I  very  soon  learned  to  call  him,  was 
ever  the  victim  of  his  own  generous  heart.  Continually 
adopting  people,  both  old  and  young,  he  was  doomed 
to  be  taken  advantage  of  by  those  to  whom  he  was 
most  kind.  How  well  can  I  remember,  amongst  many 
another  ungrateful  adopted  son,  uncle,  aunt  or  cousin, 
young  Sigurd,  the  birthday-monger,  who  entered  the 
family  about  the  same  time  as  myself  It  was  he  who 
secretly  wrote  his  name  on  each  page  of  Uncle  Eb's 
birthday-book  and  received  a  present  every  day  from 
the  absent-minded  old  gentleman  until  he  was  dis- 
covered writing  his  name  twice  on  some  pages  and 
was  straightway  disadopted. 

*  Not  alone  to  his  own  family  circle  was  the  doctor's 



kindness  confined;  it  extended  to  all  with  whom  he 
came  in  contact.  Before  sending  in  his  bills  he  always 
provided  his  patients  with  enough  money  to  pay  them, 
and  promptly  returned  the  cash  with  the  receipts, 
deducting  only  one  penny  for  the  stamp  in  each 

*  Invariably  most  sympathetic  with  his  suffering 
patients,  he  spent  many  years  of  his  noble  life  in 
studying  how  to  make  his  medicines  as  pleasant  and 
sweet  to  the  taste  as  the  most  delightful  confections 
ever  placed  upon  the  Lord  Mayor's  table,  while  his 
greatest  endeavour  was  always  to  make  a  period  of 
sickness  one  also  of  pleasurable  relaxation  for  his 

'  In  time  the  children  went  mad  with  excitement, 
and  jumped  for  very  joy  on  learning  that  they  had 
contracted  measles,  and  would  far  sooner,  any  day, 
have  the  mumps  than  a  birthday  every  w^eek.  And 
oh !  what  thrills  of  joy  would  pass  through  their  little 
frames  on  learning  that  they  would  have  to  lie  up  for 
a  bilious  attack  and  be  attended  by  the  good-natured 
Doctor  Ebenezer  Scrout,  and  treated  with  his  delicious 
jalaps  and  powders. 

'  Unfortunately,  however,  so  pleasant  was  the  treat- 
ment, that  the  children  in  time  were  even  tempted  to 
make  themselves  ill  on  purpose,  by  eating  as  many 
jam  puffs  as  they  could  buy  with  their  Saturday  monies, 
and  soon  nearly  every  child  was  down  with  a  bad 
bilious  attack,  and  all  the  schools  had  to  be  closed. 


*Even  the  grown-ups  began  to  indulge  in  these 
jam  puffs,  buying  them  in  large  quantities  and  falling 
ill  one  by  one,  much  preferring  to  be  tucked  up  snugly 
in  bed  with  a  comfortable  bilious  attack  and  the  good- 
natured  doctor  in  attendance,  to  ordinary  good  health 
and  hard  work,  with  the  many  disappointments  and 
trials  of  everyday  life. 

*  First  the  Lord  Mayor  was  taken  bad — then  the 
leader  of  the  town  band  and  all  his  bandsmen.  Now 
the  shopmen  began  to  feel  queer,  and  one  by  one  the 
aldermen  toddled  to  their  beds.  In  time  everybody 
was  laid  up,  and  no  one  was  left  to  do  the  work  of  the 
town.  All  the  shops,  theatres,  markets,  and  railway 
stations  were  closed,  and  the  streets  quite  deserted 
except  for  the  doctor  and  the  puff  baker,  each  trying 
to  undo  the  work  of  the  other. 

'Hardly  a  sound  could  be  heard  in  the  streets 
except  perhaps  the  clink  of  a  spoon  against  a  bottle 
from  a  room  above,  as  some  patient  prepared  his 
evening  dose,  or  the  shuffling  footsteps  of  the  old 
doctor  as  he  went  his  daily  round,  and  sometimes  the 
loud  rat-tat  of  the  puff  baker  would  awaken  the  echoes 
of  the  lonely  streets  as  he  called  from  door  to  door 
for  orders  in  the  morning. 

'Strange  grasses  and  sweet-scented  wild  flowers 
began  to  grow  in  the  streets,  and  mushrooms  and 
straggling  carrots  forced  a  way  between  the  crevices 
of  the  pavements.  Sprays  of  wild  spinach  hung  from 
the   lamp-posts,   and  the   market-place   became  one 



waving  jungle  of  broccoli.  The  very  sparrows,  de- 
prived of  their  daily  crumbs,  grew  thin  and  nervy 
with  the  green  diet  they  were  compelled  to  subsist 
upon.  Croaking  and  griding,  instead  of  chirruping 
musically  to  their  young  as  is  their  wont,  they  so 
affected  the  good-hearted  doctor  that  he  could  never 
pass  them  without  some  cheering  word,  and  never 
could  he  withstand  the  beseeching  look  in  their  eyes. 
Within  doors  the  prospect  was  hardly  more  en- 
couraging. Strong  vegetable-marrows  twined  their 
branches  and  their  many  tendrils  round  the  table  legs 
and  the  chairs ;  great  turnips  stoutened  and  burst 
upon  the  stairs ;  spring  onions  bristled  in  the  corners 
of  the  Lord  Mayor's  dining-hall,  while  his  grand  piano 
was  completely  hidden  in  the  gorgeous  festoons  of 
mint  that,  unchecked,  had  run  a  ragged  riot  about  the 

'  At  last,  after  two  months  of  sickness,  and  despite 
every  attention  and  kindness  on  the  part  of  the  doctor, 
the  patients  began  to  weary  of  being  ill  and  kept  to 
their  beds  for  so  long.  The  Lord  Mayor  was  the  first 
to  arise  and,  although  very  weak  in  the  legs,  he  man- 
aged to  crawl  to  the  top  of  the  stairs,  and  looking 
down,  beheld,  to  his  dismay,  the  dreadful  state  of  ruin 
in  which  everything  was  involved.  He  called  for  his 
servants  as  loudly  as  his  weakness  would  allow  him, 
and,  obtaining  no  reply,  he  scrambled  down  the  stairs 
on  his  hands  and  knees,  and  clamoured  shrilly  for 
a  cut  from  the  joint.  As,  of  course,  there  was  no  one 




to  procure  this  for  him  nor,  indeed,  any  joint  from 
which  to  procure  a  cut,  he  b6iled  himself  an  egg,  and 
was  able  to  survey  the  scene  more  calmly. 

*  Presently  the  aldermen  crawled  down  one  by  one, 
then  the  shopmen,  then  the  bandsmen,  and,  finally, 
the  rest  of  the  inhabitants,  disturbed  by  the  weeping 
and  yells  of  those  already  arisen,  struggled  down- 
stairs, and  in  agony  beheld  the  general  devastation. 

*  Resolved  not  to  touch  another  drop  of  the  doctor's 
medicine,  they  satisfied  the  cravings  of  their  hunger, 
which  now  began  to  be  felt,  on  the  wild  marrows,  tur- 
nips, and  mushrooms  that  everywhere  abounded,  and 
by  degrees  regained  a  little  of  their  former  vigour. 

*The  Lord  Mayor  and  aldermen,  already  feeling 
a  little  more  comfortable,  held  a  long  council,  at  which 
it  was  decided  that  it  would  be  less  expensive  to  burn 
the  old  town,  and  to  build  a  new  one  on  its  site,  than 
to  try  and  clear  up  the  old  one.  It  was  also  decided 

The   Lord   Mayor  held  a  long  council 



to  arrest  the  unfortunate  doctor,  whom  they  all  now 
joined  in  accusing  as  the  cause  of  their  trouble,  and 
bring  him  to  trial. 

*  In  the  course  of  time  the  town  was  rebuilt,  and 
the  doctor  was  the  first  prisoner  to  stand  on  his  trial 
at  the  new  Town  Hall. 

*  On  the  appointed  day  the  Hall  was  crammed  to 
its  utmost,  as  at  one  time  the  prisoner  had  been  much 
loved  and  looked  up  to  by  his  fellow-townsmen. 

*  When  the  Lord  Mayor  arrived  in  state,  between 
two  Admirals  of  the  Fleet,  and  took  his  seat,  the  fore- 
man of  the  jury  awakened  his  brother-jurors,  who  had 
been  dozing  off,  and  called  for  three  cheers  for  the 
Lord  Mayor,  in  which  everybody  joined.  The  Lord 
Mayor  made  no  reply,  except  to  frown  severely  at  the 
foreman,  and  proceeded  at  once  with  the  business  in 
hand.    "  Lock  all  the  doors  and  bring  in  the  prisoner," 



cried  he  in  a  loud  voice,  after  clearing  his  throat.  The 
doors  were  instantly  locked,  but  some  confusion  arose 
when  it  was  discovered  that  they  could  not  bring  in 
the  prisoner  unless  one  were  unlocked  again.  On  this 
being  very  politely  pointed  out  to  the  Lord  Mayor  (who 
did  not  seem  quite  to  like  being  corrected),  he  altered 
his  order,  and  cried  out :  "  Bring  in  the  prisoner,  and 
lock  all  the  doors."  Immediately  the  band  struck  up 
the  most  martial  music  and  the  prisoner  was  brought 
in,  tied  tightly  with  twine,  sealed  with  red  sealing- 
wax,  and  guarded  by  a  squad  of  infantry,  who  at  once 
formed  fours,  and  marked  time  for  the  rest  of  the 

*When  the  music  had  ceased,  and  the  general 
excitement  caused  by  the  entrance  of  the  prisoner  had 
subsided,  the  Lord  Mayor  politely  requested  him  to 
take  a  seat,  which  he  very  gladly  did,  on  being  untied 
by  the  policeman. 

*  Now,  as  every  one  knew  that  the  doctor  had  really 
been  the  cause  of  all  the  trouble,  the  only  point  to  be 
decided  at  the  trial  was  whether  he  had  done  it  inten- 
tionally or  not,  and  the  Lord  Mayor  addressed  him 
accordingly,  asking  him  if  he  had  anything  to  say  upon 
the  subject.  The  doctor  happened  to  be  thinking  of 
something  else  at  the  moment  and,  moreover,  had  his 
head  turned  in  another  direction,  watching  a  fly  on 
the  window  of  the  hall,  so  that  he  did  not  hear  the 
question.  The  Lord  Mayor  waited  about  a  quarter 
of  an  hour  for  an  answer,  and  receiving  none,  he 


'  I'li,!*'    '     ''■'  ' '' 



called,  in  an  annoyed  tone,  for  the  witnesses  for  the 

'  The  principal  witness  for  the  prosecution  was  a 
Sicilian  char-woman,  whose  evidence  was  translated  by 
one  of  the  many  aldermen  present  to  assist  in  case  of 
need.  It  appeared  that  in  her  young  days  she  had 
made  the  acquaintance  of  a  young  and  handsome 
Sicilian  waiter,  a  distant  cousin,  and  a  native  of  the 
village  in  which  she  was  born.     So  friendly  did  they 




become  in  time  that  he  had  confided  to  her  many  of 
the  secrets  of  his  life,  and,  amongst  others,  one  that 
had  weighed  very  heavily  upon  his  mind.  Some  time 
previously,  when  employed  at  a  well-known  refresh- 
ment hall,  on  the  coast  of  Lombardy,  he  had  waited 
upon  a  distinguished  young  gentleman  of  considerable 
means,  and  had  overheard  him  whisper  to  a  chance 
acquaintance,  seated  at  the  next  table,  that  a  friend  of 
his,  a  tall  dark  man,  had  met  a  young  lady  at  a  whist- 
party,  whose  greatest  friend  had  an  aunt,  formerly 
engaged  to  a  well-meaning  curate,  who  averred  that 
his  brother  knew  for  certain  that  it  was  done  quite 

INTENTIONALLY  BY Here  the  waiter  was  called 

away  to  another  client,  and  did  not  hear  the  rest  of 
the  sentence. 

*  Now  the  Sicilian  char- woman,  on  hearing  this 
from  her  good  friend,  was  much  puzzled,  and  not 
knowing  to  whom  the  words  might  refer,  made  a 
mental  note  of  it  at  the  time.  On  reading  of  the 
arrest  of  the  doctor,  however,  and  of  what  he  was 
accused,  she  concluded  that  there  must  be  some 
connection  between  him  and  the  man  mentioned 
by  the  brother  of  the  well-meaning  curate  formerly 
engaged  to  the  aunt  of  the  greatest  friend  of  the 
young  lady  who  was  met  at  the  whist  party  by  the 
tall  dark  friend  of  the  young  gentleman  of  consider- 
able means  who,  as  you  know,  was  waited  upon  by 
the  Sicilian  waiter  at  the  well-known  refreshment 
hall  in  Lombardy,  so  she  had  hastened  from  Sicily 


to  tell  her  tale.  At  the  conclusion  of  her  evidence 
a  murmur  of  admiration  was  heard  all  over  the  court, 
and  the  Lord  Mayor  was  so  charmed  with  her  and 
the  really  pleasant  way  in  which  she  had  told  her  tale, 
that  he  lightly  threw  a  half-crown  to  her  across  the 
hall,  which  she  very  neatly  caught.  She  then  sat 
down,  amidst  the  cheers  of  the  crowd. 

*  The  principal  witness  for  the  defence  was  a  young 
journeyman  tailor,  who  stated  that  on  cleaning  out 
the  pockets  of  an  old  coat  which  had  been  left  at  his 
house  for  repairs  by  a  dark  gentleman  of  mysterious 
appearance,  he  had  discovered  an  old  envelope  upon 
which  he  could  just  trace  the  figures  56 — 6.30  a.m. 
The  coat  was  never  called  for,  and  the  tailor  pondered 
over  the  envelope,  but  could  make  nothing  of  it.  He 
showed  it  to  every  policeman  of  his  acquaintance, 
but  not  one  could  unravel  the  mystery,  and,  as  a  last 
resource,  he  procured  an  introduction  to  the  principal 
policeman  in  the  British  Museum  Library.  This  great 
man  examined  the  envelope  very  carefully,  but  with 
no  result,  and  the  only  advice  he  could  give  him  was 
to  call  at  every  house  numbered  56  at  6.30  in  the 
morning  and  see  what  would  happen. 

'  The  tailor  followed  this  advice  diligently  for  some 
time  and  met  with  many  rebuffs,  as  he  had  nothing  to 
say  on  the  door  being  opened  to  him.  At  length  one 
morning  he  came  to  an  empty  house  numbered  56, 
the  steps  of  which  were  littered  with  straw.  Gazing 
hopelessly  at  this  for  some  time,  he  noticed  that  three 



pieces  pointed  distinctly  in  one  direction  to  the 
corner  of  the  street,  and  you  may  well  imagine  his 
surprise  when,  on  following  the  direction  indicated 
by  the  straw,  he  came  across  this  postcard.' 

Ptolemy  Jenkinson  here  handed  this  torn  post- 
card to  the  company. 

Ptolemy  again  proceeded  with  his  story : — 

'  Now  the  tailor,  more  puzzled  than  ever,  took  the 
card  home,  and,  after  weeks  of  deep  thinking,  decided 
that  the  card  must  have  been  completed  thus.' 

Ptolemy  here  handed  the  remaining  portion  of 
card,  with  the  tailor's  suggested  completion,  to  the 

'  You  may  guess  the  surprise  of  every  one  present 
when  the  tailor  produced  the  completed  card.  The 
Lord  Mayor  gazed  at  it  in  astonishment.  He  turned 
it  over  and  over,  and  suddenly  noticing  that  there 
was  a  foreign  stamp  on  the  other  side,  he  became 
more  excited  than  ever,  and  asked  if  he  might  tear 


*.D     MAVOO 
'■"C   STAMP.  ^ 


it  off,  as  his  son  had  rather  a  good  collection.  This 
the  tailor  readily  allowed  him  to  do,  and  this  put  the 
Lord  Mayor  in  a  good  temper  for  the  rest  of  the 
afternoon,  and  gave  a  more  cheerful  aspect  to  the 
case  altogether. 

'After  the  tailor's  evidence,  which,  of  course, 
proved  that  the  doctor  had  not  intended  to  bring 
about  the  harm  of  which  he  had  been  the  un- 
fortunate cause,  there  was  nothing  for  the  Lord 
Mayor  to  do  but  to  acquit  the  prisoner,  which  he 
did,  much  to  everybody's  relief 

*The  Lord  Mayor  then  retired,  after  ordering  a 
new  suit  of  clothes  from  the  journeyman  tailor,  and 
inviting  the  Sicilian  charwoman  and  the  other 
witnesses  to  progressive  whist  and  to  be  introduced 
to  his  family. 

*  So,  Gentlemen,'  said  Ptolemy  in  conclusion,  *  my 
uncle  and  myself  are  quite  free  at  last,  and  entirely 
at  your  service.' 



Such  a  valuable  offer  could  not  very  well  be 
refused,  so,  after  explaining  the  object  of  the  expedi- 
tion to  their  new  friends,  the  whole  force  moved 
joyfully  on. 



"*" '^^  ■'«-o«.o^^,^„„o»*^ 



IN  due  time  the  gallant  army  arrived  at  the  little 
town  of  Killgruel,  a  very  respectable  place 
indeed,  at  which  they  spent  the  pleasantest  of 
week-ends,  entertained  at  *  At  Homes,'  soirees,  and 
receptions,  to  any  number  of  which  every  member  of 
the  expedition  was  invited  during  their  brief  stay. 
Bill  and  the  King  were  the  guests  of  the  very  respect- 
able and  Right  Honourable  Hesketh  Fitzgreynib,  the 
Mayor  of  Killgruel,  who  entertained  them  with  the 
extremest  gentility  imaginable.  So  respectable  and 


genteel  was  their  host,  that  it  had  been  said  of  him 
that  never  had  he  been  known  to  don  the  same  suit 
twice,  having  at  the  very  least  a  new  one  every  day ;  j 

nor  had  he  ever  been  seen  to  remove  his  lavender  ' 

gloves  even  at  meal  times.     It  was  also  reported  that,  ! 

not  content  with  bowing  most  politely  to  every  one  he  \ 

met  in  the  street,  he  behaved  in  a  like  genteel  manner 
to  all  the  pillar-boxes  and  lamp-posts  that  he  passed  j 

upon  his  way,  and  that  he  always  walked  sideways  \ 

down  the  street  with  his  back  to  the  wall,  in  order 
that  he  should  not  be  compelled  to  turn  it  upon  the 
passers-by.  Whether  these  reports  are  true  or  not, 
it  is  certain  that  he  was  the  most  gentlemanly  gentle- 
man in  all  Killgruel,  a  town  which  could  boast  more 
elegant  and  refined  people  than  any  other  town  in  the 
whole  world.  i 

He  was  indeed    the  pride  of  Killgruel,   and   so 
respected  by  his  fellow-townsmen,  who  valued  him  I 

greatly  for  his  exceptional  gentlemanliness,  that  he  j 

was  not  allowed  to  soil  his  hands  by  so  much  as  a  j 

stroke  of  work,  but  only  to  be  respectable  from  morning  i 

to  night.     An  intelligent  boy  scout  was  employed  to  I 

look  after  him,  and  even  to  think  for  him,  with  orders  | 

never  on  any  account  to  leave  him,  so  that  in  time  i 

this  respectable  gentleman  became  very  respectable 
indeed,   and    relying  for  almost    everything   on  the  \ 

intelligence  and  affection  of  the  boy  scout,  who  now  ' 

performed  for  him  even  his  duties  as  Mayor  of 
Killgruel,  the  good  man  was  enabled  to  devote  his  | 

99  I 

8  'r  ^  ^  i 


whole  thoughts  to  the    cultivation   of  his   respecta- 

His  good  wife,  the  Lady  Lilian  Leankettle,  who 
was  extravagantly  devoted  to  her  husband,  shone  in 
the  same  brilliant  manner,  and  was  quoted  as  a  model 
of  gentility  by  all  the  good  wives  of  the  little  com- 
munity, while  Bildith,  their  charming  and  handsome 
daughter,  gave  every  promise  of  inheriting  their 
interesting  ways. 

But  delightful  as  all  this  was  to  the  band  of 
warriors,  on  Monday  morning  they  were  compelled  to 
resume  their  journey.  It  was,  however,  so  early  when 
they  were  ready  to  start  that  the  gates  of  the  town 
were  not  unlocked,  so  the  Honourable  Hesketh,  with 
whom,  as  Mayor  of  Killgruel,  the  keys  were  always 
left  at  night,  allowed  the  scout  to  take  the  keys  and 
let  the  wanderers  out.  After  a  charmingly  polite 
farewell  from  the  Right  Honourable  Hesketh  and 
others  of  their  entertainers  who  had  gathered  by  the 
town  hall  to  see  them  off,  the  gallant  band  marched 
down  the  high  street  towards  the  only  gate  of  the 
town,  headed  by  the  intelligent  boy  scout.  From  the 
first  the  King  showed  symptoms  of  being  rather  un- 
manageable, and  Bill  had  great  difficulty  in  getting 
him  past  the  shops,  which  were  now  all  taking  down 
their  shutters,  and  when  they  arrived  at  the  sweet- 
stuff  shop  there  was  nothing  for  it  but  to  go  in  and 
buy  him  some  cocoanut  ice. 

At  length  they  managed  to  get  clear  of  the  gates, 


which  were  then  closed  with  a  bang  behind  them,  and 
the  last  they  saw  of  the  intelligent  boy  scout  was  with 
the  great  town  keys  held  firmly  between  his  teeth,  in 
order  that  he  might  hold  with  one  hand  the  top  of 
the  wall  to  which  he  had  hastily  climbed,  while  with 
the  other  he  waved  a  fond  good-bye  to  the  departing 

With  a  great  gurgling  cry,  which  all  took  to  be 
one  of  grief  at  their  departure,  the  affectionate  lad 
suddenly  disappeared  and  the  brave  fellows  resumed 
their  march. 

Their  road  now  took  them  across  the  mountains  at 
the  foot  of  which  nestled  the  little  town  of  Killgruel. 
Towards  evening  the  noble  fellows  were  crossing  the 
highest  peaks  of  the  range,  weary,  and  looking  forward 
to  their  supper  and  a  good  night's  rest,  both  of  which 
they  proposed  to  take  in  the  woods  on  the  other  side 
of  the  mountains.  Every  one  now  began  to  notice 
that  the  old  King  seemed  worried  about  something  or 
other,  and  the  further  they  marched  the  more  fidgety 
he  became,  until  at  last,  when  they  had  nearly  de- 
scended to  the  woods  on  the  other  side,  the  old 
aggravator  called  his  general  to  him  and  said  : — '  Bill, 
did  you  happen  to  notice  in  the  window  of  the  principal 
sweet-stuff*  shop  in  the  Killgruel  high  street,  three 
fine  fat  sticks  of  liquorice  leaning  against  the  bottle 
containing  the  pear  drops?  Well,  I  can't  get  them 
out  of  my  mind.'  Bill  tried  to  persuade  him  to  forget 
them,  and  talked  of  many  other  things,  in  order  to 



distract  him  from  such  thoughts.  Presently  he 
appeared  to  grow  easier,  and  as  he  did  not  for  some 
time  again  refer  to  the  Hquorice  sticks,  Bill  was 
pleased  to  think  that  he  had  been  successful  in  direct- 
ing the  old  boy's  thoughts  into  another  channel. 
However,  as  they  were  unpacking  their  things  in  the 
woods  at  which  they  had  now  arrived  and  were  lighting 
fires,  preparatory  to  cooking  their  suppers,  the  truly 
exasperating  creature  again  called  Bill  to  him.  *  Bill,' 
said  he,  with  the  most  miserable  face  in  the  world, 
*it's  no  good.  I  can't  forget  'em,  try  as  I  will.  I 
don't  want  any  of  that  nasty  porridge  I  know  they 
are  about  to  prepare  for  supper.  I  must  have  some 
of  those  liquorice  sticks.' 

Hiding  his  annoyance  as  much  as  he  could,  Bill 
tried  to  convince  him  how  nice  porridge  really  is  and 
how  good  for  him,  but  the  discontented  old  man,  who 
no  doubt  had  been  very  much  spoilt  as  a  boy,  would 
hear  nothing  of  it.  '  I  don't  want  to  be  done  good  to,' 
cried  he,  *and  if  I  don't  have  those  liquorice  sticks 
to-night  before  I  go  to  bed  I  know  I  shall  get  the 
fidgets  and  not  be  able  to  sleep  a  wink.' 

Bill  now  pointed  out  the  difficulty  of  obtaining  the 
liquorice,  the  distance  being  so  great  that  it  would  be 
impossible  to  have  it  brought  to  the  camp  before  mid- 
night at  the  very  earliest. 

The  King,  however,  was  obdurate,  and  Bill  Avas 
now  compelled,  much  against  his  will,  to  summon 
the  whole  army  together  and  call  for  a  volunteer 



to  fetch  the  hquorice,  but  not  one,  not  even  the 
pluckful  Chad,  would  venture  to  return  alone  to 
Killgruel  along  the  dreary  mountain  road  in  the 
gathering  night.  Bill  then  suggested  that  two  or 
three  should  return  together  and  keep  each  other 
company,  but  it  was  of  no  avail.  At  last,  the  only  way 
out  of  the  difficulty  that  occurred  to  Bill  was  for  half 
the  army  to  return  for  the  liquorice,  and  the  other 
half  to  remain  in  the  woods ;  but  here  yet  another 
difficulty  arose,  for  no  one  would  stay  in  the  woods 
with  the  army  weakened  to  that  extent. 

At  length   Bill  returned   to   the  whimpering  old 
potentate  and  once  more   endeavoured  to  dissuade 




him  from  his  selfish  purpose,  but  the  more  Bill  talked, 
the  more  obstinate  the  old  King  became,  and  had  it 
not  been  for  the  severe  training  Bill  had  had  as  a 
minder,  he  must  assuredly  have  lost  control  of  his 

*I  must  have  that  liquorice,'  whined  the  old 
grizzler,  'and  if  there  is  no  other  way  of  obtaining 
it  the  whole  army  must  pack  up  sticks  and  return 
to  Killgruel.' 

Many  were  the  growls  of  discontent  uttered  by 
the  poor  fellows  when  Bill  gave  the  necessary  orders 
to  pack  up  again  and  prepare  to  return  over  the 
mountains.  Only  by  dint  of  the  kindest  words  did 
he  restrain  a  mutiny,  encouraging  them  at  the  same 
time  to  humour  the  old  baby  and  put  up  with  his 
strange  ways  until  he  was  restored  to  his  throne, 
when,  no  doubt,  he  would  make  it  up  to  them  in 
many  ways. 


In  a  little  time  the  brave  fellows  were  all  on  the 
march  again,  but  the  day  was  breaking  by  the  time 
they  arrived  once  more  before  the  walls  of  Killgruel, 
all  utterly  tired,  grumpy,  and  footsore.  Bill  strode  up 
to  the  gates  of  the  town,  which,  of  course,  at  that  time 
of  the  morning  were  still  closed,  and  pulled  the  bell 
vigorously.  He  waited  some  time,  and  as  there  was 
no  reply,  he  pulled  the  bell  again,  and  then,  after 
another  interval,  he  rang  it  with  all  his  force,  but  with 
no  result  whatever.  He  could  now,  however,  hear  a 
great  muttering  on  the  other  side  of  the  wall  and 
considerable  running  to  and  fro,  so  he  determined  to 
wait  patiently.  At  length  the  little  wicket  in  the 
gate  was  opened  and  one^  of  the  Killgruellers  looked 
out,  and,  recognising  Bill  and  his  comrades,  hastily 
shut  the  wicket  again  after  promising  to  fetch  the 

Bill  now  waited  a  very  long  time  before  the 
wicket  opened  again,  and  in  the  meantime  his  poor 
comrades,  nearly  overcome  with  their  fatigue  and 
their  hunger,  had  set  up  their  camp  before  the 
walls  and  prepared  their  breakfast,  after  eating 
which  not  one  of  them  was  able  to  keep  his  eyes 
open  a  moment  longer,  and  all  fell  fast  asleep  before 
their  fires.  Even  the  old  King  dozed  off  and  snored 
peacefully  in  his  tent,  forgetting,  for  the  first  time 
in  twenty-four  hours,  the  sticks  of  liquorice,  upon 
the  enjoyment  of  which  he  had  so  much  set  his 




Bill  alone  of  the  whole  force  remained  awake,  and 
waited  and  waited,  and  as  he  stood  before  the  gates 
of  the  little  town,  the  noise  within  grew  louder  and 
louder  until  there  was  a  terrific  hub-bub  within  the 
walls.  At  last  the  wicket  opened  and  the  face  of  the 
respectable  Mayor  appeared  in  the  little  opening,  but 
so  altered  that  at  first  Bill  hardly  recognised  his  good 


host  of  the  day  before,  so  upset  and  disturbed  did  he 

The  poor  man  then  in  the  most  nervous  manner 
explained  that  no  one  in  the  town  had  seen  anything 
of  the  boy  scout  nor  of  the  town  keys  since  he  had  let 
the  army  out  of  the  gate  the  previous  morning,  and 
until  they  found  them  it  was,  of  course,  impossible  to 
let  any  one  in.  However,  the  good  fellow  (who 
certainly  seemed  rather  helpless  without  his  faithful 
attendant),  besought  Bill  to  wait  patiently,  as  they 
had  not  yet  given  up  hope  of  being  able  to  open  the 
gate.  The  wicket  was  again  hurriedly  closed,  and 
Bill,  sitting  down  by  the  gate,  prepared  to  wait  as 
patiently  as  he  could.  So  tired,  however,  was  the 
noble  lad,  that  in  spite  of  all  his  endeavours  to  remain 
awake  he  soon  fell  fast  asleep.  Long  and  deeply 
did  he  slumber,  when  he  was  awakened  by  a  most 
terrible  and  deafening  noise  within  the  town,  which 
had  been  growing  greater  and  greater  during  his 

Fortunately  all  in  the  camp,  on  account  of  their 
great  fatigue,  were  so  deep  in  sleep  that  the  great 
uproar  was  unable  to  awaken  them,  but  Bill  at  once 
stood  up  and  scaled  the  walls  to  ascertain  if  possible 
the  cause  of  the  awful  din. 

The  hub-bub  was  truly  deafening,  and  from  his 
position  on  the  walls  Bill  could  see  all  over  the  little 
town,  which  was  in  a  shocking  state  of  confusion. 
The  contents  of  every  house  were   turned  into  the 



streets,  and  the  distracted  inhabitants  everywhere 
hunting  amongst  the  furniture  and  taking  it  to  pieces 
in  their  search  for  the  lost  keys.  Beds  were  cut  open 
and  discharged  their  feathers  in  great  clouds  that 
floated  about  the  town ;  the  church  steeple  had  been 
removed  and  shaken,  and  the  inside  well  scoured; 
many  of  the  good  people  were  descending  chimneys 
attached  to  lines ;  pavements  were  lifted,  cellars 
ransacked,  the  Town  Hall  taken  to  little  pieces,  old 
houses  pulled  down,  pillar-boxes  cleared  out,  and 
lamp-posts  blown  through  by  the  perplexed  and 
almost  frantic  Killgruellers  in  their  efforts  to  find 
the  lost  keys.  All  the  milk,  the  wine,  the  water, 
the  lemonade  and  the  gravy  were  being  strained 
through  butterfly  nets  or  lawn  tennis  rackets,  and, 
after  melting  it  down,  all  the  butter,  dripping  and 
lard  was  treated  in  the  same  way.  The  treacle  tanks 
and  great  reservoirs  of  linseed  tea  were  thoroughly 
dragged,  but  with  no  result  whatever. 

A  great  procession  of  the  townsmen  nearly  filled 
the  high  street  which  led  from  the  gate  to  the  further 
end  of  the  town.  One  by  one  they  approached  the 
gates  and  tried  every  key  they  possessed.  All  kinds 
of  keys,  latch  keys,  watch  keys,  cupboard  keys,  box 
keys  were  tried,  but  not  one  could  be  found  that 
would  open  the  lock.  To  make  matters  even  more 
unbearable,  the  respectable  Mayor,  to  whom,  of 
course,  every  one  looked  for  direction  and  advice 
in  their  trouble,  was  of  no  earthly  use  whatever 



without  his  scout,  upon  whom  he  had  so  accustomed 
himself  to  rely,  that  he  was  perfectly  helpless  without 
him.  His  respectability,  exert  it  as  much  as  he  would, 
made  no  difference  of  any  kind  upon  the  situation, 
except,  perhaps,  to  place  the  poor  man  in  everybody's 

Bill  returned  to  the  King  who,  with  the  whole 
camp,  was  now  wide  awake,  and  wondering  what  on 
earth  was  taking  place  in  the  town.  Bill  at  once 
hastened  to  explain  the  state  of  things,  in  the  hope 
that  the  old  man  would  at  last  give  up  all  idea  of  the 



liquorice ;  but  in  this  he  was  much  mistaken,  for, 
instead  of  replying  to  Bill,  the  grumpy  old  provoker 
turned  sulky  and  would  not  say  a  word,  so  that  there 
was  nothing  for  the  poor  lad  to  do  but  to  wait  with 
what  patience  he  could  assume. 

The  day  declined,  with  no  lessening  of  the  terrific 
din  within  the  town,  and  the  gates  remained  obstinately 
closed.  As  evening  approached,  little  clouds  of  smoke, 
with  now  and  again  a  spurt  of  flame,  could  be  seen 
rising  from  the  other  side  of  the  walls.  Presently  a 
single  Killgrueller  was  observed  upon  the  walls,  from 
which  he  nimbly  leapt  to  the  ground  on  the  outer  side, 
and  made  off*  round  the  base  of  the  mountains,  in  an 
opposite  direction  to  the  camp.  Now  another  appeared 
and  disappeared  in  the  same  way ;  then  another  and 
another,  and  yet  another,  and  then  families  of  two, 
three,  and  four.  At  last  whole  crowds  came  scrambling 
over  the  walls,  and  vanished  in  the  same  direction, 
all  carrying  as  many  of  their  belongings  as  they  could 
conveniently  bring  along  with  them. 

This  went  on  until  all  the  inhabitants,  with  the 
exception  of  the  Mayor,  had  left  the  now  blazing  town, 
when  he  was  seen  standing  alone  upon  the  walls.  Like 
the  captain  of  a  sinking  ship,  the  noble  fellow  had 
waited  until  all  had  found  safety  before  he  sought  it 
for  himself.  Bill  hastened  to  assist  him  in  his  descent, 
and  no  sooner  had  the  poor  man  reached  the  ground 
than  Bill  led  him  gently  before  the  King  and  all  the 
officers  of  the  Httle  army,  who  were  assembled  together 

The  Respectable  Gentleman 


watching  the  flames,  and  besought  him  to  give  them 
some  explanation  of  these  truly  unaccountable  pro- 
ceedings of  the  Killgruellers. 

*  Alas !  and  alack-a-day  ! '  sighed  the  unfortunate 
gentleman,  *  allow  me  first  of  all  to  put  four  questions 
to  you.  Firstly,  What  is  the  good  of  a  locked  lock 
without  a  key  ? ' 

They  were  all  forced  to  admit  that  it  was  of  no  use 

*  Secondly,  What  is  the  good  of  a  gate  with  a  useless 
lock  that  won't  unlock  ? ' 

No  earthly  use,  all  again  admitted. 

*  Thirdly,  What  is  the  use  of  a  town  if  you  can't 
get  into  it  ? ' 

Of  course,  they  all  agreed  there  was  only  one  answer 
to  that. 

*And  now,  fourthly  and  lastly,'  said  the  Mayor, 

*  What  do  you  do  with  all  useless  things  ? ' 

*  Destroy  them,'  Bill  promptly  rejoined. 

*  Exactly,'  said  the    Right    Honourable   Hesketh, 

*  and  that  is  what  we  have  done  with  our  now  useless 
town,  and  all  the  inhabitants  are  hastening  to  build 
another  town  on  the  further  side  of  the  mountain,  the 
gates  of  which  shall  always  be  nailed  open  in  order 
that  such  a  dreadful  calamity  may  not  occur  again.' 

Bill  somehow  could  not  help  thinking  that  there 
might  have  been  another  way  out  of  the  difficulty,  but 
he  did  not  like  to  say  so.  The  old  King  at  last  realised 
that  the  Killgruel  liquorice  was  not  for  him,  so  he 



offered  no  serious  objections  when  Bill,  early  next 
morning,  gave  the  necessary  orders  to  pack  up  and 
prepare  for  the  march,  which  they  now  resumed.  The 
respectable  gentleman  preferred  to  remain  with  them 
rather  than  again  face  the  unfortunate  Killgruellers. 

They  had  not  advanced  very  far  upon  their  road, 
when  Bill,  who  generally  walked  a  little  in  advance  of 
his  troop,  heard  a  strange  clanking  noise  that  appeared 
to  proceed  from  a  tall  tree  at  the  wayside.  Wondering 
what  odd  bird  possessed  such  an  unmusical  song,  he 
allowed  his  gaze  to  wander  thoughtfully  among  the 
leaves  when,  suddenly,  what  should  he  behold  but  the 
form  of  the  vanished  scout,  dangling  by  his  legs  from 
a  branch,  and  every  time  the  tree  was  gently  stirred 
by  the  breeze,  there  came  forth  upon  the  air  this 
weird  sound. 

Bill  hastened  to  cut  him  down,  but,  to  his  unspeak- 
able surprise,  the  unhappy  young  stripling  cried, 
'  Don't,  don't !  the  keys !  the  keys  ! '  He  then  explained 
that  when  bidding  farewell  to  them  the  other  morning 
from  the  walls  of  Killgruel,  in  his  excitement  he  had 
suddenly  fallen  back  and  swallowed  the  keys  which,  at 
the  time,  he  had  been  holding  between  his  teeth.  Bill 
now  recalled  the  strange  cry  that  the  poor  lad  had 
uttered  as  they  left  Killgruel  on  that  occasion.  How- 
ever, in  spite  of  his  reluctance  to  be  right  side  up 
again  until  he  had  recovered  the  keys.  Bill  insisted 
on  fetching  him  down,  and,  in  the  severe  struggle  that 
ensued,  the  keys  fell  out  of  the  boy's  throat. 


When  at  length  the  army  came  upon  the  scene, 
nothing  could  exceed  the  joy  of  the  respectable  Mayor 
at  beholding  his  good  attendant,  whom  he  had 
despaired  of  ever  seeing  again.  He  easily  persuaded 
the  willing  young  creature  to  remain  with  him,  and 
share  the  fortunes  of  the  King  of  Troy,  and  thus, 
with  this  very  welcome  addition  to  their  forces, 
the  gallant  band  marched  on. 




SOME  weeks  after  leaving  Killgruel,  the  noble 
little  band  entered  a  great  forest,  in  the  middle 
of  which  they  overtook  a  stately  char-woman ; 
and  no  sooner  did  the  Doctor  behold  her  than  he  left 
the  ranks,  and  going  up  to  her,  shook  her  kindly  by 
the  hand.  He  then  introduced  her  to  the  King  as 
the  Sicilian  Char-woman,  and  very  chatty  and  pleasant 
she  proved  to  be,  and  as  she  was  travelling  in  the 
same  direction,  she  graciously  entertained  them  with 
the  story  of  her  life  : — 

*You  may  indeed  find  it  more  than  difficult  to 


believe  me  when  I  aver  that  I  am  the  daughter  of  an 
Arabian  Prince,  and  that  in  my  early  years  I  was  con- 
sidered not  merely  the  most  intelligent,  but  also  the 
most  beautiful  and  fascinating  creature  in  my  father's 
dominion.  As  companions  in  my  early  childhood  I  had 
sixteen  elder  sisters,  all  of  whom  were  blessed  with 
singularly  affectionate  natures,  and  were  generally 
declared  to  be  only  less  beautiful  and  intelligent  than 
myself  No  care  or  expense  was  spared  in  our  educa- 
tion and  in  fitting  us  for  the  truly  exalted  position  it 
was  hoped  that  we  should  occupy,  as  the  daughters  of 
a  distinguished  Arabian  Prince.  With  this  good  end 
in  view,  the  services  were  secured  of  the  best  of  music- 
masters,  dancing-masters,  and  instructors  in  the  many 
graceful  accomplishments  that  were  becoming  to  our 
rank ;  yet,  alas !  with  all  that  one  could  reasonably 
ask  for,  with  every  whim  and  wish  gratified  almost 
before  it  was  expressed,  with  the  most  indulgent  of 
parents,  whose  sole  joy  was  to  fill  our  lives  with 
happiness,  a  settled  melancholy  by  degrees  possessed 
my  soul  and  rendered  me  unfit  to  share  the  youthful 
pleasures  of  my  sisters.  It  was  not  that  I  was  in  any 
way  unmindful  of  all  the  kindness  shown  to  me  in 
countless  ways,  but  that  a  craving,  always  with  me 
since  my  earliest  days,  to  see  the  wonderful  world 
I  had  so  often  heard  described  in  glowing  terms, 
grew  with  me  as  time  went  by,  and,  weary  of  the 
idle  life  I  led,  I  longed  to  use  and  develop  in  wider 
fields  the  great  intelligence  I  had  been  gifted  with. 



*  At  first,  as  was  to  be  expected,  my  parents  would 
not  hear  of  my  leaving  them,  but  seeing  that 
I  grew  sadder  and  more  discontented  day  by  day, 
they  at  length  reluctantly  gave  their  consent,  for, 
after  all,  what  greater  wish  had  they  than  for  my 

'  After  many  consultations  with  the  wisest  men  in 
my  father's  court,  it  was  decided  that  I  should  take  a 
course  of  instruction  at  the  Royal  Charing  College  of 
Sicily,  and,  on  the  fateful  day,  I  took  leave  of  my 
sorrowing  parents  and  sisters,  and,  in  charge  of  the 
Grand  Yizier,  left  for  Sicily. 

'With  such  good  introductions  as  my  father  was 
easily  able  to  command,  I  had  no  difficulty  in  gaining 
an  entry  to  the  College,  in  which  I  very  soon  learnt 
to  distinguish  myself  No  lack  of  enthusiasm  and 
industry  did  I  bring  to  my  tasks,  and  a  native  ability 
far  above  the  average  soon  found  opportunities  for 
development,  so  that  in  the  course  of  time  I  was 
discharged,  a  fully  certified  and  perfected  char- 

*  Since  those  early  days  my  skill,  my  virtues,  and 
my  affections  have  been  devoted  to  the  welfare  of 
many  families,  some  of  whom  were  undoubtedly  good, 
some  indifferent,  while  some  again  were  undoubtedly 
bad.  But  without  any  question  the  worst  household 
of  all  was  that  of  the  Pettigrew  Leanmuffins,  when 
first  I  devoted  myself  to  the  wellbeing  of  its  members. 
Afterwards,  however,  as  you  shall  hear,  their  trials, 



together  with  my  disinterested  conduct,  wrought  a 
reformation  in  their  natures  as  astounding  as  it  was 
welcome  to  all  who  knew  them. 

*  Mr.  Pettigrew  Leanmuffins  himself,  a  man  of  some 
attainments,  though  ill-tempered  and  close  to  a  degree 
bordering  on  meanness,  had  little  enough  to  do  with 
me,  hardly  ever,  indeed,  disguising  his  efforts  to  ignore 
my  very  existence ;  but  no  words  at  my  command 
could  describe  the  ungenerous  nature  of  Mrs.  Lean- 
muffins,  who  not  only  refused  to  concede  any  little 
favours  to  me,  such  as  gracefully  offering  to  entertain 
my  worthy  friend  the  waiter  and  his  respectable 
family,  but  even  denied,  with  much  asperity,  my  right 
to  enjoy  an  afternoon  nap  on  the  drawing-room 

*  Of  no  value,  in  her  prejudiced  eyes,  were  the 
hardly-earned  diplomas  that  had  been  awarded  me 
during  my  five  years'  course  at  the  College,  and  though 
richly  illuminated  with  gold,  amethysts  and  pearls, 
and  framed  in  gorgeously  brocaded  velvet,  she  would 
not  hear  of  my  certificates  for  charing  being  displayed 
on  the  walls  of  the  music-room  beside  her  daughters' 
certificates  for  musical  proficiency.  With  such  poor 
examples  as  their  parents  constantly  before  them,  it  is 
not  to  be  wondered  at  that  the  three  daughters, 
Grillette,  Pandalaura,  and  Blen  should  discover  to 
one,  who  would  have  been  their  good  friend,  natures 
so  mean  that  there  seemed  little  promise  of  their  ever 
possessing  more  generous  dispositions.     Rather,  the 




wonder  is  that  they  were  not  really  worse  than  they 
were,  and  beyond  the  chance  of  any  reformation. 

*  Each  valued  her  own  paltry  and  merely  ornamental 
accomplishments  at  a  far  higher  rate  than  my  own 
well  proved  and  certified  skill  in  the  serious  art  of 
charing,  and  in  their  own  rude  way  they  never  missed 
an  opportunity  of  reminding  me  of  their  fancied 

*  During  these  early  years  of  trial  no  other  con- 
solation had  I  than  the  society  of  the  youngest  of  the 
Leanmuffin   brood — Basil   Herbert,   one  who  as  yet 




had  not  developed  the  mean  disposition  of  his  parents 
and  sisters.  For  hours  together,  when  the  other 
Leanmuffins  were  away  at  some  jaunt  or  frohe  mayhap, 
would  I,  perhaps  smarting  under  some  recent  indignity, 
pour  forth  my  troubles  into  his  not  unwilling  ears. 
Though  but  two  years  of  age  at  the  most,  he  seemed 
to  understand,  and  I  felt  that  in  his  own  quiet  way 
he  gave  me  his  sympathy.  I  therefore  resolved  in  my 
young  heart  that  he,  at  least,  should  not  be  spoilt, 
and  to  save  him  from  falling  to  the  depths  of  the 
other  Leanmuffins  was  now  my  one  hope  in  life. 



'  How  often  would  I,  in  dumb  show,  act  kind  deeds 
before  him  in  httle  scenes  and  plays  that  I  had 
composed  for  the  purpose,  using  the  kitchen  utensils 
to  personify  my  various  characters,  thus  accustoming 
his  growing  mind  to  kind  thoughts,  until  in  time  he 
gave  promise  of  becoming  as  virtuous  as  he  was  hand- 

'  He  endeared  himself  to  all  by  his  amiable  ways, 
though  none  suspected  to  whose  loving  and  untiring 
care  they  were  due,  and  friends,  nay,  even  strangers 
from  distant  lands  travelled  to  see  him,  and  marvelled 
at  his  decorous  and  kindly  behaviour,  which  charmed 
as  well  as  astonished  all  beholders. 

*His  virtues,  however,  strong  as  they  were,  did 
not  render  him  immune  to  the  weaknesses  to  which 
young  children  are  liable,  and  in  his  fifth  year  he 
developed  a  chilblain  of  the  most  painful  description. 
Every  remedy  was  tried,  dried  turnip  seed,  applications 
of  roasted  capers,  poultices  of  wild  figs  and  nard, 
fomentations  of  honey  and  turbot's  roe,  and  many 
other  recipes  for  the  curing  of  chilblains,  recom- 
mended by  anxious  friends.  Nevertheless  the  blain 
grew  chillier  and  chillier  until  at  last  they  were  com- 
pelled to  send  for  a  physician. 

*  The  physician,  after  spending  a  whole  afternoon 
examining  the  foot,  eventually  took  the  most  serious 
view  of  the  case  imaginable,  and  hastily  wrote  out  the 
following  prescription,  promising  to  call  again  in  a 
few  days : — 

Basil  Herbert  develops  a  chilblain 


1  Pint  New  Gruel. 

1  gr.  Tincture  of  Green  Acorns. 
i  gr.  Hypo. 

^  gr.  Castor  Sugar. 
3  Clove  Kernels. 

^  lb.  Coffee  Essence.  * 

f  lb.  Sugar  of  Zinc. 

2  gr.  Bisulphite  of  Lead. 
1  Pint  Spirits  of  Sulphur. 

5  gr.  Bicarbonate  of  Saltpetre. 
1  oz.  Table  Salt. 

'  Three  drops  to  be  mixed  in  a  quart  of  lukewarm 
water  and  gently  rubbed  into  the  roots  of  the  blain 
every  five  minutes,  day  and  night,  until  its  disappear- 
ance, which,  if  all  went  well,  should  take  place  in 
about  six  months'  time. 

'I  was  sent  out  at  once,  without  a  "please"  or 
"will  you  kindly"  of  course,  to  the  nearest  chemist 
to  have  the  prescription  made  up.  But,  alas !  he  was 
unable  to  do  it,  as  he  had  only  three  of  the  necessary 
ingredients  in  stock, — the  bicarbonate  of  saltpetre, 
the  table  salt,  and  the  hypo.  I  now  went  in  turn  to 
every  chemist  in  the  town,  only  to  find  that  not  one 
of  them  could  supply  me  with  all  the  necessary  in- 
gredients. One  perhaps  had  the  tincture  of  green 
acorns  and  the  hypo,  while  another  had  all  but  the 
coffee  essence  and  the  clove  kernels.  Some  again 
only  had  the  spirits  of  sulphur  and  the  sugar  of  zinc, 
and  so  on.     Now,  in  my  despair,  I  resolved  to  buy 



each  separate  ingredient  at  a  different  store  and  mix 
the  prescription  myself,  but,  alas!  I  was  no  nearer 
obtaining  it,  as  no  one  could  supply  me  with  the 
clove  kernels.  Determined  to  succeed,  I  visited  in 
succession  every  town  in  Sicily,  but  not  a  single  clove 
kernel  could  I  find  from  one  end  of  the  island  to  the 

*As  I  stood  on  the  sea-shore  at  the  edge  of  the 
island  wondering  what  next  I  should  do  to  complete 
the  prescription,  my  thoughts  flew  across  the  sea  to 
my  home  in  Arabia,  and  I  decided  to  return  there  at 
once  in  the  hope  of  learning  from  my  parents  where  I 
should  be  most  likely  to  find  the  kernels. 

*  With  the  other  ingredients  securely  sewn  into  the 
lining  of  my  skirt,  I  embarked  for  Arabia,  and  in  due 
course  arrived  at  my  father's  palace. 

*  When  my  good  parents  recognised  me,  which  they 
did  only  after  some  minutes  of  close  scrutiny,  for  it  was 
at  least  twenty-five  years  since  I  had  left  home,  they 
extended  to  me  the  kindliest  welcome,  and  by  their 
affectionate  conduct  dispelled  any  restraint  I  might 
have  felt  after  so  long  an  absence.  In  the  meanwhile 
each  of  my  sixteen  sisters  had  married  a  Sultan  or 
Prince  at  the  very  least,  and  they  were  now  reigning 
in  truly  regal  splendour  in  different  parts  of  the 
world,  and  my  parents,  being  alone  in  their  old  age, 
begged  of  me  to  come  and  live  with  them  and  gladden 
their  declining  years.  This,  however,  I  soon  con- 
vinced them  I  could  not  do,  and  besought  their  help 




and  advice  in  my  quest.  The  Prince,  my  father, 
manifested  the  greatest  desire  to  assist  me,  and  took 
a  fatherly  interest  in  my  fortunes.  He  caused  the 
palace  to  be  ransacked  from  top  to  bottom,  but  with 
no  success, — there  was  not  a  single  clove  kernel  to  be 
found  in  the  place. 

*  After  an  affectionate  parting  with  my  father  and 
mother,  I  visited  every  one  of  my  married  sisters  in 
turn,  each  of  whom  introduced  me  to  her  husband 
and  friends  with  considerable  pride,  for  you  must 
know  that  already  my  fame  as  a  char-woman  of  great 
ability  had  reached  even  to  the  most  distant  parts. 
One  and  all  were  equally  felicitous  in  their  expres- 
sions of  delight  at  seeing  me,  and  equally  pressing 
in  their  invitations  to  me  to  take  up  my  abode  with 
them.  Yet  none  were  able  to  help  me  in  the  quest  I 
had  so  much  at  heart. 

*At  last  I  returned  to  Sicily  without  the  clove 
kernels,  and,  too  ashamed  to  appear  before  the  Lean- 



muffins  without  the  completed  prescription,  I  wandered 
about  the  island  in  despair,  resting  at  night  in  the 
caves  of  the  mountains,  satisfying  the  cravings  of  my 
hunger  on  the  hard  dry  leaves  of  the  cactus. 

*  I  now  bethought  me  of  my  good  friend  the  waiter 
and  the  willingness  he  had  consistently  evinced  to  help 
me  when  in  trouble,  and  once  more  I  embarked,  this 
time  for  the  shores  of  Lombardy,  at  which  place  I 
knew  he  had  a  comfortable  situation.  With  very 
little  difficulty  I  found  the  refreshment  establishment 
at  which  he  Avorked,  and,  as  I  anticipated,  he  was 
extremely  pleased  to  meet  me  again,  and  manifested 
the  liveliest  joy  at  the  prospect  of  being  of  some  help 
to  me.  Together  we  studied  the  menu  of  the  day 
very  thoroughly,  but  could  find  no  mention  whatever 
of  clove  kernels,  and  then,  idly  looking  through  some 
menus  of  recent  date,  handsomely  bound  together 
for  future  reference,  we  discovered  that  clove  kernels 
had  been  served  as  recently  as  the  day  before.  It 
would  be  useless  to  attempt  to  describe  the  despair 
that  took  possession  of  me  when  I  discovered  that  I 
had  only  missed  them  by  one  day.  The  waiter  ex- 
citedly rushed  down  to  the  kitchen  to  see  if  any  had 
been  left  over,  but,  alas !  there  was  not  a  single  clove 
kernel  to  be  found  in  the  larder  or  anywhere  else. 
On  leaving  the  refreshment  rooms  I  shed  the  bitterest 
tears  that  had  ever  fallen  from  my  usually  joyful  eyes, 
and  on  the  rocks  by  the  sea  gave  way  to  a  mood  of 
the  greatest  despondency. 


'More  ashamed  than  ever  to  return  to  the 
Leanmuffins,  I  made  several  inquiries  for  any  one 
requiring  the  services  of  an  amicable,  virtuous, 
and,  at  the  same  time,  experienced  char-woman, 
determined  to  find  work  in  Lombardy  if  any  were 
to  be  had. 

'  Not  receiving  satisfactory  replies  to  my  inquiries, 
my  good  waiter,  true  to  his  kind  nature,  introduced 
me  to  one  of  his  most  regular  customers,  the  Marquis 
of  Lombardy,  who  had  been  looking  out  for  some 
years  for  a  capable  char-woman  to  superintend  the 
management  of  his  domestic  affairs.  Meeting  with 
the  approval  of  the  Marquis,  I  thus  secured  a  com- 
fortable home,  and  resolved  to  forget  that  I  had  ever 
lived  in  Sicily. 

*Now  it  happened  that  the  Marquis,  being  a 
regular  diner  at  the  restaurant,  had  partaken  of 
clove  kernels  on  the  last  occasion  they  were  served, 
and  three  or  four  must  have  fallen  from  his  spoon 
into  his  waistcoat  pocket  at  the  time,  for  I  overheard 
his  valet  repeat  to  the  housemaid  that  he  had  found 
them  therein  when  brushing  his  master's  clothes,  and 
that  he  had  presented  them  to  one  of  the  boatmen's 
children.  Learning  the  name  of  the  child,  not  a 
moment  did  I  lose  in  hunting  for  him  high  and  low, 
and  eventually  discovered  him  playing  idly  on  the 
sands  with  what,  I  was  convinced,  were  the  kernels 
I  so  much  coveted.  At  last,  thought  I,  they  are 
within  my  reach,  and  running  joyfully  up  to  the  light- 



hearted  lad  discovered,  alas !  that  he  was  only  playing 
with  brass  buttons. 

*  After  the  first  shock  of  my  new  disappointment 
had  passed  away,  I  questioned  the  lad  as  to  how  he 
had  disposed  of  the  clove  kernels,  and  he  told  me 
that  his  father,  who  considered  them  excellent  bait, 
had  taken  them  from  him  and  given  him  three  brass 
buttons  in  exchange. 

*  On  asking  him  where  his  father  was  at  the  present 
moment,  he  pointed  with  his  sunburnt  hand  to  the 
horizon,  and  looking  in  the  direction  indicated,  I 
perceived  a  little  fishing-smack,  miles  away.  Without 
the  loss  of  a  single  second,  I  hired  a  boat,  and,  with 
a  boatman  to  assist,  rowed  in  pursuit,  and  after  a 
chase  of  three  or  four  hours  drew  up,  in  an  exhausted 
condition,  alongside  the  smack.  I  now  in  piteous 
tones  begged  the  clove  kernels  of  the  weather-beaten 
mariner,  but  he  only  laughed  loudly  and  bitterly  in 
reply,  and,  on  my  inquiring  the  reason  of  his  cruel 
mirth,  told  me  in  faltering  accents  that  he  had  only 
just  hauled  in  his  lines  to  discover  that  the  fish  had 
gone  off  with  the  bait  and  hook  as  well.  Thus  doomed 
to  disappointment,  I  spent  the  rest  of  the  day  in  a 
state  of  mind  bordering  on  madness. 

'  It  was  a  little  time  after  this  that,  one  evening,  I 
was  sitting  over  the  kitchen  fire.  The  cook  had  just 
served  up  an  excellent  dish  of  fish,  and  my  mind  was 
still  turning  to  Sicily  in  spite  of  my  endeavours  to 
forget  that  there  was  such  a  place,  and  wondering  if 



ever  I  should  see  Basil  Herbert  again.  Suddenly 
there  was  a  most  terrible  disturbance  overhead  in 
the  dining-room,  a  noise  as  of  plates  being  thrown 
from  one  end  of  the  room  to  the  other,  and  presently 
wild  shrieks  and  groans  of  pain.  I  ran  lightly  upstairs, 
always  ready  to  be  of  use  in  emergencies  of  any  kind, 
and  opened  the  dining-room  door  just  in  time  to  see 
the  Marquis  raving  most  pitifully.  It  transpired  that 
the  very  identical  fish  that  had  swallowed  the  hook 
I  129 


-jl  J=-J  U  ^JlRi 


and  the  clove  kernels  had  been  caught  and  served 
up  to  the  Marquis's  table,  and  he,  poor  man,  had 
just  swallowed  the  hook.  Taking  in  the  situation  at 
a  glance,  I  soon  saw  the  probability  that  the  three 
clove  kernels,  or  one  or  two  of  them,  were  in  the  body 
of  the  fish,  and  walking  boldly  into  the  room  I  grasped 
the  fish  by  the  tail,  and  took  to  my  heels. 

'For  miles  I  ran,  out  of  the  town  and  into  the 
country  without  stopping,  until,  quite  exhausted  and 
out  of  breath,  I  sat  down  beneath  a  rock  to  rest.  I 
now  examined  the  fish  which  I  still  held  in  my  hand, 
and  found  only  two  of  the  kernels  in  its  body,  the 
Marquis  having  probably  swallowed  the  third. 

'However,  although  not  the  complete  number 
required  by  the  prescription,  they  were  better  than 
no  clove  kernels  at  all,  so  after  resting  awhile  I  re- 
solved to  return  once  more  to  Sicily. 

'After  some  vicissitudes  I  arrived  at  last  at  the 


home  of  the  Leanmuffins  to  find  them  all  in  despair. 
Basil  Herbert's  condition  had  not  improved,  and  the 
physician  had  ceased  his  visits  and  gone  in  search  of 
me.  I  soon  mixed  the  stuff*,  which  brought  some 
little  relief  to  the  unhappy  young  patient — but  not 
enough,  as  the  lotion  was  not  sufficiently  strong 
without  the  third  clove  kernel. 

*We  persevered,  however,  and  the  improvement 
was  just  maintained.  At  last  one  evening  when  all 
the  members  of  the  family  were  gathered  round  the 
suff*erer's  bed  endeavouring  to  distract  him  by  every 
manner  of  entertainment  conceivable  and  by  cheerful 
songs,  glees,  and  the  telling  of  interesting  stories,  there 
came  a  low  knock  at  the  door  and  somebody  inquiring 
for  me.  Who  should  it  be  but  my  faithful  friend  the 
waiter,  who,  on  sweeping  the  floor  of  the  Lombardic 
refreshment  room,  had  discovered  a  little  clove  kernel 
in  the  corner,  and,  mad  with  delight  at  being  able  to 
assist  me,  had  hastened  from  Lombardy  to  bring  me 
the  treasure.  Small  though  it  was,  it  was  enough  to 
give  the  requisite  strength  to  the  lotion,  and  in  due 
course  the  young  patient  completely  recovered. 

*  After  their  severe  trials  the  Leanmuffins  were 
completely  transformed ;  from  being  ignoble,  mean, 
and  unkind,  they  became  generous  in  the  extreme. 
Their  joy  knew  no  bounds,  and  henceforth  they  made 
me  quite  one  of  their  family,  and  my  friend  the  waiter 
and  his  good  people  were  asked  to  dine  with  us  every 
Sunday  that  they  were  in  Sicily. 





WHEN  the  Sicilian  Char-woman  had  finished 
the  narration  of  her  truly  wonderful  ex- 
periences, and  while  the  army  were  yet 
applauding  her,  the  King  stepped  down  from  his  chair, 
and  taking  the  good  woman  by  the  hand,  explained  to 
her  the  object  of  their  great  expedition.  *  And  now,' 
said  the  astute  old  monarch  in  conclusion,  *  powerful 


as  we  undoubtedly  are,  and  as  you  can  see  for  yourself 
that  we  are,  we  have  yet  one  weakness,  and  that  weak- 
ness is,  that  we  cannot  boast  of  a  single  char-woman  of 
any  description  within  our  ranks.  It  has  occurred  to 
us,  in  listening  to  your  story,  that  if  you  are  able,  as  I 
have  no  doubt  you  will  be,  to  obtain  a  good  character 
from  your  last  place,  that  we  shall  be  delighted  to 
engage  you  as  an  assistant  to  the  amiable  Boadicea  in 
her  attendance  upon  my  person.' 

*  Fiddlesticks,'  snapped  the  abrupt  woman,  *look 
after  your  person  indeed !  Look  after  it  yourself,'  and 
the  strange  creature  walked  off.  Unwilling  to  lose 
such  a  treasure,  the  King  called  after  her,  and  ex- 
plained that  if  he  had  offended  her  it  was  quite  un- 
intentionally, and  offered  her  any  post  she  would  like 
to  fill,  of  course  providing  that  it  had  not  already  been 
filled,  in  his  army. 

*Now  you  are  talking  reasonably,'  replied  the 
quickly  mollified  creature.  '  Well,  as  you  are  so  very 
kind,  I  don't  mind  being  the  flag-bearer.' 

'  But  I  am  really  afraid  we  have  no  flag,'  objected 
the  King. 

'  Oh,  we  '11  soon  settle  that  little  difficulty,'  replied 
the  woman.  And  she  at  once  removed  her  apron 
and  snatching  from  the  astonished  Scout  the  staff  he 
usually  carried  with  him,  she  tied  the  apron  thereto 
by  its  two  strings  and  waved  it  proudly  in  the  air 
three  or  four  times,  at  each  time  jumping  as  high  as 
she  could. 



Every  one  cheered  in  their  delight  at  the  readiness 
of  the  good  woman,  and  congratulated  each  other 
cordially  on  this  interesting  addition  to  their  forces. 

The  King  now  stood  up  in  his  chair,  and  after 
quieting  the  general  excitement  by  ringing  his  bell, 
he  thus  addressed  his  troops : — 

*  My  dear  old  boys  and  girls,  although,  no  doubt,  I 
appear  to  you  a  very  fine  man  indeed,  with  a  good 
appetite  and  fairly  well  covered  for  my  time  of  life, 
I  am  not  quite  the  man  I  should  be.  You  must  know 
that  in  my  early  babyhood  I  was  a  victim  to  the 
wicked  carelessness  of  the  royal  cook.  One  morning 
this  thoughtless  creature  left  an  unboiled  parsnip  on 
the  garden  path  (had  it  been  boiled  and  soft,  my  fate 
had  been  different  perhaps)  while  chatting  with  a 
friend  at  the  tradesmen's  entrance.  As  ill  luck  would 
have  it,  I  was  at  the  time  playing  on  the  palace  roof, 
to  which  I  had  climbed  through  the  nursery  chimney, 
and,  childlike,  was  gazing  curiously  at  a  strange  bird 
flying  overhead,  when  I  overbalanced  and  fell  from 
the  roof  right  on  to  the  parsnip  on  the  garden  path, 
which,  as  you  will  guess,  hurt  me  very  severely  indeed.' 

The  King  here  exhibited  to  his  audience  a  dent  on 
his  head  in  the  form  of  a  parsnip. 

*  On  hearing  of  this  my  father,  of  course,  was  highly 
indignant,  and  ordered  the  cook  to  be  beheaded  in- 
stantly, or,  at  all  events,  as  soon  as  she  had  finished 
cooking  the  dinner. 

*The  dinner,  however,  was  so  excellent  that  my 



father,  in  his  enjoyment  of  it,  forgot  all  about  my 
mishap,  and  the  cook  went  unpunished.  Nevertheless 
the  shock  to  my  system  was  so  great  that,  feeling  it 
even  to  this  day,  as  I  have  said,  I  am  not  the  man  I 
should  be.  A  trifle  irritable  now  and  again ;  or  more 
sulky  and  disagreeable  than  I  care  to  admit ;  or  at 
times  even  harsh,  morose,  surly,  snappish,  rattish,  and 
short-tempered,  all  little  failings  you  have  no  doubt 
noticed,  and  which  now,  knowing  my  early  misfortune, 
you  will  more  readily  excuse. 

*Well,'  continued  the  King,  *you  will  at  least 
understand  that  a  little  rest  is  good  for  me  now  and 
again,  so  that,  as  we  have  already  travelled  half  the 
distance  to  my  kingdom,  I  intend  to  give  you  all  a 
whole  holiday  to-morrow,  and  on  the  day  following, 
which  happens  to  be  my  birthday,  I  will  celebrate  the 
great  occasion  with  a  grand  review,  after  which  we 
shall  once  more  resume  our  long  journey.' 




This  welcome  announcement  was  received  with 
the  greatest  enthusiasm  by  the  brave  fellows,  and 
loud  cheers  echoed  again  and  again  through  the 
forest,  and  a  great  feast  was  at  once  prepared. 

Seated  in  a  circle  on  the  grass  beneath  the  trees, 
the  good  souls  enjoyed  to  the  full  the  simple  fare 
before  them,  and  then,  after  once  more  cheering  the 
old  monarch,  retired  to  their  tents  to  sleep,  and  to 
dream  of  the  morrow  in  store  for  them. 

Next  morning,  with  the  exception  of  the  old  King, 



who  intended  to  rest  and  remain  in  bed  all  day,  every 
one  was  up  betimes.  After  a  hearty  meal,  Bill  ex- 
plained to  them  all  the  dangers  of  the  great  forest, 
and  the  necessity  of  returning  to  camp  at  dusk. 
Then,  taking  care  not  to  disturb  the  King,  they 
all  left  the  camp,  different  parties  taking  different 
directions,  seeking  amusement  wherever  they  could 
find  it. 

Bill  took  care  of  his  charges,  who  had  the  greatest 
sport  in  the  world, — tree-climbing,  nutting,  chasing 



butterflies,  fishing  in  the  pools,  playing  at  Wild 
Indians,  Hunt-the-Stag,  Robbers  and  Thieves,  Poor 
Jenny  is  a-weeping,  Red  Rover,  and  every  really 
sensible  game  that  there  is  to  play,  while  Boadicea 
spent  the  time  very  happily  in  making  beautiful 
bunches  of  wild  flowers. 

Chad,  however,  was  a  bit  of  a  nuisance,  crying  all 
the  morning  because  he  was  not  allowed  to  eat  toad- 
stools ;  so  to  keep  him  out  of  mischief.  Bill  tied  him  to 
the  highest  branch  of  a  very  tall  tree,  and  there  left 
him  to  have  his  cry  out. 

The  Long  Man  took  Ptolemy  Jenkinson  in  hand, 
and  taught  him  how  to  bird-nest,  at  the  same  time 
adding  to  his  own  valuable  collection  of  eggs.  The 
Ancient  Mariner  made  a  swing  for  the  Absent-minded 
Indian,  and  wondered,  while  he  was  swinging  him  to 
and  fro,  whether  he  enjoyed  it  or  not,  for  the  thought- 
ful creature's  face  still  gave  no  sign  at  all  of  what  was 
taking  place  in  his  mind,  supposing  he  had  one.  The 
Doctor  spent  the  day  upside  down,  with  his  feet 
supported  against  the  trunk  of  a  tree  and  his  nose 
on  the  ground,  while  he  studied  the  habits  of  the 
stag-beetle.  The  Boy  Scout  practised  scouting  by  con- 
tinually losing  his  patron  and  then  finding  him  again, 
while  the  Respectable  Gentleman  himself  kept  his 
respectability  in  hand  by  behaving  most  politely  to 
all  the  trees  of  the  forest, — raising  his  hat  to  the 
silver-birches,  leaving  his  card  on  the  ash-trees,  intro- 
ducing a  hornbeam  to  a  blackthorn,  apologising  to 

And  left  him  to  have  his  cry  out 


the  thistles  for  treading  on  their  lower  leaves,  and,  in 
fact,  behaving  like  the  perfect  gentleman  he  was,  and 
having  a  really  enjoyable  day. 

The  Triplets  played  hide-and-seek,  and  the  Sicilian 
Char-woman  set  to  and  dusted  and  scrubbed  down  a 
good  number  of  the  forest  trees,  and  spent  the  rest  of 
the  day  in  endeavouring  to  clear  up  the  last  year's 
leaves  that  everywhere  littered  the  grass. 

It  was  quite  late  in  the  evening  when  all  returned 
to  camp,  quite  tired  out,  and  after  supper  each  crept 
quietly  to  bed  without  awakening  the  King,  and  soon 
the  whole  camp  was  fast  asleep. 

In  the  morning  every  one  awoke  in  the  best  of 
spirits,  and  brimful  of  the  many  things  they  had  to 
tell  of  the  happy  time  they  had  spent  the  day  before. 
The  old  monarch  seemed  much  refreshed  for  his  long 
rest,  and  before  sitting  down  to  breakfast  every  one 
in  turn  went  up  to  him  and  shook  the  happy  old  boy 
by  the  hand,  wishing  him  many  happy  returns,  after 
which  they  all  sat  down  and  enjoyed  a  substantial 
breakfast.  Before  the  repast  was  quite  finished,  and 
while  the  King  was  looking  the  other  way.  Bill  walked 
round  the  ring  formed  by  the  army  as  they  sat  upon 
the  grass,  and  collected  birthday  presents  for  the  old 
monarch.  Every  one  was  delighted  to  give  something 
to  His  Majesty  to  show  how  much  they  appreciated 
his  greatness,  and  when  the  old  chap  received  the 
many  gifts,  all  done  up  in  one  brown  paper  parcel,  he 
was  so  overcome  that  he  could  hardly  stammer  forth 




his  thanks.  And  this  is  what  he  found  in  the  parcel 
when,  with  trembHng  hands,  he  had  succeeded  in 
opening  it : — 

From  Bill, 

From  Noah,     . 
From  Ratchett, 

From  the  Twins 

From  Randall, 
From  Nero,     . 


(  Quentin, 
1  Hannibal, 

A  bone-handled,  two-bladed 
pocket-knife,  a  little  rusted, 
but  with  only  one  blade 

Some  string. 

8  brace  buttons  (very  bright). 

Wooden  top  of  peg-top. 

Iron  peg  of  same. 

Ferrule  of  umbrella. 

More  string. 


From  Biddulph, 

From  Knut,    .... 

From  Chad,     .... 

From  the  other  children 

From  the  Ancient  Mariner, 

From  the  Absent  -  Minded 
Indian,         .... 

From  the  Triplets, 

From  the  Respectable  Gentle- 
man,   .         .    '     . 

From  the  Boy  Scout, 

From  the  Sicilian  Char- woman, 
From  the  Long  Man, 
From  Boadicea, 
From  the  Doctor,    . 
From  Ptolemy  Jenkinson, 

Dial  of  old  watch  (not  cracked 

very  much). 
Glass     marble     (beautifully 


2  pear  drops  (old,  but  in  good 

Twenty  last  year's  horse 
chestnuts  on  string  (very 

Piece  of  wood  skilfully  cut 
into  the  form  of  a  pebble. 


3  bunches  of  violets. 

His  visiting-card. 
One  of  the  Killgruel  town- 
keys  he  had  swallowed. 
Small  piece  of  soap. 
Wren's  egg. 

A  hat  full  of  ripe  blackberries. 
Half  of  cough  lozenge. 
A  last  year's  ticket  for  a  box. 

Every  one  clamoured  for  a  speech,  but  the  old 
fellow  was  so  affected  by  all  this  unexpected  kindness, 
that  he  would  not  trust  himself  to  open  his  mouth,  so 
with  tears  of  gratitude  pouring  from  his  eyes,  he 
retired  to  his  chair.  These  interesting  proceedings 
thus  coming  to  an  end,  he  was  wheeled  into  the  forest 
by  Boadicea  until  they  came  to  the  open  space  where 
the  review  was  to  take  place. 



Having  dried  his  eyes  and  smartened  himself  up, 
with  Boadicea  standing  sedately  at  his  side  holding 
the  presents,  the  King  now  solemnly  awaited  the 
appearance  of  the  troops.  Soon  there  was  a  great 
noise  in  the  direction  of  the  camp,  and  then  they 
could  be  heard  approaching. 

First  came  the  nine  brave  sons  of  Crispin  and 
Chloe,  proudly  marching  three  by  three,  and  as  they 
passed  the  King  each  gallantly  saluted  him.  Now 
followed  the  stately  Char-woman  with  the  flag  held 
aloft,  and  when  she  came  opposite  His  Majesty  she 
jumped  magnificently  three  times  into  the  air.  She  was 
followed  by  more  of  Bill's  charges,  and  then,  with 
great  dignity.  Bill,  the  King's  general,  marched  past 
the  Koyal  Old  Boy  and  saluted  him  grandly. 

Another  detachment  of  Bill's  charges  followed  the 
general,  then  the  Ancient  Mariner  approached,  and, 
after  placing  the  Absent-minded  Indian  on  the  ground, 
he,  with  much  dignity,  saluted  the  King  by  touching 
his  forelock,  sailor  fashion,  and  after  a  few  steps  of 
the  hornpipe,  once  more  resumed  his  burden  and 
moved  on.  The  Ancient  Mariner  was  followed  by  the 
Long  Man  who  winked  knowingly  at  the  King  as  he 
passed  by.  Ptolemy  Jenkinson  came  next,  then  the 
Doctor,  who,  not  knowing  quite  what  was  expected 
of  him,  proceeded  to  feel  the  King's  pulse,  but  was 
quickly  hustled  off"  by  the  Scout,  who  now  approached. 

The  Kespectable  Gentleman  followed  the  Boy 
Scout,  and  raised  his  hat  in  a  very  gentlemanly 


manner  to  the  King  as  he  passed  him  and  politely 
handed  him  one  of  his  cards,  upon  which  he  had 
scribbled  a  few  good  wishes  to  the  old  monarch. 

Now,  one  by  one,  the  Triplets  passed  in  front  of 
the  delighted  King,  before  whom  each  of  the  sweet 
creatures  performed  the  most  graceful  curtsy,  and 
the  procession  then  terminated  with  another  detach- 
ment of  Bill's  charges. 

The  King  was  more  than  satisfied,  and  they  all 
once  more  started  on  their  adventurous  journey. 




yA  FTER  travelling  some  days,  they  came  across 
/%  a  real  soldier  seated  at  the  side  of  the  road, 
X  ^  and  Bill  at  once  persuaded  the  King  to 
invite  so  valuable  a  man  to  join  their  expedition.  The 
King  therefore  left  his  chariot  and  approached  him, 
and  asked  the  noble-looking  fellow  if  he  would  care  to 
make  one  of  their  party,  and,  if  so,  whether  he  had, 
a  good  character  from  his  last  general,  and  the  old 
warrior  replied : — 


*  Allow  me,  my  good  sirs,  to  recite  to  you  one  of 
my  most  noteworthy  achievements,  one  of  which, 
peradventure,  you  may  not  have  read  in  the  numerous 
books  filled  with  accounts  of  my  exploits.  I  shall 
thus  remove  any  trace  of  doubt  that  may  linger  in 
your  minds  as  to  my  great  courage  and  astute 

All  expressing  their  eagerness  to  hear  the  story, 
the  wordful  old  warrior  proceeded  : — 

'As  near  as  I  can  remember,  it  was  in  the  early 
fifties  when,  a  mere  drummer-boy,  with  the  bloom  of 
early  boyhood  still  gi'acing  my  bi^ve  young  cheek, 
I  marched  with  the  gallant  53rd  or,  as  you  may 
possibly  know  them,  the  King's  Own  Royal  Roebucks, 
to  the  relief  of  the  Isle  of  Wight.  This  island,  at  the 
time  I  mention,  was  blockaded  by  that  notorious 
filibuster,  Reginald  Bendbrisket,  a  rogue  who,  pos- 
sessed of  the  greatest  audacity  and  cunning,  had 
earned  for  himself  an  unenviable  reputation,  from 
Margate  to  Samoa,  by  the  terrible  extent  of  his 

'  You  will  all  doubtless  remember  how,  disappointed 
in  his  endeavours  to  usurp  the  throne  of  Pitcairn 
Island,  he  had  impudently  resolved  to  make  a  sudden 
i*aid  upon  the  Isle  of  Wight ;  and  thus  to  feed  his 
own  insatiable  greed  and,  at  the  same  time,  appease 
the  disappointed  rage  of  his  desperate  followers,  he 
would  have  plunged  the  peaceful  little  island  into 
abject    misery.      What   tempted   him    thereto    none 



can  guess  with  any  certainty,  unless  indeed  it  were 
the  many  false  reports,  spread  abroad  by  the  un- 
scrupulous, of  the  gold,  silver,  and  diamonds  to  be 
found  there ;  of  the  extensive  quarries,  rich  in  the 
finest  hearthstone  ;  and  of  the  natural  paraffin  springs, 
that  could  provide  the  world  with  the  purest  oil ;  and 
many  other  reports,  alike  false  and  discreditable  to 
their  inventor  and  to  those  who  repeated  them  to  the 
credulous  stranger. 

*  Had  the  rogue  been  successful  in  his  latest  raid, 
his  small  band  of  followers  (mayhap  increased  to  a 
powerful  army  by  the  hordes  of  discontented  periwinkle- 
gatherers,  prawners,  and  lobster-potterers  that  earn 
a  scanty  living  on  our  shores)  would,  without  doubt, 
have  had  at  their  mercy  the  Isle  of  Sheppey  and  the 
numerous  other  Islets  that  ornament  our  coasts.  And 
then,  from  these  a  sudden  and  successful  descent  on 
Ludgate  Hill  would  have  rendered  him  master  of  the 
whole  of  London.  Now  I  am  going  to  tell  you  how 
the  courage  and  forethought  of  a  simple  drummer- 
boy  frustrated  all  his  schemes,  and  brought  to  his 
knees  one  of  the  most  unscrupulous  enemies  that 
has  ever  invaded  our  shores. 

'  To  come  back  to  the  beginning  of  my  story,  we 
had  a  comfortable  journey  down,  the  tedium  of  which 
had  been  greatly  relieved  by  delightful  conversa- 
tion and  intellectual  chatting,  each  in  his  turn  con- 
siderably astounding  the  others  by  the  amount  of 
intelligence  he  displayed.  These  pursuits  were  again 


varied  by  interesting  recitations,  and  such  parlour- 
games  as  could  be  conveniently  played  in  a  railway 
carriage.  We  arrived  in  the  afternoon  at  a  snug  little 
hamlet  on  the  coast  opposite  the  island,  whence  we 
embarked  in  a  fleet  of  disused  barges  and  dredgers. 
We  reached  our  destination,  after  a  fairly  calm 
voyage,  without  having  excited  the  curiosity  of  the 
invaders,  only  one  of  whose  vessels  we  passed,  and 
all  on  board  it  were  so  engrossed  with  the  captain, 
who  was  violently  sea-sick,  that  we  passed  un- 

*  We  were  2,352  strong,  including  the  gallant  53rd, 
of  which  I  was  a  member,  a  battery  of  artillery,  a 
camel  corps,  two  squadrons  of  the  smartest  cavalry 
that  ever  chased  a  rabbit  across  the  Hackney  Marshes, 
and  a  battalion  of  infantry,  so  well  trained  that  there 
was  not  one  of  the  rank  and  file  who  could  not  play 
quite  delightfully  on  the  piano  ;  while  the  officers  were 
unexcelled  at  conjuring  tricks,  with  which  they  used 
to  amuse  the  soldiers  seated  round  the  camp-fires  of 
an  evening.  We  were  ably  generalled  by  that  best 
of  all  officers.  Sir  Francis  Melville  Glowmutton, 
whose  fame  in  after  years  very  nearly  earned  for 
him  the  honour  of  being  mentioned  in  a  popular 

*  We  were  met  on  the  beach  by  a  procession  of  the 
inhabitants,  headed  by  the  president  of  the  island,  all 
of  whom  were  delighted  to  see  us,  and  extended  to  us 
the  most  hospitable  of  welcomes.     Without  waiting 



for  formal  introductions^  they  fraternised  in  the  most 
friendly  spirit  with  the  troops  who,  in  turn,  were 
charmed  with  their  reception  and,  being  quite  beyond 
themselves  with  gratification,  adorned  their  conversa- 
tion with  the  most  graceful  compliments  to  the  inhabit- 
ants and  grateful  tributes  to  their  kindness. 

'  The  blockade  had  lasted  barely  eight  weeks,  so  that, 
as  yet,  the  inhabitants  of  the  island  were  not  aware  of 
it,  and  when  they  learnt  from  the  soldiers  the  real 
state  of  affairs,  they  rejoiced  beyond  measure,  and 
redoubled  their  congratulations  to  the  army  and  to 
each  other,  and  the  president  seized  the  very  first 
opportunity  publicly  to  thank  the  general  for  his 
thoughtfulness  in  coming  to  relieve  them. 

*  For  quite  a  long  time  the  handshaking  went  on, 
and  every  one  was  so  amiably  excited  that  the  presi- 
dent, anxious  that  so  much  good  feeling  should  not  be 
thrown  away,  invited  every  one  to  spend  the  evening 
with  him  at  his  presidency  on  the  Needles. 

'  And  such  a  bright  and  happy  evening  it  was  too ! 
Every  one  in  the  best  of  spirits,  and  entering  blithely 
into  all  the  games!  "Oranges  and  Lemons,"  "Nuts 
and  May,"  and  ''Poor  Jenny  is  a-weeping,"  had 
never,  within  the  memory  of  any  one  present,  been 
played  with  greater  zest,  and,  what  was  more 
wonderful,  never  had  the  rather  trying  game  of 
"  Hunt  the  Slipper "  provoked  less  ill-temper  since 
it  was  first  introduced  into  this  country  at  the  Nor- 
man Conquest. 



'  The  joy  of  the  froHcsome  ones  was  only  equalled 
by  that  of  the  older  inhabitants  and  the  elderly  officers, 
who,  seated  on  chairs  placed  for  them  round  the 
walls  of  the  hall,  fairly  shook  with  laughter  and  merri- 
ment, until  the  tears  rolled  down  their  handsome 
old  cheeks. 

'  At  last,  with  flushed  and  happy  faces,  all  sat  down 
to  a  splendid  cold  supper  provided  by  the  President, 
but  it  was  some  little  time  before  the  feast  could 
proceed,  as  every  one  was  so  well-behaved  that  there 
was  quite  a  turmoil  of  passing  things  to  one  another. 
At  last,  however,  every  one  was  served,  and  the  supper 
proceeded  with  the  greatest  mirth  on  all  sides. 

'After  a  while  the  president  stood  up  to  make  a 
speech,  and  had  only  got  as  far  as,  "Ladies  and 
Gentlemen,  it  is  not  that  we "  when,  to  every- 
body's consternation,  there  was  a  loud  knock  at  the 
door  and,  without  waiting  to  be  asked,  in  stalked  the 
notorious  Reginald  himself 

*  Having  approached  the  table,  he  slowly  withdrew 
his  gaze  from  the  refreshments  (to  which  it  had 
wandered  on  his  entry),  and,  drawing  himself  to  his 
greatest  height,  demanded  of  the  president  the  instant 
surrender  of  the  island  to  him  as  his  rightful  property, 
averring  that  it  had  been  left  to  him  by  an  aunt,  whose 
favourite  he  had  been.  Then,  putting  his  hand  to  his 
bosom,  he  drew  thence  an  old  roll  of  parchment  which, 
indeed,  proved  to  be  the  Will  of  one  Martha  Grub. 
This  he  handed  to  the  president,  who  read  aloud 


therefrom  the  following  clause,  which  had  been  under- 
lined : — 

'  And  I  do  bequeath  unto  my  good  sister's  son,  the 
shapely  Reginald  Bendbrisket,  inasmuch  as  he  has 
shown  some  kindness  unto  my  black  cat,  now  dead 
alas !  twenty  jars  of  the  good  plum  preserve  I  did 
make  last  fall  as  well  as  five  yards  of  the  good  garden 
hose  wherewith  I  did  heretowhile  water  my  cabbages 
in  the  droughty  seasons,  the  rest  to  be  cut  up  and 
divided  equally  amongst  my  other  nephews  and  nieces 
to  be  used  by  them  as  they  may  see  fit  whatsoever. 

'  At  their  demise  the  said  pieces  shall  be  delivered 
up  to  the  said  Reginald,  who  will  once  more  unite  the 
fragments  and  pass  the  completed  hose  on  to  his 
heirs  for  ever. 

*  For  his  goodness  in  undertaking  thus  to  carry  out 
my  wishes  I  do  also  bequeath  unto  the  before- 
mentioned  Reginald  the  Island  of  Wight  situate  at 
the  south  coast  of  England. 

*0n  reading  this  the  president  turned  very  pale 
and  every  one  trembled,  never  having  dreamt  of  the 
strength  of  the  invader's  position.  But  being  a  bit 
of  a  lawyer,  the  president  very  soon  rallied  and  replied 
to  the  filibuster,  in  as  courtly  a  manner  as  he  could 
assume,  that  he  was  bound  to  admit  that  his  aunt 
Martha  had,  without  doubt,  left  the  island  to  him,  and 
that  he  would  be  the  last  man  to  dispute  the  fact — here 
the  rogue,  vainly  imagining  that  he  was  about  to  realise 
his  greatest  hopes,  could  not  conceal  his  satisfaction, 




and  helped  himself  to  a  sandwich — ''  But  hold  ! "  cried 
the  president  in  a  terrible  voice,  "  I  do  dispute  that  it 
was  hers  to  leave." 

*  At  this  the  irascible  Reginald  completely  lost  his 
temper  and  hurled  the  sandwich  with  such  fury  to  the 
ground  that  it  broke  one  of  the  gorgeous  tiles  that 
ornamented  the  floor.  "  Have  you,"  said  he,  "  the 
audacity  to  doubt  the  word  of  my  aunt  Martha  ?  Have 
you  the  face  to  stand  there  and  dispute  the  will  of 
that  excellent  woman,  written  when  dying  of  a  broken 
heart  at  the  death  of  her  black  cat,  and  whose  only 
solace  w  as  the  company  of  her  dutiful  nephew  ?  Then 

Reginald  completely  lost  his  temper 


'your  fate  be  upon  your  own  head' 

your  fate  be  upon  your  own  head."  And  he  strode 
out  of  the  hall  gnashing  and  grinding  his  teeth  in  the 
most  terrible  manner,  only  stopping  to  pick  up  the 
sandwich  which  he  had  thrown  down  in  his  outburst 
of  passion. 

*  When  the  door  had  slammed  to  with  terrific  force 
behind  him  there  was  a  great  silence  in  the  hall,  and 
we  all  looked  at  one  another  with  scared  faces.  Soon 
every  one  arose  from  the  table,  and  silently  left  the 
banqueting-hall  to  prepare  for  the  light  which  we  now 
knew  would  come  on  the  morrow. 

'  Try  as  I  would,  I  could  not  sleep  for  thinking  of 



the  battle  in  store  for  us.  I  counted  more  sheep  than 
would  have  fed  our  army  for  six  months,  but  with  no 
result.  I  then  tried  elephants,  and  after  that  camels 
and  zebras,  and  finally,  hoping  that  their  odd  shapes 
might  bring  me  repose,  I  tried  ant  bears,  but  all  in  vain. 
At  last,  in  despair,  I  rose  from  my  hard  couch,  donned 
my  uniform,  and  snatching  up  a  cracknel,  strode  out 
of  my  tent. 

'Murmuring  "Brittle  Pantechnicons"  (which,  by 
the  way,  was  our  password)  to  the  sentry,  I  strolled 
idly  down  to  the  sea.  It  was  a  beautiful  and  perfectly 
still  night,  with  not  a  ripple  to  disturb  the  surface  of 
the  sea,  upon  which,  here  and  there,  would  glow  a 
little  shimmer  of  light  as  the  phosphorescent  turbot 
rose  to  its  prey.  In  the  distance,  and  away  to  the 
right,  could  be  geen  the  camp-fires  of  the  enemy,  and 
the  reflections  in  the  pools  left  by  the  tide.  Ever  and 
anon  sounds  of  merriment  could  be  heard  as  the 
invaders,  heedless  of  the  morrow,  spent  the  night  in 
revelry.  To  the  left,  and  further  back,  could  be  seen 
the  tents  of  our  forces,  not  a  sound  arising  therefrom 
except  the  low  monotonous  breathing  of  the  soldiers 
(who  were  so  well  drilled  that  even  in  their  sleep  they 
breathed  in  time),  or  maybe  the  "Who  goes  there?" 
of  the  sentry  would  sound  in  the  darkness,  as  he 
mistook  a  moth  for  a  spy,  or  the  drone  of  the  beach 
bee  for  the  war-whoop  of  the  enemy. 

'  At  the  water's  edge,  dark  against  the  starry  sky, 
I  found  a   solitary  bathing-machine,  beneath   which 



I  crept,  and  here  at  length  my  weariness  quite  over- 
came me  and  I  slept.  How  long  I  remained  thus  I 
cannot  tell,  but  I  was  awakened  by  heavy  footsteps 
on  the  floor  of  the  machine  over  my  head.  My 
curiosity  was  intense,  but  resisting  the  temptation  to 
rush  out  and  satisfy  it,  I  wisely  resolved  to  remain  in 
my  present  position  as  long  as  possible. 

*  Presently  the  mysterious  tenant  of  the  machine 
opened  its  seaward  door  and  stood  revealed  in  the 
light  of  the  moon,  which  had  arisen  during  my  sleep, 
as  the  terrible  Reginald  Bendbrisket  himself,  clothed 
in  a  deep  black  bathing-suit.  I  crouched  down,  not 
daring  to  move  a  muscle,  and  was  presently  relieved 
to  see  him,  after  standing  for  some  time  on  the  steps 
of  the  machine,  amble  carefully  over  the  stones  to 
the  edge  of  the  sea,  into  which  he  plunged. 

'  Now  it  was  that  an  idea  suddenly  occurred  to  me, 
and  I  instantly  crept  from  my  place  of  concealment, 
and  stealing  up  to  the  landward  door  of  the  machine 
nailed  it  fast  with  the  hammer  and  nails  I  always 
carried  with  me  to  mend  my  drum,  which  was  not 
infrequently  broken  beneath  my  enthusiastic  blows. 



Having  secured  the  front  door,  I  now  crept  in  at  the 
back  and,  doffing  my  own  clothes,  soon  donned  those 
of  the  unconscious  fihbuster,  who  was  still  floundering 
about  in  the  sea.  Having  effected  this  change,  I  crept 
back  to  my  former  position  under  the  machine,  and 
had  barely  made  myself  comfortable  there  when  I  saw 
the  rogue  returning. 

'After  scrambling  painfully  over  the  stony  beach 
he  mounted  the  steps  and  entered  the  machine,  and 
the  slam  of  the  door  as  it  closed  upon  him  was  the 
signal  for  me  to  rush  out  and  secure  this  as  I  had 
already  secured  the  front  door.  Having  done  this, 
I  waited  no  longer,  but  made  off  with  all  possible 
speed  in  the  direction  of  the  enemy's  camp,  which  I 
had  nearly  reached,  when  I  heard  a  most  terrible 
banging  from  the  interior  of  the  now  distant  bathing- 
machine.  Losing  no  time,  I  entered  the  camp,  and, 
being  easily  mistaken  for  their  captain,  passed  on 

*  Arriving  in  time  at  the  centre  of  the  camp,  I 
found  all  the  men  gathered  together,  having  forsaken 
their  revels,  evidently  in  expectation  of  the  return  of 
their  leader. 

*  Standing  before  the  villainous  crew,  I  assumed,  as 
nearly  as  I  could,  the  mien  and  rough  harsh  voice  of 
their  filibustering  captain,  and  ordered  them  to  embark 
at  once  and  to  leave  the  island,  as  it  had  been  re- 
inforced during  the  night  by  such  a  mass  of  thundering 
artillery  as  would  be   impossible  to   withstand,  and 




that  they  were  even  now  fast  approaching  along  the 
beach  from  the  other  end  of  the  island  where  they 
had  landed.  The  men,  on  hearing  this  appeared 
quite  incredulous  and  their  growls  of  disbelief  grew 
louder  and  louder  and  threatened  a  terrible  mutiny. 
Having  at  length  gained  a  hearing,  I  invited  them  all 
to  that  part  of  the  camp  by  which  I  had  entered,  to 
hear  for  themselves  the  approach  of  the  distant  hosts. 
Leading  them  all,  still  grumbling  and  growling,  a  little 
way  beyond  the  camp,  I  commanded  them  all  to  be 
absolutely  quiet,  and  then,  in  the  silence  which 
ensued,  could  be  heard  far  away  in  the  direction  of 
L  161 


the  bathing-machine  a  most  terrific  and  continuous 
banging,  together  with  the  sound  of  muffled  shouting. 

'  The  men  were  aghast,  and  in  the  moonhght  their 
swarthy  faces  could  be  seen  to  change  to  a  ghastly 
white.  Then,  with  an  unearthly  yell,  they  all  turned 
and  fled  in  a  wild  panic  to  the  boats.  They  tumbled 
over  and  over  each  other  in  their  anxiety  to  get  away, 
and  many  got  wet  to  the  skin  in  their  endeavour  to 
reach  the  boats.  At  last,  to  my  great  joy,  I  saw  the 
last  of  them  pull  off*  and  reach  the  ships,  which  now 
put  on  all  sail  and  vanished  away  for  ever. 

*  I  now  returned  to  the  bathing-machine,  from 
which  still  came  a  terrible  din,  though  not  quite  so 
violent  as  it  had  been  at  first. 

*  Taking  hold  of  the  rope  that  was  fastened  to  it,  I 
began  to  drag  the  machine  in  the  direction  of  our 
camp,  the  banging  meanwhile  gradually  subsiding, 
until  at  last  only  an  occasional  bang  proclaimed  the 
machine  to  be  inhabited.  As  before,  I  passed  the 
sentry  by  murmuring  "  Brittle  Pantechnicons "  and 
drew  the  machine  up  in  front  of  the  General's 

*The  General,  having  finished  an  early  breakfast, 
was  just  setting  out  to  take  a  stroll  before  settling 
down  to  plan  out  the  battle,  and  seeing  me,  whom  he 
at  first  took  to  be  Reginald  Bendbrisket,  the  good 
man  received  quite  a  severe  shock.  However,  I  soon 
undeceived  him,  and  after  relating  my  adventures  I 
unfastened  the  door  of  the  bathing-machine,  and 


disclosed  therein  the  form  of  the  filibuster  on  bended 
knees,  imploring  our  mercy. 

'Every  one  was  delighted  at  such  a  speedy  end 
to  the  campaign,  for  my  part  in  which  I  was  duly 
honoured.  Reginald  Bendbrisket,  after  a  mild  punish- 
ment, reformed  and  became  a  very  respectable  gentle- 
man, the  president  kindly  using  his  influence  to 
secure  for  him  a  lucrative  position  in  a  well-known 
Insurance  Office. 

*And  thus,  my  good  Sirs,  it  is,  that  the  Isle  of 
Wight  still  remains  one  of  our  many  valued  posses- 

*  The  very  man  for  me,'  thought  the  King  of  Troy, 
when  he  had  finished  his  story,  and  before  proceeding 
with  their  journey,  he  promoted  the  martial  creature 
to  the  high  position  of  second  General-in-chief  of  the 



ONE  day  the  army  were  overtaken  by  a  singu- 
larly wild-looking  man  who  proved,  however, 
to  be  at  the  same  time  quite  an  amiable 
creature,  and  expressed  a  great  desire  to  seek  some 
employment  with  the  gallant  fellows.  The  King  was 
pleased  to  enlist  the  nice  and  sociable  person,  and 
was  more  than  repaid  for  his  confidence  in  him  by 
his  charming  ways.  On  one  occasion,  when  the  King 
was  rather  tired  and  worried,  the  Wild  Man,  in 
order  to  distract  the  dear  old  fellow,  told  the  follow- 
ing story  : — 


*  Good  Sirs,  though  wild  enough  indeed,  yet  may  I 
claim  to  be  an  unspoilt  child  of  nature,  whose  finest 
instincts  have,  unchecked,  found  their  true  develop- 
ment. Thus,  communing  with  nature  from  my  cradle 
and  living  on  terms  of  the  closest  intimacy  with  her 
wildest  creatures,  I  can  appreciate  their  humble  wants, 
their  hopes  and  fears,  and  have  acquired  the  truly 
marvellous  power  of  conversing  with  these  simple- 
minded  denizens  of  the  wilderness. 

'  My  home  was  a  rocky  cave  hard  by  the  sea-shore, 
in  which  I  lived  in  simple  happiness  with  my  good 
wife,  now  dead,  alas !  this  many  a  long  year  ago,  and 
our  five  brown  children,  who  long  since  have  grown 
to  men  and  gone  out  into  the  world  to  seek  their 
fortunes.  Harmless  indeed  were  our  joys,  and  our 
trials  we  bore  with  that  great  fortitude  which  was  not 
the  least  of  the  blessings  we  derived  from  our  simple 
mode  of  life. 

*  To  proceed  with  my  tale,  on  one  dismal  evening 
late  in  autumn,  I  left  my  cave,  with  the  hungry  cries 
of  my  children  still  in  my  ears, — for,  indeed,  the  poor 
things  had  had  no  sup  or  bite  the  whole  day  through. 
Wondering  what  I  could  do  that  they  might  not  go 
supperless  to  bed,  I  strolled  along  the  sands  by  the 
sea  in  the  hope  of  finding  some  odd  limpet  or  whelk 
which,  together  with  a  few  dried  dandelion  leaves, 
might  make  a  simple  stew.  Alas !  no  vestige  of  a 
single  crustacean  could  I  find,  so  I  sat  me  down  upon 
the  sands,  determined  not  to  return  until  the  children 



had  fallen  asleep  on  the  dry  ferns  and  grass  heaped 
up  for  them  at  the  back  of  the  cave,  as  their  cries 
were  more  torment  to  me  than  my  own  emptiness. 

*The  sun  had  long  ago  set,  and  the  autumnal 
twilight,  reflected  in  the  pools  of  still  water  left  by 
the  far  receded  tide,  was  gradually  fading  from  the 
sky,  when  I  fancied  I  could  hear  a  low  heart-rending 
moan  from  off"  the  desolate  waste  of  sand  before  me. 
Again  and  again  it  sounded,  and  at  last  realising  that 
it  might  be  uttered  by  some  creature  in  distress,  I 
stood  up  and,  as  far  as  the  fading  light  would  permit, 
scanned  the  sands  in  every  direction. 

'  Nothing,  however,  could  I  see,  and  as  the  moan 
still  continued  at  intervals  and  became,  in  fact,  more 
and  more  painful  and  beseeching,  I  wandered  about, 
a  prey  to  the  liveliest  anxiety,  endeavouring ,  to  dis- 
cover whence  it  proceeded. 

'At  length  I  perceived  on  the  sand,  at  a  little 
distance  before  me,  a  small  dark  motionless  object, 
and  at  that  instant  a  harrowing  sound,  arising  there- 
from on  the  evening  air,  left  me  in  no  doubt  as  to  the 
origin  of  the  moans  I  had  already  heard.  Creeping 
as  quietly  as  possible  on  my  hands  and  knees  quite 
close  to  it,  I  found  it  to  be  a  lovely  blue  point  oyster, 
and  bringing  my  head  to  a  level  with  the  shell,  I  asked 
coaxingly,  and  in  as  soft  a  voice  as  I  could  command, 
what  ailed  it. 

'  "  Alas ! "  said  the  oyster,  "  a  httle  while  ago  I 
possessed  a  child  as  sweet  as  ever  chortled  to  its 

Harmless  indeed  were  our  joys 

."^T-      — . 





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gasping  mother,  but  snatched  from  me  as  it  has  been 
by  the  cruellest  of  whelks,  it  may  even  now  lie  helpless 
in  the  grasp  of  the  ravenous  brute,  as  it  ruthlessly 
sups  off  its  delicate  limbs.  No  such  grief  have  I  had 
since  that  old  native,  my  worthy  husband,  was  slain, 
and  was  laid  in  state,  his  hoary  head  supported  by 
a  slice  of  lemon,  beside  a  piece  of  brown  bread-and- 

*  Deeply  affected  by  her  grief,  I  begged  her  to 
reveal  the  name  of  the  little  one  and  to  indicate  the 
direction  taken  by  the  marauding  whelk.  "  Bertram 
is  its  name,"  said  the  widowed  blue  point,  and  I  could 



hear  the  tears  faUing  within  the  shell  as,  with  her 
beard,  she  pointed  out  the  path  followed  by  the 

*  I  had  not  proceeded  far  in  the  direction  indicated 
when  I  overtook  a  whelk,  whose  face  was  quite  dis- 
torted by  a  savage  look,  and  whose  growls  drowned 
the  feeble  cries  of  a  tender  blue  pointlet  whom  he 
dmgged  along  by  the  beard. 

* "  Now  what  is  all  this  about  ? "  said  I  to  the 
sullen  fellow.  "Why  should  you,  who  are  maybe 
blessed  with  young  of  your  own,  rob  a  poor  widowed 
oyster  of  her  only  consolation  since  the  death  of  her 
husband  ?  A  heart  of  rock  would  have  melted  at  the 
cries  of  your  victim,  but  you,  ungenerous,  can  have 
no  heart  at  all,  and  entirely  di^g  the  name  of  whelk 
through  the  mud."  I  could  distinctly  hear  the  ruffian 
lashing  his  tail  within  his  shell  as  he  replied :  "  It 's 
all  very  well  for  you,  old  boy,  but  all  that  kind  of 
nonsense  you're  talking  don't  come  in  here.  If  it 
were  a  question  of  saving  your  own  life  I  '11  bet  you 
wouldn't  give  much  ear  to  the  whimperings  of  a 
sentimental  blue  point.  Know  then,  old  stick,  that 
it  isn't  for  the  love  of  children  that  I  am  dragging 
this  little  brat  along,  but  he's  just  going  to  be  the 
supper  of  an  old  ci'ab,  who  caught  me  this  afternoon 
and  only  let  me  go  on  the  condition  that  I  found 
him  something  a  little  more  toothsome  and  tender 
than  I  am." 

'  The  cries  of  the  infant  were  cruel  to  hear  when  it 


learnt  the  fate  in  store  for  it,  and  filled  my  heart  with 
pity  for  the  frail  youngster.  "  Now  come,"  said  I  to 
the  whelk,  "just  wait  a  little  while  and  consider, 
would  it  not  always  be  a  sad  thing  for  you  to  reflect 
upon  that  you  had  been  the  cause  of  this  frail  young 
thing's  death  ?  "  "  Gammon  ! "  answered  the  leather- 
hearted  whelk,  and  proceeded  on  its  journey.  "  Stay 
yet  awhile,"  cried  I,  "  and  I  will  run  and  talk  it  over 
with  the  ci*ab  and  see  if  his  hard  shell  may  hide  a 
kinder  heart  than  yours."  "Well,  look  alive,  old 
sentiments,"  replied  the  whelk;  "it's  a  bit  chilly 
waiting  about  out  of  the  water  when  the  tide's  low. 
You  '11  see  the  old  rascal  over  there  by  the  sea." 

'  I  hastened  with  what  speed  I  might  in  the  direc- 
tion pointed  out  by  the  whelk,  and  presently  came 
upon  the  old  crab.  Before  I  had  time  to  greet  him 
he  accosted  me  with  "Well,  old  kneebones,  what's  the 
trouble  ?  "  "  No  trouble  of  mine  I  do  assure  you,"  I 
replied  as  I  seated  myself  by  his  side,  taking  care  at 
the  same  time  to  keep  well  out  of  reach  of  his  two 
pincer  claws,  that  wobbled  about  wickedly  in  my 
direction  ;  thus  in  some  trepidation  I  continued  the 
conversation.  "The  trouble  is  that  of  an  innocent 
blue  pointlet,  now  alas !  in  the  toils  of  a  perfect  bully 
of  a  whelk,  a  worthless  rough  who  is  thus  victimising 
the  innocent  to  save  himself  from  ending  his  paltry 
existence  in  your  inside.  Now  my  good  fellow,  I  am 
perfectly  certain  that  you  are  not  going  to  allow  this, 
indeed  you  are  not  the  sort  to  sacrifice  another's  life 



to  satisfy  your  own  greed.  Let  me  press  you,  just  for 
once,  to  go  supperless  to  bed,  and  thus  assuage  the 
anguish  of  a  most  affectionate  mother." 

*  Much  to  my  mortification  and  surprise,  my  con- 
cihatory  speech  was  met  by  roars  of  laughter  from 
the  flippant  old  crab.  Peal  upon  peal  disturbed  the 
still  evening  air,  and  when  the  last  clash  of  the  hideous 
uproar  had  died  away  among  the  distant  hills,  the  un- 
feeling brute,  now  in  a  state  of  collapse  from  loss  of 
breath,  gasped  out: — "What,  me  give  up  the  only 
chance  of  saving  myself  from  that  scoundrel  of  a 
lobster  who  only  let  me  go  on  my  promising  to  secure 
him  something  for  supper  a  little  less  hard  than  my- 
self! Well,"  continued  the  crab,  "that's  a  good  'un, 
that  is.  My  good  chap  you  must  be  quite  out  of  your 
senses.  Why,  not  only  will  I  hand  over  the  baby 
oyster  to  the  lobster,  but  I  intend  also  to  have  my 
supper  off"  that  tough  old  idiot  of  a  whelk,  who 
reckons  he's  going  to  get  off  scot-free,  and  old 
mother  blue  point,  too,  if  I  can  find  her,"  and  then, 
as  an  afterthought,  "and  you,  old  marrow-bones, 
wouldn't  make  half  a  bad  tit-bit  if  I  could  get  hold 
of  you,"  and  he  made  a  horrid  dash  at  me  as  he 
spoke.  However,  I  easily  evaded  him,  and  from  a 
safer  distance  argued  the  matter  out  with  him  in 
the  following  way  : — 

*  "  Allow  me,  my  dear  crustacean,  to  put  the  matter 
to  you  in  this  light.  Now,  first  of  all,  clear  your  mind 
of  all  unnecessary  bias.     Suppose,"  said  I,  "  that  you 





were  to  change  places  with  the  young  oyster,  suppose, 
we'll  say,  that  you  had  the  near  prospect  of  being 
devoured  by  the  greedy  lobster.  How  would  you  feel, 
I  say,  if  your  neighbour  not  only  refused  to  exert  him- 
self in  any  way  to  extricate  you  from  your  predicament, 
but  also  gloried  in  being  the  main  cause  of  the  disaster 
that  threatened  you  ?  " 

*  The  wily  scoundrel  merely  replied,  "  Ask  me 
another,"  and  with  his  left  eye-stalk  bent  towards 
the  ground,  insolently  winked  at  me  with  the  other. 
Despairing  of  penetrating  his  tough  shell  with  kindly 
suggestions,  I  temporised  with  him,  and  succeeded  in 
persuading  him  to  desist  from  his  evil  intentions 
until  I  had  talked  it  over  with  the  lobster.  Out  of 
sheer  perversity  the  crab  directed  me  wrongly,  but 
in  good  time,  after  some  wandering  here  and  there, 
I  discovered  the  lobster. 

'  I  pleaded  my  case  to  him  as  eloquently  as  I  had 
already  done  to  the  others, — nay,  even  more  elo- 
quently, being,  no  doubt,  a  little  more  used  to  it  by 



now,  but  yet  with  no  apparent  good  result.  The 
wary  creature  pretended  ignorance.  "  To  which  crab 
do  you  refer  ?  "  said  he,  in  a  questioning  tone  ;  "  I  have 
so  much  business  with  crustaceans  in  one  way  and 
another  that  you  would  be  surprised  to  learn  how 
confused  I  become  in  my  dealings  with  them."  To 
the  best  of  my  ability  I  described  the  appearance 
of  the  old  crab,  and  aided  my  description  with  a 
slight  sketch  on  the  sand  made  with  the  point  of  my 
umbrella.  He  gazed  at  this  with  much  interest  and 
murmured  to  himself  "  considerable  artistic  talent," 
and  then  aloud,  "Oh  yes,  yes,  I  remember  him 
quite  well ;  indeed,  he  was  here  only  recently  about 
a  little  matter  of  supper.  Well,  well,  I'm  afraid  I 
cannot  be  of  any  help  to  you  here.  You  see,  it's 
like  this.  Earlier  in  the  day,  I  came  to  a  little 
arrangement  (quite  a  little  business  affair,  by  the 
way)  with  an  old  lady  conger  eel  I  have  known  for 
many  years,  and  it  happened  in  this  way.  We  were 
having  a  little  dispute  as  to  who  should  sup  off  the 
other,  and  without  going  into  details,  the  upshot  of 
it  all  was  that  the  eel  managed  to  tie  herself  in  a 
knot  round  my  throat,  and  so,  you  see,  was  mistress 
of  the  situation.  I  need  not  tell  you  that  I  did  not 
lose  my  presence  of  mind — indeed,  I  never  do — and 
I  politely  asked  her  if  she  had  ever  tasted  crab,  and 
effectually  persuaded  her  that  they  were  much  better 
eating  than  lobster,  and  undertook  to  procure  her  a 
beauty  (thinking  all  the  time,  of  course,  of  our  mutual 


friend),  on  the  understanding  that  I  should  go  quite 
free.  It's  very  sad  and  all  that  sort  of  thing,  no 
doubt,  about  the  little  oyster — sweet  little  chuck — 
indeed,  I  am  more  sorry  than  I  appear  to  be  about 
it,  but  really  what  can  one  do  ? "  And  the  lobster 
shrugged  his  bristling  shoulders.  "  Speaking  to  you," 
he  continued,  "as  one  man  of  the  world  to  another, 
business  is  business  after  all,  you  know.  And  if  we 
don't  fulfil  our  obligations,  where  do  we  stand  ?  Of 
course,  I  don't  say  but  what  a  little  chat  with  the 
conger  might  make  it  all  right,  and  there 's  no  harm 
in  trying — she's  a  nice  eel.  I  feel  sure  you  would 
like  her,  at  least  I  felt  I  should,  when  I  invited  her 
to  be  my  supper — and  if  nothing  comes  of  the  meet- 
ing, well,  we  shall  none  of  us  be  any  worse  off*  than  we 
are  at  the  present  moment.  If  at  any  other  time  I  can 
be  of  use  to  you,  I  do  hope  that  you  will  not  hesitate 
to  come  round  and  ask.     Good  day." 

'  I  now  left  him  to  search  for  the  conger,  whom  I 
found  dozing  in  a  pool  near  the  sea.  I  took  her  out 
and  placed  her  gently  on  the  sand,  and  she  gradually 
opened  her  eyes  and  fastened  them  on  me.  I  once 
more  expounded  the  reasons  why,  in  my  opinion,  this 
cruel  arrangement  should  not  be  persisted  in.  I  quite 
astonished  myself  by  my  own  eloquence,  which  grew 
more  impassioned  as  I  proceeded,  and  noticed  that 
the  old  conger  seemed  deeply  impressed.  As  I  came 
to  the  most  affecting  parts  of  my  argument  the 
expression  in  her  eyes  grew  really  tender,  and  at  the 



mention  of  the  little  blue  point  a  tear  gathered  in 
each  eye  and  slowly  coursed  down  her  shiny  form. 
At  the  conclusion  of  my  appeal  the  conger  drew  in 
a  deep  breath  and  replied  : — "  Well,  I  never !  Now 
that  is  what  I  really  do  call  good  and  kind.  Oh  pray 
come  and  sit  down  beside  me  on  the  sand  and  tell  me 
all  about  it — now  do,  and  tell  me  what  first  put  it 
into  your  head — it  is  so  very  nice  to  come  across  a 
little  real  sentiment  in  these  matter-of-fact  times." 
Without  waiting  for  me  to  proceed  she  rattled  on  : — 
"Upon  my  word,  you  really  must  have  the  kindest 
heart  in  the  world — but  are  you  quite  sure  you  are 
comfy  ?  Why  not  come  round  the  other  side  ;  you  \l 
be  out  of  the  wind  there,  and  we  can  talk  it  over 
without  anything  to  interfere  with  us.  I  quite  agree 
with  you  in  everything  you  have  said,  and  I  must 
say  that  I  know  of  nothing  more  delightful  than 
to  find  one's  own  thoughts  expressed  so  much  more 
clearly  than  one  could  do  it  oneself.  Do  you  know, 
I  am  quite  delighted  to  have  met  you,  and  hope  that 
this  is  the  commencement  of  one  of  those  lasting 
friendships.  ..." 

*  Thus  she  gabbled  on,  and  thinking  to  myself,  here, 
at  last,  is  a  kind-hearted  soul,  I  asked  her  to  promise 
to  take  the  baby  oyster  back  to  its  sorrowing  mother, 
when  she  received  it  from  the  lobster.  "What  an 
extremely  kind  thought,"  she  replied ;  "  I  assure  you 
there  is  nothing  in  the  whole  world  I  would  love  to 
do  so  much  as  to  take  the  little  thing  back  to  its  Ma." 



Glancing  dreamily  at  the  sky  the  old  eel  continued  : — 
"  Dear  little  mite  !  I  can  see  it  even  now,  in  my  mind's 
eye,  as  it  skips  to  its  mother;  she,  dear  soul,  the 
while  shedding  pearls  of  delight, — a  memory  to  carry 
to  your  grave.  But  I  expect  you  must  be  going  now — 
no  doubt  you  are  as  busy  as  the  rest  of  us — are  they 
all  well  at  home  ?— good-bye,"  and  she  prepared  to 
return  to  the  sea.  "  But,  my  dear  woman,"  I  protested, 
"I  have  not  yet  received  your  promise  to  see  the 
little  oyster  home."  "  Now,"  said  the  eel,  "  pray  don't 
spoil  the  pleasant  evening  we  have  had — but  never 
mind — don't  look  so  serious — come  round  some  evening 
M  177 


with  the  wife  and  children — don't  say  you  won't." 
"  But,  Madam,"  I  answered,  "  I  am  waiting  for  your 
promise  to  see  the  little  one  home."  "  My  dear  Sir," 
she  replied  at  last,  growing  rather  red  in  the  face,  ''  I 
can  give  you  nothing  of  the  kind,  and  must  really  refer 
you  to  the  whale  who  captured  me  a  little  while  ago, 
and  only  released  me  because  I  promised  to  procure 
him  a  lobster,  which  I  persuaded  him  would  be  much 
more  digestible  and  less  bilious  than  I  should  prove 
to  be  as  a  meal." 

'  I  now  went  in  search  of  the  whale,  whom  I  dis- 
covered disporting  himself  in  the  sea  a  very  little  way 
from  the  shore.  Taking  my  shoes  and  stockings  off, 
I  waded  as  near  to  him  as  I  dared,  and  to  conciliate 
him  right  off  I  wore  as  benignant  an  expression  as  I 
could  assume  and  thus  addressed  him :  "  Of  one 
thing  I  am  convinced,"  said  I,  "  and  it  is  that  you  are 
the  last  person  in  all  the  world  who  would  willingly 
give  pain  to  anything, — least  of  all  to  a  baby  oyster." 
*' Quite  so,  quite  so,"  snorted  the  whale,  "and  what  is 
more  I  never  have  and,  upon  my  soul,  I  never  wilV 
"  Bravo,  good  resolution,"  cried  I,  and  then  in  moving 
terms  I  explained  the  situation  and  urged  him  to  take 
the  blue  pointlet  back  to  its  mother  on  receiving  it 
from  the  conger  eel.  "What  is  this  you  say,"  roared 
the  whale  ;  "  do  you  mean  to  tell  me  that  in  exchange 
for  her  own  fat  self  that  villainous  conger-eel  now 
offers  me  a  baby  oyster  instead  of  the  promised  lobster  ? 
Is  it  for  this  gross  insult  that  I  allowed  her  to  resume 


her  wretched  existence  ?  Well,  I  'm  thundered !  "  and 
the  enraged  monster  leapt  seventy  feet  into  the  air. 
"  Where  is  she  ? "  roared  he,  and  made  off  in  the 
direction  of  the  conger. 

*  But  the  old  girl  was  one  too  many  for  the  whale 
this  time,  and  having  heard  his  remarks  on  her 
conduct,  off  she  darted  after  the  lobster,  saying  to 
herself  that  as  the  whole  arrangement  had  fallen 
through,  she  might  just  as  well  sup  off"  the  lobster, — 
besides,  the  claws  would  stew  up  quite  well  for  the 
children's  dinner  to-morrow.  The  lobster  in  his  turn, 
seeing  the  conger  approach,  at  once  understood  that 
the  affair  was  all  off  and  left  his  little  cave  by  the 
back  door  as  conger  entered  by  the  front,  and  made 
for  the  place  where  he  knew  he  would  find  the  crab, 
arguing  to  himself  thus  : — "  At  any  rate,  the  crab  will 
make  an  excellent  supper  to  which  I  have  every  right ; 
for  after  all,  as  I  have  before  remarked,  business  is 
business,  and  he  will  certainly  be  unable  to  fulfil  his 
obligations."  The  saucy  crab,  however,  saw  him  coming 
along  with  his  mouth  wide  open  ready  to  gobble  him 
up,  and  shouted  tauntingly  to  him :—"  Keep  your 
bristles  on,  old  prawn"  and  ran  off  after  the  whelk. 
"  Nothing  really  matters,"  thought  he,  "  and  as  I  feel 
a  bit  peckish  I  may  as  well  eat  up  friend  whelk  and 
the  blue  pointlet'll  come  in  for  a  light  breakfast  in 
the  morning."  The  cowardly  whelk,  reading  the  crab's 
evil  intention  in  his  eyes  offered  him  the  baby  oyster. 
"  Thanks,  old  flint,"  said  the  crab,  "  I'll  have  you  first 



and  the  youngster  another  time,"  and  he  pounced  on 
the  whelk  and  ate  him  right  up.  But  as  he  was 
crawhng  off  in  great  comfort  the  old  lobster  overtook 
him  and  in  no  time  polished  him  off.  The  lobster, 
now  too  contented  to  move  quickly,  was  slowly  re- 
turning to  the  water  when  up  came  the  conger-eel 
who,  without  any  delay,  proceeded  to  strangle  him 
and  then  to  gobble  him  up.  After  her  feast,  the  old 
girl,  in  her  turn,  felt  drowsy.  "I  think,"  said  she, 
"  I  now  deserve  a  nap,"  and  she  lay  down  in  a  pool 
and  went  fast  asleep.  Presently  the  whale  came 
along,  having  been  hunting  for  the  conger  all  over  the 
place.  As  soon  as  he  caught  sight  of  her  he  roared 
in  his  wrath,  "Is  this  what  you  call  keeping  your 
bargain  ?  "  and  with  one  gulp  he  bolted  her, — head, 
fins,  tail  and  all. 

*Then,  having  accomplished  his  revenge,  and  at 
the  same  time  satisfied  his  appetite,  his  contentment 
was  complete  and  he  rolled  over  on  his  side  in  the 
shallow  water,  and  fell  into  a  deep  sleep. 

*  Now,  thought  I,  is  this  not  providential  ?  Is  there 
not  here  not  merely  the  evening  meal  I  left  my  cave 
to  seek,  but  many  meals  for  my  good  wife  and  children, 
— enough  in  fact  to  ward  off  hunger  throughout  the 
winter  that  is  now  fast  approaching.  Taking  up  a 
great  rock  I  hurled  it  with  all  my  force  at  the  head  of 
the  whale  and  killed  it  on  the  spot.  I  now  proceeded 
to  cut  up  the  great  creature  and  carry  it,  piece  by 
piece,  to  my  cave,  and  that  very  night,  when  it  was  all 


safely  stowed,  we  cooked  one  great  steak  for  supper, 
waking  the  children  in  order  that  they  might  share  the 
meal,  and  the  remainder  my  good  wife  preserved  in 
brine.     Thus  in  comfort  we  lived  the  winter  through. 

*  The  little  oyster  found  its  way  back  to  its  mother, 
and  so  grateful  were  they  both  for  my  endeavours  to 
help  them,  that  they  took  up  their  abode  with  us. 
Bertram  grew  to  a  fine  chubby  blue  point.  "  Just  like 
his  father,"  said  the  proud  mother,  and  nothing  reached 
our  hearts  so  nearly  as  his  playful,  charming  ways.' 



SOMETIMES  now  the  old  King  showed  signs  of 
weariness,  and  Bill  bethought  him  that  a 
little  music  occasionally  might  soothe  his 
nerves.  So  in  the  very  next  town  they  came  to  he 
engaged  the  only  musician  in  the  place,  and  very 
willing  he  was  too  to  come  along. 

He  played  very  wonderful  music  on  his  old  con- 
certina, often  assisted  with  his  voice,  and  one  evening, 
after  a  very  beautiful  performance,  the  talented 
creature  related  the  following  story  to  his  enchanted 
hearers : — 

*  Right  glad  have  I  been,  good  fellows  all,  to  join  you 
in  this  your  noble  enterprise  to  right  our  stout  old 
brother  of  Troy  here,  and  in  good  time  I  trust  that 


my  great  deeds  shall  prove  my  sincerity.  But,  in  the 
meantime,  as  supper  hour  draws  on  apace,  and  the 
frizzling  cutlets  do  scent  the  evening  air,  a  little  story 
should  not  be  amiss  to  distract  your  anxious  minds, 
and  thus  to  check  the  impatience  of  your  appetite. 

*Know  then,  my  jovial  birds,  my  cunning  blades, 
that  I  am  the  eldest  son  of  that  Prince  of  Polynesia 
who  united  the  scattered  kingdoms  of  this  unwieldy 
archipelago  into  one  vast  empire,  over  which  he  ruled 
with  even-handed  justice  and  some  common-sense 
until  his  death.  Ah !  lads,  if  all  had  their  rights  I 
should  at  the  present  moment  be  seated  on  the  soft 
cushions  of  my  father's  throne,  and  maybe  more  able 
to  be  of  help  to  you  than  I  am  now;  but  you  must 
take  the  will  for  the  deed. 

*  My  word  !  what  a  plump  and  healthy  child  was  I, 
and  withal  as  jolly  and  as  hearty  as  the  day  was  long. 
Moreover,  was  not  I  the  pride  of  the  empire  and  the 
envy  of  all  the  other  kings  and  princes  who  had  ever 
seen  or  heard  of  me  ?  Alas  !  who  could  have  foretold 
that  I  was  thus  early  in  life  destined  to  have  a  real 
good  taste  of  the  troubles  of  this  weary  world,  and, 
though  surrounded  by  every  care  and  attention  and 
the  object  of  the  greatest  affection  that  ever  bubbled 
in  the  human  heart,  shortly  to  become  the  victim  of 
the  meanest  spite. 

*But  to  proceed  with  the  yarn — neither  care  nor 
expense  was  spared  in  my  upbringing,  to  which 
possibly  more   thought  was  devoted  than    even    to 



the  education  of  our  very  well-educated  and  trust- 
worthy friend,  the  buxom  Sicilian  char-woman.  At 
all  events,  the  most  certificated  nurses  procurable 
were  continually  being  engaged,  but  apparently  only 
to  be  dismissed  again,  for,  almost  perfect  as  most  of 
them  were,  I  can  assure  you  that,  in  the  course  of  a 
very  little  time  they  were  certain,  of  course,  to  reveal 
(as  was  only  natural)  some  slight  weakness,  and  I  ask 
you,  good  comrades  all,  which  of  us  is  without  'em  ? 
This  overcarefulness  on  the  part  of  my  good  parents 
was  to  be  the  cause  of  the  disaster  that  was  soon 
entirely  to  change  the  trend  of  my  life. 

*  It  came  about  in  this  way.  One  of  the  discharged 
nurses,  indignant  at  what,  with  some  show  of  reason, 
she  considered  an  injustice  to  herself  (she  had  been 
dismissed  for  curling  my  hair  only  a  little  to  the  right 
instead  of  quite  to  the  right),  resolved  to  revenge  her- 
self on  her  late  master  and  mistress,  in  such  a  manner 
as  should  be  most  likely  to  leave  them  wretched  for 
the  remainder  of  their  lives.  Knowing  the  over- 
extravagance  of  their  affection  for  me,  she  cruelly 
determined  to  strike  them  in  this,  their  weakest  spot. 
One  dark  night,  after  cleverly  evading  the  ever- wakeful 
guards,  she  crept  into  my  father's  palace.  Stealing  up 
the  main  staircase  without  attracting  observation,  she 
arrived  at  the  now  empty  throne-room,  which  she 
stealthily  traversed,  keeping  all  the  while  close  to  the 
wall.  She  then  passed  through  the  little  door  at  the 
left  of  the  grand  throne  and  found  herself  in  the 


billiard-room.  She  had  not,  however,  taken  two 
steps  therein  when  a  fearful  panic  seized  her,  for 
what  should  she  behold  but  the  stout  form  of  my 
rare  old  dad  the  emperor  leaning  over  the  table, 
apparently  in  the  act  of  making  a  brilliant  stroke. 
A  few  seconds'  consideration,  however,  served  to 
convince  the  vengeful  creature  that  he  was  fast 
asleep.  Gnashing  her  teeth  at  the  old  gentleman, 
she  hurried  across  the  room  and  entered  the  library, 
in  which  my  good  mother  was  seated,  reading.  But 
so  absorbed  was  the  good  lady  in  her  book  that  she 
took  no  notice  whatever  of  the  agile  intruder,  as  she 
entered  by  one  door  and  swiftly  left  by  the  other. 
She  now  successively  passed  through  the  state  ball- 
room, the  music-room,  the  third  best  drawing-room, 
the  second  best  ball-room,  and  the  state  bed-room, 
and  mounting  the  back  stairs,  came  to  the  suite  of 
rooms  occupied  by  the  nurses,  and  eventually  reached 
the  nurses'  dining-hall,  into  which  my  nursery  led, 
Avithout  having  excited  any  one's  observation. 

'Opening  my  door  very  quietly,  she  peeped  in. 
All  was  dark  inside  except  for  the  glimmer  of  a  night- 
light  which  shone  on  the  frilling  of  my  cradle  and  on 
the  form  of  the  nurse  then  in  office,  who  had  fallen 
asleep  over  her  supper  of  stewed  apples.  Creeping 
in  quietly,  the  evil-minded  woman  lifted  my  sleeping 
form  from  the  cradle,  so  gently  that  she  did  not 
awaken  me,  and,  holding  me  closely  to  her,  once 
more  successfully  passed  through  all  the  apartments 



she  had  already  traversed,  without  arousing  any 
suspicion,  and  at  length  found  herself  again  in  the 
open  air. 

'Without  losing  a  moment,  she  now  made  off  to 
the  woods,  and  after  wandering  in  these  for  some 
time,  she  met  an  old  witch  with  whom,  no  doubt, 
she  had  an  appointment.  Seated  on  the  grass,  the 
two  women  haggled  and  haggled,  and  at  last  the 
treacherous  nurse  sold  me  to  the  witch  for  three 
cocoanuts,  and  then  went  on  her  way  and  out  of 
my  life  for  ever. 

'  Now  it  happened  that  the  old  witch  lived  in  the 
hollow  trunk  of  a  tree  with  her  foster  son,  a  tiny 
gnome  named  Orpheus,  as  quaint  a  little  object  as 
ever  I  set  eyes  on,  who  played  incessantly  and  most 
beautifully  on  an  old  concertina,  the  very  one,  in  fact, 
which  I  now  carry  with  me.  The  little  fellow  had  been 
found  some  years  before  by  the  old  witch  wandering 
near  the  ruins  of  an  old  temple  in  the  very  middle  of 
the  wood.  To  whom  he  belonged,  and  whence  he  had 
come,  no  one  knew, — not  even  he  himself,  perhaps. 
However,  the  old  girl  adopted  him,  and  now  nothing 
could  exceed  the  motherly  affection  with  which  she 
regarded  this  dry  and  shrivelled-up  little  chap, — 
unless,  indeed,  it  was  the  ardour  with  which  the 
grateful  gnome  returned  it.  In  fact,  I  learned  some 
time  afterwards  that  the  old  witch  had  purchased  me 
solely  that  I  might  be  a  companion  for  this  rum  little 



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'  The  old  girl,  weird  as  was  her  general  appearance, 
did  all  she  could  to  make  me  comfortable, — in  fact  far 
more  than  an  ordinary  witch  would  have  dreamt  of 
doing, — and  in  recognition  of  her  well-intentioned 
attitude  towards  myself,  I  encouraged  the  spark  of 
friendliness  I  began  to  feel  for  her.  But  for  her  dar- 
ling son,  as  soon  as  I  grew  accustomed  to  his  quaint 
appearance,  and  realised  his  kindness  of  heart  and 
friendly  disposition  towards  myself,  I  conceived  a  great 
affection.  He  would  climb  to  the  topmost  branches 
of  our  tree,  to  practise  his  exercises  every  morning,  in 
order  that  I  should  not  be  worried  with  melancholy 










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repetitions,  and,  when  perfected  in  some  melody,  who 
shall  describe  the  unaffected  joy  with  which  he  would 
come  down  and  play  it  for  my  delight  ?  How  often  in 
the  moonlight  (I  lying  on  the  grass  at  his  side)  would 
he  play  over  and  over  again  to  me  some  melancholy 
air,  while  our  foster-mother,  mayhap,  would  be  sweep- 
ing the  dead  leaves  from  our  abode,  and  preparing  it 
for  our  night's  repose. 

*Not  I  alone  was  gratified  and  enchanted  by  his 
dulcet  tones,  for  all  the  creatures  of  the  woodland 
drew  near  and  listened  as  night  gradually  covered  the 
sky,  and  he  played  through  his  evening  pieces. 

*  Elephants  hovered  around  in  the  shadows  of  the 
trees,  and  sighed  great  slobbering  sighs.  Bullfinches, 
sparrows,  eagles,  flamingoes,  wild  geese,  peacocks, 
turkeys,  cranes,  pelicans,  and  every  manner  of  bird, 
thronged  the  branches  of  the  trees,  and,  with  their 
heads  and  beaks  sunk  almost  into  their  feathers, 

And  played  it  for  my  delight 


opened  and  closed  their  eyes  in  their  rapturous  sur- 
prise. The  lions  and  tigers  sprawled  about,  wishing, 
in  pure  shame  at  their  habitual  monstrous  cruelties, 
that  they  had  been  vegetarians  from  the  very  begin- 
ning :  such  power  had  the  music  of  Orpheus.  Even 
the  mad-headed  monkeys  and  apes,  sitting  in  rows 
amongst  the  trees,  thought,  Good  heavens !  what  fools 
they  were !  and,  blushing  at  their  childish  tricks, 
wondered  if  it  yet  Avere  possible  to  reform  and  take 
a  serious  view  of  life.  The  old  snake,  quite  overcome 
and  enthralled  by  the  delicious  strains,  opened  wide 
his  jaws,  and  allowed  the  little  missel-thrush  to  nestle 
therein,  and,  thus  protected  from  the  night-air,  to 
listen  to  the  music  in  comfort.  However,  no  lasting 
reformation  was  ever  effected  in  their  untamed  natures, 
for  no  sooner  had  the  music  ceased  than  each  scurried 
away,  once  again  to  resume  his  depredations  and 
savage  ways. 

'  It  happened  one  evening  that  the  gnome  sur- 
passed himself  by  his  rendering  of  some  enchanting 
melodies,  and  every  one  was  quite  enthralled  and 
rendered  almost  helpless.  The  birds  sank  their  heads 
and  beaks  lower  and  lower  into  their  feathers,  as  the 
music  proceeded,  until  they  were  no  longer  visible. 
The  lions  and  tigers  rolled  on  their  backs  in  the  grass, 
in  an  agony  of  despair  at  their  own  unreformable  lives : 
the  elephants  turned  quite  white,  and  trembled  so 
violently  that  they  could  hardly  support  their  own 
huge  bulks  and  leant  against  one  another  to  prevent 



themselves  coming  down  with  a  crash;  such  a  great 
lump  had  risen  in  the  throat  of  the  giraffe  as  quite  dis- 
torted his  otherwise  graceful  neck ;  while  the  monkeys 
gibbered  and  blubbered  tearfully  to  themselves,  and 
the  old  rascal  of  a  snake  slipped  right  off  into  a  trance. 

'  At  last  the  music  ceased,  and  the  little  musician 
left  me  while  he  went  in  to  hang  up  his  musical  instru- 
ment in  safety.  Meanwhile,  in  spite  of  the  state  to 
which  they  had  been  elevated,  the  absurd  creatures 
had  all  scurried  off,  as  usual,  with  no  other  thought  in 
their  savage  minds  than  to  get  each  his  own  supper  at 
any  cost.  The  old  snake,  however,  did  not  recover  as 
quickly  as  the  others,  and  when  at  length  he  awakened 
from  his  trance,  he  could  see  that  all  the  others  had 
vanished,  and  that  I  was  lying  on  the  grass,  quite 
unprotected,  the  gnome  not  having,  as  yet,  returned 
to  my  side.  "  Ha,  ha ! "  said  he  to  himself,  his  savage 
nature  having  returned  in  all  its  force,  "  what  a  slice  of 
luck !  By  gum !  I  never  see  such  a  beauty.  Won't  the 
youngsters  be  just  delighted  !  "  He  rapidly  slithered 
in  my  direction  and,  quickly  tying  the  end  of  his  long 
form  securely  round  me,  slithered  away  again,  carrying 
me  through  the  long  grass  at  a  bewildering  speed. 

'After  travelling  in  this  rough  fashion  for  some 
time,  we  at  length  came  to  a  clearing  in  the  heart  of 
the  wood,  in  which  stood  all  that  remained  of  the 
ancient  temple,  and  amongst  its  fallen  columns  and 
walls,  overgrown  as  they  were  with  wild  flowers  and 
tall  grasses,  the  old  snake  had  made  his  home,  where 


he  lived  in  comfort  with  his  wife  and  a  large  brood  of 
pranksome  snakelets. 

*We  were  greeted  by  the  youngsters  with  every 
mark  of  joy  and  surprise.  "  How  good  of  you,  Henry," 
cried  the  mother,  "  and  what  a  really  fine  specimen ! 
Shall  we  have  him  to-night,  or  keep  him  for  next 
Tuesday,  my  birthday  you  know,  dear  ?  "  After  a  little 
talk  it  was  decided  that  I  should  be  held  over  until 
the  next  Tuesday,  and  in  the  meantime  I  was  placed 
in  the  larder,  and  given  plenty  of  odd  scraps  to  eat, 
no  doubt  to  keep  me  plump  and  in  good  condition. 

*  Tuesday  came  round  in  due  course  and,  in  order 
to  celebrate  the  day  in  a  manner  suitable  to  the  great- 
ness of  the  occasion,  the  old  snake  invited  all  his 
neighbours.  When  I  was  brought  out  of  the  larder, 
on  a  large  dish,  roars  of  delight  rose  to  the  sky  from 
the  throats  of  the  assembled  guests,  all  seated  round 
on  the  fallen  stones  of  the  ruined  temple. 

*The  old  lion  was  there,  smacking  his  lips  in 
anticipation  of  a  nice  cut,  and  the  tiger's  mouth  was 
visibly  watering  at  the  prospect  of  such  a  feast :  while, 
as  for  the  little  snakelets,  they  kept  up  quite  a  clamour 
in  their  impatience  to  get  at  me.  The  monkeys,  of 
course,  contributed  their  share  to  the  general  uproar, 
though  they  seemed  more  inclined  to  fasten  their  eyes 
on  the  filberts  and  almonds  with  which  I  was  gar- 
nished. The  eagles  took  the  whole  thing  very  seriously 
and,  flapping  their  great  wings,  screeched  to  the  sky 
in  their  eagerness  to  begin ;  and  all  the  other  guests, 
N  193 


the  giraffes,  the  zebras,  the  hippos,  the  storks,  the 
flamingoes,  the  wild  cats,  the  pehcans,  the  wild  geese, 
the  peacocks,  the  turkeys,  and  every  thinkable  animal 
contributing  to  the  general  noise,  there  was  such  an 
awful  din  that  the  snake  could  only  obtain  silence  by 
using  the  thin  end  of  his  long  body  as  a  flail  on  the 
drum-like  sides  of  the  elephant.  He  then  made  a 
few  remarks  on  the  importance  of  the  occasion,  and 
referred  to  his  wife  in  quite  a  graceful  way,  for  a 
snake ;  and,  continuing,  asked  one  of  the  guests  to 
volunteer  to  carve.  The  stork,  having  a  very  con- 
venient beak  for  the  purpose,  stood  up  and  offered 
his  services,  which  were  gratefully  accepted. 

'  I  was  now  placed  on  the  grass  directly  in  front  of 
the  carver,  who  was  about  to  skewer  me  with  his  long 
and  sharp  beak,  when  there  came  to  our  ears  from  far 
away  amongst  the  trees  that  surrounded  us  on  every 
side,  the  sweet  harmonies  of  that  lovely  song  "The 
Pond  where  Herbert  Drownded,"  played  with  the 
greatest  sympathy  on  the  concertina.  At  once  the 
stork  turned  its  head  in  the  direction  whence  the  sound 
proceeded,  and  as  it  gradually  drew  nearer  and  nearer 
I  became  more  and  more  convinced  that  such  music 
could  only  be  produced  by  my  friend  and  foster- 

'  All  the  creatures  in  varying  degrees  were  affected  ; 

the  snake  and  his  wife  coiled  themselves  on  the  grass 

and  gasped  in  rapture ;  the  stork  and  all  the  birds 

closed  their  eyes,  and  their  heads  sank  lower  and  lower 




into  their  fluffy  bodies,  until  like  balls  of  feathers  they 
rolled  over  and  lay  trembling  in  the  grass. 

*The  lion  and  tiger  were  so  overcome  that  they 
leant  their  old  heads  on  their  paws  and  sobbed  aloud, 
while  the  monkeys  grew  fidgety  and  quite  self-conscious 
at  first,  and  then  abandoned  themselves  to  the 
melancholy  aroused  by  the  music. 

*The  gnome,  whom  I  afterwards  learnt  had  been 
wandering  about  the  wood  playing  mournful  airs  on 
his  concertina  ever  since  he  had  missed  me,  now 
drew  near,  and  finishing  *'The  Pond  where  Herbert 
Drownded  "  proceeded  with  "  Poor  Molly  Dawson  "  and 



other  tunes  of  an  equally  affecting  nature.  On  seeing 
that  all  were  sufficiently  bowled  over,  he  struck  up 
with  "  Oh,  Jack,  he  was  a  Bright  Spark,"  and  so  lively 
and  brisk  was  the  measure  that  up  they  all  jumped 
and  danced  and  danced  with  the  greatest  spirit. 

*The  strangest  figure  of  all  was  cut  by  the  old 
snake  who  pirouetted  on  the  end  of  his  tail  at  the 
greatest  speed,  in  which  weird  performance  he  was 
soon  joined  by  his  wife.  The  eagle  extended  his 
wings  and  waltzed  with  the  elephant;  the  lion  and 
tiger  spun  round,  holding  each  other  by  the  paw,  so 
quickly  that  it  was  almost  impossible  to  see  them  ; 
the  old  turtle  rolled  over  on  the  back  of  its  shell  and 
span  like  a  teetotum,  with  the  silly  monkeys  linking 
hands  and  in  one  wide  ring  skipping  around  it ;  in 
fact,  all  got  up  and  jumped  and  lumped  and  sprawled 
about  in  the  most  ridiculous  fashion  until  they  were 
quite  out  of  breath.  Nevertheless,  Orpheus  would 
not  let  them  rest,  but  marched  off  playing  the  most 
exciting  music,  and  all  the  infatuated  creatures,  quite 
forgetful  of  their  banquet,  followed  him  through  the 
wood.  Strange  enough,  in  all  conscience,  was  this, 
but  how  much  stranger  by  far  was  it  when  the  very 
stones  of  the  ruin  leapt  up,  and  rolling  over  and  over, 
also  followed  in  this  odd  procession  as  it  tramped  and 
crashed  through  the  trees. 

'From  where  I  was  seated  on  the  dish  I  could 
hear  the  sounds  of  the  music  gradually  fading  away, 
as  the  musician  led  the  noisy  crew  further  and  further 



off;  the  crash  of  the  falling  branches  and  the  crackle 
of  the  breaking  underwood  died  down  in  the  distance 
and  I  knew  that  I  was  saved. 

*  The  little  gnome  led  the  bewitched  creatures  such 
a  dance  through  the  wood  that  one  by  one  they  fell 
down  in  a  state  of  collapse,  and  when  the  last  was 
quite  overcome,  the  faithful  fellow  returned  to  the 
temple  and  carried  me  home. 

*  Never  again  did  they  leave  me  alone  for  a  single 
second  until  I  was  able  to  take  care  of  myself,  and  I 
spent  the  years  of  my  boyhood  in  great  happiness  with 
these  two  simple  and  kindly  souls.  Brother  Orpheus 
took  no   end  of  pains   in  teaching  me   to  play  the 



concertina  and,  eager  to  learn,  I  soon  became  pro- 
ficient. But,  dear  lads,  clever  as  you  know  me  to  be, 
never  could  I  even  approach  the  skill  of  my  good  and 
patient  master. 

'  In  the  course  of  time  the  old  witch  had  to  die,  and 
the  grief  of  her  little  foster  son  was  so  great  at  his  loss 
that,  try  as  I  would,  I  could  not  in  any  way  lighten  it. 
One  day  soon  after  I  missed  the  little  man,  and  he 
never  returned  again.  All  that  he  left  behind  him 
for  me  to  remember  him  by  was  his  old  concertina. 

*  I  waited  by  the  tree  for  many  a  long  day,  still 
thinking  that  he  would  return,  until  I  was  compelled 
at  last  to  abandon  all  hope  of  ever  seeing  him  again. 
I  wandered  out  into  the  world  with  no  other  wealth 
than  my  concertina,  but  how  often  since  have  I  had 
to  bless  the  memory  of  my  little  friend  who  thus 
endowed  me  with  the  means  of  subsistence,  and,  at 
the  same  time,  with  a  protection  against  all  manner 
of  evil.' 


FOR  many  and  many  a  weary  mile  the  persevering 
little  band  had  now  trudged  on  without  meet- 
ing with  any  adventure  worth  relating,  and 
every  one  was  longing  for  the  end  of  their  travels,  when 
one  lovely  evening  they  came  across  a  good-natured- 
looking  policeman,  fast  asleep  on  a  stile  by  the 
roadside.  The  tramp,  tramp  of  the  army  awakened 
him,  and  with  a  gentle  smile  he  got  off  his  perch  and 
walked  alongside  the  King.  Charmed  with  his  easy 
manner,  the  King  jokingly  asked  him  of  what  he  had 
been  dreaming  that  he  smiled  so  pleasantly.  '  Oh,  of 
old  times  and  old  friends,'  the  policeman  replied,  and 
then  as  he  walked  along  he  thus  related  the  strangest 
of  experiences : — 

*  Many  years  ago  it  was  my  happy  lot  to  be  the 


principal  policeman  of  the  pleasant  little  town  of 
Troutpeg,  situated,  as  you  know,  on  the  banks  of  the 
river  Peg,  just  where  it  flows  into  the  estuary  of  the 
Drip,  that  here  broadens  into  that  well-known  land- 
locked harbour  of  the  same  name,  and  thus  finally  finds 
its  way  to  the  sea.  Nestling  amongst  its  stone-capped 
hills,  the  happy  place  seemed  designed  by  a  kind  nature 
as  a  retreat  for  all  who  were  blithe  and  amiable,  and 
such  indeed  it  proved  to  be,  for  no  more  kindly  and 
genial  souls  than  the  Troutpegsters  could  be  found. 
Their  simplicity  was  delightful,  though  perhaps  such  as 
to  incline  them  all  the  more  readily  to  believe  in  the 
wild  legends  of  the  country-side.  Many  were  the 
strange  stories  told  by  the  shepherds,  who  tended  their 
flocks  on  the  hills  at  night,  of  wild  rites,  and  uncouth 
dances  performed  by  ghostly  beings,  in  the  light  of  the 
moon,  amidst  the  ancient  circles  of  Druid  stones. 
Little  else,  however,  was  there  to  disturb  the  peaceful 
thoughts  of  the  Troutpegsters. 

'  The  prosperity  of  the  township  was  so  great,  and 
the  comfort  of  each  of  its  inhabitants  so  well  assured 
that  for  many  years  no  wickedness  of  any  kind  had 
shown  its  head,  and  the  life  of  a  policeman  in  this 
happy  and  secluded  town  was  one  long  summer 
holiday.  To  be  sure,  a  little  skirmish  here  and  there 
amongst  the  lads  might  make  it  wise  gently  to  exert 
my  authority,  or  a  little  quarrel  amongst  the  girls  call 
forth  a  slight  rebuke,  but  otherwise  my  life  was  one 
of  unbroken  peace. 



*My  dearest  friend  Avas  the  tea-grocer,  a  man  of 
sad  and  dreamy  ways  and  quite  devoid  of  guile,  who 
returned  my  affection  with  all  the  ardour  of  a  singularly 
loving  nature.  He  shared  his  every  joy  with  me,  and 
when  his  holidays  came  round  no  greater  recreation 
could  he  find  than  in  my  society.  Walking  by  my 
side  as  I  strolled  along  my  beat,  he  would  confide  to 
me  his  simple  hopes  and  fears,  and  in  his  troubles 
seek  my  readily  extended  sympathy.  Such  simplicity 
and  inoffensive  mien  had  he  as  brought  to  him  a  rich 
harvest  of  respect  and  love,  together  with  the  custom 
of  his  fellow-townsmen. 

*  In  time  his  little  store  became  quite  an  evening 
resort  for  those  older  townsmen  who,  no  longer  able 
to  race  about  the  green  when  work  was  done,  would 
perhaps  look  in  to  purchase  half  a  pound  of  coffee  or 
tea,  or  sugar  or  salt  for  the  good  wife,  and  stay  chatting 
with  the  amiable  grocer.  Then  maybe  one  would 
look  in  to  buy  an  ounce  of  tobacco,  or  the  excellent 
snuff*  for  which  the  grocer  was  far  famed,  and  so  on 
and  so  on  until  the  shop  was  full.  Seated  around  on 
the  tea-chests,  coffee  bins,  tobacco  boxes  and  snuff* 
tins,  many  a  pleasant  evening  have  we  spent,  enlivened 
by  good-natured  arguments  and  discussions  on  every 
conceivable  subject. 

'  One  sultry  summer's  afternoon,  as  I  was  standing 

thinking  in  the  cobbled  hjgh-street,  the  quiet  of  the 

still  warm  day  disturbed  only  by  the  gentle  breathing 

of  the  shopmen  as  they  dozed  amongst  their  wares, 



or  the  distant  bleating  of  the  sheep  as  they  browsed 
in  and  out  the  rocks  and  Druid  stones  capping  the 
surrounding  hills,  the  comforting  remembrance  came 
to  me  of  many  a  refreshing  cup  of  tea  partaken  with 
the  grocer  in  the  snug  little  parlour  behind  his  shop. 
With  hardly  a  thought  of  what  I  was  about,  I  allowed 
my  idle  steps  gently  to  stray  towards  the  homely  store 
of  my  friend.  Entering  therein,  and  finding  that  he 
was  away  from  home,  I  sat  me  down  upon  the  little 
chair,  so  thoughtfully  provided  for  weary  customers, 
and  with  my  head  supported  by  the  counter,  resumed 
my  broken  train  of  thought  until,  completely  over- 
come by  a  sense  of  drowsy  comfort,  I  feel  asleep. 

'  I  was  suddenly  awakened  by  the  church  clock 
striking  eight,  and  found  that  all  the  town  was  wrapped 
in  slumber  and  that  the  grocer  had  not  yet  returned. 
Wondering  what  on  earth  could  keep  him  away  so 
late,  and  hoping  that  no  harm  had  overtaken  him,  I 
stiffly  arose  from  my  seat,  stretched  myself,  and  betook 
me  to  my  home  and  bed. 

*0n  the  following  morning  my  first  thought  was 
for  my  friend,  and  on  learning  that  he  had  not  re- 
turned during  the  night,  I  called  in  turn  on  each  of 
his  neighbours, — the  doctor,  the  vicar,  the  solicitor, 
the  postman,  and  the  corn-chandler,  and  many  another 
equally  interested  in  his  movements.  Not  one,  how- 
ever, had  seen  him  since  the  previous  day,  and  all 
showed  the  liveliest  concern  and  anxiety  at  his 
mysterious  absence. 



*  Night  followed  day,  and  day  again  followed  night, 
with  no  sign  of  the  vanished  grocer.  Weeks  now 
passed  by,  and  grief  took  possession  of  the  little  town 
at  the  loss  of  one  who  was  missed  at  every  turn. 
Hoping  that  even  yet  he  might  return,  we  kept  his 
shop  still  open  for  him,  and  the  little  birds,  encouraged 
by  the  silence,  flew  in  and  out  and  nested  in  the 
scales  and  amongst  the  stores,  glutting  their  fluffy 
little  bodies  with  the  sugar-plums,  the  currants,  the 
herbs  and  spices  that  everywhere  abounded.  And 
even  the  swallows,  so  much  entertainment  did  they  find 
therein,  forgot,  as  the  summer  drew  to  its  close,  to 
fly  away,  preferring  much  to  sleep  the  winter  through 
in  comfort. 

*  But  alas  !  months,  and  years  and  years  and  years 
rolled  by,  and  the  grocer  never  returned,  and  in  time 
little  enough  thought  was  given  to  one  who  had,  at 
one  time,  been  held  in  such  esteem  by  all.  But  we, 
the  older  Troutpegsters,  still  thought  at  times  of  our 
vanished  friend,  and  many  were  the  theories  we 
suggested  to  account  for  his  disappearance. 

*  One  held  that  he  had  been  beguiled  by  gypsies, 
another  that  he  had  been  stolen  to  be  exhibited  as  a 
rare  model  of  virtue  in  some  distant  clime,  while 
others  believed  that  the  fairies,  envious  of  our  happiness 
in  possessing  such  a  friend,  had  taken  him  from  our 
midst;  but  all  agreed  that  we  should  have  guarded 
our  treasure  with  greater  care. 

'  One  never-to-be-forgotten  evening  the  doctor,  the 



solicitor,  the  vicar,  the  corn-chandler,  and  myself  (some 
of  us  already  stricken  in  years)  were  seated,  as  was 
now  our  evening  custom,  upon  the  rustic  bridge  that 
carries  the  road  across  the  river  Peg.  The  fragrant 
smoke  of  our  long  pipes  rising  to  the  evening  sky,  our 
conversation,  as  was  now  so  frequently  the  case,  had 
drifted  from  politics,  sport,  fashions  and  the  latest 
police  intelligence  to  lovingly-recalled  memories  of 
our  long-lost  friend,  and  so  sad  did  we  become  that 
lumps  as  large  as  egg  plums  rose  to  our  throats,  and 
our  eyes  brimmed  over  with  tears. 

*  Drying  our  eyes  we  now  smoked  on  in  silent  con- 
templation of  the  past;  the  night  gradually  drew 
down,  and  the  first  star  appeared  in  the  cloudless  sky 
when  there  came  to  us  the  sound  of  a  distant  footstep, 
coming  along  the  road  towards  the  town,  and  presently 
a  strange  figure  hove  in  sight, — an  old,  old  man,  with 




long  tangled  grey  hair  and  shaggy  beard,  clothed  in 
the  most  pitiable  rags,  torn,  and  held  together  with 
straw  and  odd  pieces  of  string.  He  passed  slowly 
across  the  bridge,  leaning  heavily  on  his  staff,  and 
limped  with  difficulty  towards  the  town,  into  which 
with  one  accord  we  followed  him. 

'  Down  the  cobbled  high  street  he  walked  until  he 
came  to  the  shop  of  the  vanished  grocer  into  which 
he  turned  without  any  hesitation.  Wondering  what 
business  could  take  him  there,  we  all  hastened  to  the 
door  of  the  shop,  and  there,  with  the  utmost  astonish- 
ment, beheld  the  stranger  remove  his  threadbare 
coat,  and  replace  it  with  the  grocer's  moth-eaten  apron 
that  had  hung  for  so  long  from  a  peg  on  the  door ; 
then  he  commenced  dusting  the  shop  and  putting  it 


straight.  As  I  gazed,  my  astonishment  gave  place  to 
the  most  incredulous  amazement  when  I  detected  in 
the  old  man  a  fancied  likeness  to  the  departed  grocer. 
At  last,  after  closer  scrutiny,  I  was  convinced  that  it 
was  indeed  no  other  than  my  friend  actually  returned 
after  all  these  years,  and  as  he  at  the  same  time 
more  easily  recognised  me,  we  fell  into  each  other's 
arms,  and  who  shall  describe  the  extravagance  of 
our  joy ? 

'  In  a  little  while,  when  we  had  calmed  down,  we 
all  retired  to  the  little  parlour  behind  the  shop,  and 
our  good  friend  brewed  us  a  cup  of  tea  as  of  old,  and 
after  a  little  gentle  persuasion  related  to  us  the  follow- 
ing strange  story  of  his  disappearance  : — 

* "  On  that  memorable  summer  afternoon,  many 
years  ago,  as  I  was  weighing  out  the  sugar  into  pound 
and  half-pound  packets  (which,  as  you  may  remember, 
was  my  rule  at  that  time  of  day  to  prepare  for  the 
evening  trade),  a  strange  old  gentleman,  clothed  in 
the  deepest  black  from  cap  to  slippers,  yet  withal 
possessed  of  the  most  snowy  ringlets  and  beard, 
entered  my  shop  and  begged  of  me  some  food  for 
his  family,  assuring  me  that  they  were  all  slowly  dying 
of  starvation. 

'  "  Affected  by  his  story,  I  was  making  up  for  him  a 
parcel  containing  lentils,  raisins,  dates,  figs,  sugar,  and 
other  goods  which  I  thought  might  be  acceptable, 
when,  to  my  astonishment,  the  ungrateful  old  rascal 
snatched  up  a  large  tin  of  the  finest  snuff,  which  you 



will  remember  I  used  to  sell  in  great  quantities,  and 
bolted  with  it  out  of  the  shop. 

* "  Without  a  moment's  hesitation  I  divested  my- 
self of  my  apron,  and  donning  my  coat,  followed  him 
at  the  greatest  speed.  Away  he  ran  down  the  high 
street  towards  the  bridge,  which  he  very  soon  crossed, 
and  now  along  the  river  bends  he  sped,  with  me  close 
at  his  heels.  For  miles  we  ran,  even  as  far  as  the 
source  of  the  river  Peg,  which  we  doubled  and  came 
tearing  down  the  other  side.  I  now  perceived  that, 
in  spite  of  his  age,  he  ran  almost  quicker  than  I  did. 
Presently  into  the  river  he  plunged,  I  following  close, 
and  then  he  retraced  his  steps  towards  its  source. 
Once  more  plump  into  the  river  we  went,  and  as  I 
scrambled  up  the  opposite  bank  I  noticed  to  my 
dismay  that,  while  I  grew  more  tired  and  out  of 
breath  as  we  ran,  he  became  brisker  and  fresher. 
Discarding  his  hat,  cloak,  and  slippers,  though  still 
holding  on  to  the  snufF  tin,  he  now  appeared  in  robes 
of  dazzling  white,  which,  with  his  hair  and  long  white 
beard,  flowed  behind  him  as  he  ran,  and  gradually 
increased  the  distance  between  us. 

' "  Soon  I  could  perceive  that  he  was  making  for 
the  hill  above  the  town  Avhich,  with  no  difficulty  at 
all,  he  mounted  long  before  I  had  reached  its  foot, 
and  when  at  last  I  struggled  to  the  top  the  old  rogue 
was  seated  upon  one  of  the  Druid  stones  that  here  in 
one  great  circle  crown  the  hill,  smiling,  and  hugging 
to  himself  the  while  the  tin  of  snuff*.  On  seeing  me 

Followed  him  at  the  greatest  speed 

f   -^: 



again,  he  soon  jumped  down,  and  I  dodged  him  in 
and  out  of  the  stones  for  at  least  three  hours  by  the 
church  clock,  and  then  weary  and  utterly  dejected  I 
sat  me  down  on  a  stone  in  the  centre  of  the  ring  and 
wept  bitterly.  Directly  beneath  me  I  could  see, 
through  my  tears,  the  lights  of  our  little  town  shine 
out  here  and  there  from  the  gathering  darkness,  while 
over  the  hills,  away  to  my  left,  the  edge  of  the  full  red 
moon  began  to  show.  As  higher  and  higher  it  climbed 
the  sky,  one  by  one  there  leapt  from  the  earth  beneath 
each  stone  an  aged  Druid  all  clothed  in  white,  with 
long  waving  grey  locks  and  beard,  and  crowned  with 
garlands  of  oak  leaves,  holly,  laurels,  and  mistletoe. 
When  the  circle  of  Druids  was  quite  complete  the 
old  rascal  who  had  lured  me  from  my  shop,  and  who 
now  appeared  to  be  their  chief,  stepped  towards  me, 
now  far  too  bewildered  and  astounded  to  resist,  and 
solemnly  placed  upon  my  brow  a  wreath  of  wild  violets. 
Then  separately,  each  of  the  Druids  came  forward  with 





some  offering  which  he  placed  before  me,  afterwards 
returning  to  his  place  in  the  circle,  so  that  presently 
there  grew  upon  the  grass  in  front  of  me  a  great 
mound  of  vegetables,  fruit,  flowers,  haunches  of 
venison,  fowls,  hares,  rabbits,  and  young  lambs.  At 
length,  every  Druid  having  made  his  offering,  their 
chief  handed  round  the  tin  of  snuff*  from  which  each 
old  fellow  took  a  large  pinch,  and  then,  linking  hands, 
they  danced  wildly  round  me. 

* "  In  utter  silence,  by  the  light  of  the  moon,  now 
high  in  the  sky,  these  solemn  rites  were  performed, 
and  still  without  a  sound  they  whirled  quicker  and 
quicker  around  me,  their  feet  hardly  seeming  to  touch 
the  ground,  and  their  long  loose  garments  streaming 
after  them  as  they  flew. 

* "  Presently  the  distant  chime  of  the  church  clock 
striking  twelve  reached  me  from  the  town  below  and 
I  gradually  fell  into  a  trance,  as  one  by  one  the  old 
Druids  sank  into  the  earth  beneath  the  stones. 

* "  Every  day  since  then  until  to-day  have  I  passed 
in  complete  oblivion,  and  every  night  have  I  awakened 
to  find  myself  seated  on  the  stone  in  the  centre  of  the 
ring  of  Druids,  with  all  the  power  of  resistance  taken 
from  me,  compelled  to  be  the  object  of  their  weird 

' "  Last  night,  however,  just  as  the  church  clock 

began  to   strike   twelve,   such  a  rush    of   memories 

flooded  my  brain,  and  such  a  longing  to  see  my  old 

home  and  friends  took    possession    of   me,   that    a 




terrible  rage  at  the  cruel  tyranny  of  the  Druids  had 
gathered  in  my  bosom  before  the  clock  had  finished 
striking  the  hour.  When  it  was  about  to  strike  the 
last  beat,  I  arose  from  my  seat  in  the  centre  of  the 
circle  and  approaching  the  wicked  old  chief,  I  snatched 
the  oUufF  tin  from  his  hands  and  clapped  it,  snufF  and 
all,  right  down  over  his  eyes.  Strange  to  say  the  con- 
tents of  the  tin  had  not  diminished  by  so  much  as  a 
single  pinch,  and  such  a  fit  of  sneezing  seized  the  old 
scoundrel  that  he  rolled  on  the  grass  in  the  greatest 
distress,  quite  unable  to  put  the  usual  spell  upon  me. 
All  the  other  Druids,  with  abject  terror  expressed  on 



their  faces,  sank  at  once  into  the  ground.  The  form 
of  the  head  Druid,  sneezing  and  sneezing  and  sneezing, 
gradually  faded  away  before  my  eyes,  and  long  after 
he  had  completely  disappeared  the  sneezing  could 
still  be  heard.  Eventually  this  died  away,  and  pulling 
my  clothes  together  as  best  I  could  (for  by  now  they 
were  all  in  rags),  I  made  the  best  of  my  way  home." 

*  Having  finished  his  story  the  grocer  now  became 
very  thoughtful,  and  we  all  sat  round  his  little  room 
smoking  in  silence  until  far  into  the  night,  wondering 
at  the  strange  events  he  had  related.  Next  day,  and 
for  a  whole  week,  great  festivities  were  held  to  cele- 
brate his  return,  and  the  Mayor  very  willingly  resigned 
his  office  in  favour  of  one  who  was  held  in  such  esteem. 
Innumerable  presentations  were  made  to  him  and 
addresses  read  to  him,  yet,  in  spite  of  all  the  honours 
he  received,  never  did  he  forget  his  old  friends.  Nor 
was  he  too  proud  to  serve  in  his  little  shop,  now 
enlivened  by  the  songs  of  the  birds  he  had  not  the 
heart  to  turn  away.  He  spent  the  remainder  of  his 
useful  life  in  the  performance  of  kind  deeds  and  in 
well-deserved  happiness.' 






ERY,  very  good,  indeed,'  the  King  remarked 

when  the  poHceman  had  finished  his  story, 

and  he  was  so  pleased  that  he  gave  all  the 

youngsters  a  half-holiday,  with  strict  injunctions  to  be 

back  in  time  for  tea. 



At  tea-time  they  all  came  skipping  back,  bringing 
with  them  a  little  old  man  they  had  found,  apparently 
lost,  and  moping  about  the  common.  He  carried  in 
front  of  him  a  pedlar's  tray,  on  which  were  exposed 
for  sale  many  little  oddments,  such  as  reels  of  cotton, 
needles,  pins,  ribbons,  and  even  little  toys,  which  he 
now  hawked  round  amongst  the  assembled  company. 
As  many  as  were  able  bought  some  small  thing  or 
other  out  of  kindness  to  the  little  merchant,  and  the 
good-natured  old  monarch  invited  him  to  tea. 

While  they  were  all  enjoying  this  meal,  they  were 
disturbed  by  a  great  noise,  very  much  like  the  galloping 
of  a  horse,  and  suddenly,  without  any  warning,  right 
into  their  midst  there  leapt  a  very  large  woman,  who 
immediately  seized  upon  the  little  merchant,  and 
attempted  to  drag  him  away.  Bill  at  once  went  to 
the  assistance  of  the  little  fellow,  and  endeavoured 
to  pacify  his  assailant.  At  length  the  irate  creature 
calmed  down,  and  addressing  the  company  in  an 
aggrieved  tone,  said: — *It's  all  very  well  for  you 
people  to  stand  up  for  this  wicked  man,  but  not  one 
of  you  knows  the  dance  the  little  wretch  has  led  me 
for  the  last  fifteen  years.' 

*  Of  course,'  the  King  answered,  '  it  is  hardly  to  be 
expected  that  we  should  know  anything  of  either  of 
you,  considering  that  this  is  the  very  first  time  we 
have  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  you.  Perhaps  you 
will  be  so  kind  as  to  enlighten  us,  and  explain  to  us 
your  strange  conduct.' 



The  large  woman  now  sat  down  upon  the  grass  and 
said : — '  Well,  I  suppose  I  had  better  do  so.  Give  me 
a  cup  of  tea,  and  I'll  let  you  know  all  there  is  to 

A  cup  of  tea  was  accordingly  handed  to  her,  from 
which  she  took  a  sip,  and  then  proceeded  thus : — 

*About  fifteen  years  ago  I  was  so  unfortunate  as  to 
wed  this  poor  specimen  of  a  man  you  see  before  you, 
and  we  had  not  set  up  house  together  very  long  before 
I  could  see  that  he  wanted  thoroughly  looking  after, 
and,  indeed,  that  he  could  hardly  be  allowed  out  by 
himself  Now  this  was  very  awkward,  as  his  business 
required  that  he  should  be  out  all  day,  so  I  proposed 
to  accompany  him  on  his  rounds.  Holding  him  securely 
fastened  to  the  end  of  a  long  cord,  I  never  let  him  out 
of  my  sight  for  more  than  a  minute  at  a  time,  and  so 
kept  him  from  mischief  After  a  year  or  so,  however, 
this  grew  rather  tiresome  for  me,  as  I  had  to  neglect 
my  household  duties  in  attending  upon  my  husband, 
and,  in  the  end,  was  compelled  to  let  him  out  again 

*  But  you  may  be  sure  I  did  not  do  this  until  I  had 
laid  down  certain  fixed  rules  for  his  behaviour,  which 
I  made  him  promise  to  obey.  Amongst  these,  one  was 
that  he  should  start  from  home  not  a  minute  earlier 
and  not  a  minute  later  than  eight  o'clock  in  the  morn- 
ing ;  another  was,  that  if  he  returned  either  a  minute 
earlier  or  a  minute  later  than  eight  o'clock  in  the 
evening,  he  should  go  supperless  to  bed.  And,  would 

Bringing  with  them  a  httle  old  man 




you  believe  me,  in  spite  of  all  my  care,  he  would  some- 
times return  earlier  and,  as  I  learnt  afterwards,  remain 
outside  until  the  clock  struck  eight,  when  he  would 
creep  in  as  though  he  had  only  just  returned  ? 

*  But  my  great  trouble  only  began  a  few  weeks  ago, 
when,  one  evening,  having  cooked  his  nightly  turnip, 
I  waited  patiently  for  my  good  man's  return.  At  length 
the  clock  struck  eight,  and,  to  my  surprise,  it  was  not 
immediately  followed  by  my  husband's  timid  knock. 
One  minute  passed ;  two  minutes  passed ;  three 
minutes  passed ;  four  minutes  passed ;  and,  on  the 
fifth  minute,  there  was  a  low  knock  at  the  door,  and 
in  crept  the  miserable  man,  and  cowered  to  his  place. 
But,  as  you  may  suppose,  there  was  no  turnip  for  him 
that  night,  until  he  had  given  a  satisfactory  explanation 
of  his  late  return.  The  only  excuse  the  frightened 
little  ruffian  had  to  offer  was,  that  he  had  dropped  a 
needle  on  the  road,  and  had  to  return  for  it.  So  he 
went  supperless  to  bed. 

*The  next  evening,  having  warmed  up  the  old 
turnip,  I  again  awaited  his  return.  Eight  o'clock 
struck,  and,  to  my  even  greater  surprise,  it  was  not 
followed  by  the  merchant's  knock,  and  this  time  it  was 
six  minutes  past  before  he  entered,  and  with  no  better 
excuse  for  his  late  arrival  than  that  he  had  dropped 
a  reel  of  cotton  on  the  road,  and  had  to  return  for  it. 
"  Let  this  be  a  lesson  to  you,  my  man,"  said  I,  as  I 
once  more  put  away  the  turnip,  which  he  had  been 
regarding  with  longing  eyes,  and  sent  him  to  bed. 



*ror  the  third  time,  on  the  following  evening,  I 
warmed  up  the  turnip,  feeling  convinced  that  after  the 
severe  lesson  he  had  received,  my  merchant  would  not 
again  serve  me  such  a  trick.  But  eight  o'clock  struck, 
and  then  one  minute  passed ;  then  two,  three,  four, 
five,  six,  seven,  eight,  nine,  and  as  the  minute-hand 
pointed  to  the  ten,  he  crawled  in  on  hands  and  knees, 
not  daring  to  raise  his  eyes  from  the  ground.  And 
then  I  told  him  what  I  thought  of  his  conduct. 

*  Without  waiting  to  hear  a  word  of  explanation,  I 
now  locked  him  in  a  cupboard  beneath  the  stairs,  put 
the  turnip  away,  and  went  to  bed.  In  the  morning  I 
let  him  out,  but  of  course  gave  him  no  breakfast,  and 
in  due  time  he  took  his  tray  of  goods,  and  left  the 
house  without  a  word.  Hardly  had  he  departed  three 
minutes,  when  I  hastily  donned  my  bonnet  and  shawl, 
and  followed  him,  determined  to  learn,  if  possible, 
what  had  delayed  him  on  the  three  previous  evenings. 
Keeping  at  a  safe  distance,  I  followed  him  all  over  the 
town,  but  nothing  unusual  happened.  He  called  at 
every  house,  displaying  his  wares  to  any  one  likely  to 
buy ;  selling  a  ribbon  here,  perhaps  some  pins  or 
needles  there,  but  his  conduct,  on  the  whole,  seemed 
harmless  enough.  At  length  the  day  passed  by,  and 
the  merchant  started  homewards ;  but  he  had  not 
moved  many  paces,  when  he  came  to  a  stop,  and 
seemed  to  debate  in  his  mind  whether  he  should 
return  or  not.  Then,  looking  up  and  down  the  road, 
and  seeing  no  one  watching  him,  he  suddenly  took  to 



his  heels,  and  ran  as  hard  as  he  could  in  the  opposite 
direction.  I  lost  no  time  in  climbing  over  the  wall, 
behind  which  I  had  been  hiding,  and  quickly  followed 
him.  Out  of  the  town  the  villain  ran  as  swiftly  as  he 
could  go,  and  I  followed  as  close  as  possible,  without 
being  seen  by  him,  and  was  only  just  in  time  to  see 
the  rogue  climb  into  an  old  barrel  that  was  standing, 
end  up,  in  a  field  near  the  roadway.  "  Now,"  thought 
I,  "  I  've  got  you  in  a  trap,  my  fine  fellow,"  and  I  ran 
up  to  the  barrel.  I  could  hardly  beheve  the  evidence 
of  my  eyes  when  I  found  it  to  be  quite  empty.    Amazed 



beyond  measure,  I  at  last  turned  my  steps  towards 

*  On  arriving  home,  I  found  that  my  husband  had 
not  returned,  and  it  was  fully  twenty  minutes  past 
eight  when  at  last  he  appeared,  but  I  was  so  astonished 
that  I  could  not  say  a  word  to  the  little  rascal,  and 
once  more  he  went  supperless  to  bed. 

'  For  four  more  days  I  followed  the  little  man 
without  approaching  a  solution  to  this  riddle.  Each 
day  he  would  go  about  his  business  in  the  usual  manner 
and,  in  the  evening,  he  would  run  to  the  barrel,  into 
which  he  would  speedily  disappear.  He  came  home 
later  and  later  every  night,  until  I  could  stand  this 
state  of  things  no  longer;  and,  on  the  sixth  day  I 
determined  never  to  return  until  I  had  satisfactorily 
cleared  up  this  mystery.  This  time,  instead  of  following 
my  merchant  through  the  town,  I  went  direct  to  the 
barrel,  and,  hiding  myself  behind  a  bush  near  by, 
prepared  to  wait  there  all  day  and  see  what  happened. 

*  I  had  not  made  myself  comfortable  many  minutes 
before  I  saw  two  old  men  coming  along  the  road  from 
the  town ;  so  old  were  they  indeed,  that  they  could 
only  creep  along  by  leaning  one  against  the  other. 
Right  up  to  the  barrel  they  crawled,  and  then,  to 
my  surprise,  they  scrambled  over  its  sides  and  dis- 
appeared. Presently  two  more  just  as  old  and  de- 
crepit came  along  and  disappeared  in  the  same  way. 
Now  three  more  came,  then  two  again,  and  then  only 
one,  all  as  old  and  wretched  as  could  be,  and  each 



one  crawled  into  the  barrel  and  vanished.  This  went 
on  for  some  time  when,  unable  to  restrain  my  curiosity 
and  wondering  why  on  earth  the  barrel  didn't  become 
full,  I  hurriedly  left  my  hiding-place  and  looked  there- 
in, to  find  that  it  yet  remained  quite  empty.  I  had 
barely  time  enough  to  regain  my  hiding-place  when 
more  and  more  old  men  came  along  the  road  and 
disappeared  into  the  barrel. 

*  This  went  on  all  day,  and  when  the  evening  drew 
near,  I  could  see  my  little  man  approaching  from  the 
town.  As  I  expected,  he  walked  straight  up  to  the 
barrel,  and  in  a  twinkling  had  vanished  inside.  With- 
out giving  myself  a  moment  to  think,  I  once  more  left 
my  hiding-place  and  climbed  into  the  mysterious  old 
tub.  It  was  certainly  rather  a  tight  fit,  but  I  managed 
to  get  in  somehow  or  other.  Presently  I  was  astonished 
and  alarmed  to  find  that  the  bottom  of  the  barrel, 
which  I  had  imagined  to  rest  on  the  earth,  began  to 
give  way  and  open  like  a  trap-door,  and  I  felt  myself 
sinking  lower  and  lower,  down  a  sort  of  well.  The 
next  thing,  I  found  myself  at  the  bottom  of  the  well, 
and  at  the  mouth  of  a  tunnel  so  narrow  and  low  that 
I  could  only  go  through  it  on  my  hands  and  knees. 
This,  however,  I  proceeded  to  do,  and  found  that  it 
opened  into  a  great  chamber  cut  out  of  the  solid  rock. 

*Not  daring  to  enter,  I  gazed  into  this  strange 
place,  which  was  lighted  with  many  candles  all  affixed 
to  the  rocky  walls  with  their  own  tallow.  On  the 
centre  of  the  floor  was  piled  a  great  heap  of  children's 



toys, — tin  trumpets,  wooden  horses,  drums,  hoops, 
skipping-ropes,  rocking-horses,  peg-tops,  in  fact,  every 
conceivable  toy  that  a  sensible  child  could  wish  for. 
Around  this  great  heap,  instead  of  children,  sat  all 
the  poor  miserable  old  men  I  had  seen  enter  the 
barrel,  and  amongst  them  I  now  perceived  my 
husband,  who  certainly  seemed  no  happier  than 
the  rest.  Securely  hidden  in  the  narrow  passage 
from  every  one  in  the  room,  I  could  now  watch  all 
that  took  place,  in  the  greatest  comfort. 

*  Not  a  word  was  said  by  any  of  the  decrepit 
creatures  as  they  stared  absently  at  the  toys  in  the 
middle  of  the  room.  Presently  one  whom  I  took  to 
be  their  host,  as  I  had  not  seen  him  enter  the  barrel, 
took  from  a  peg  on  the  wall,  from  which  it  had  been 
suspended  by  a  piece  of  string,  an  old  bent  tin  pipe 
and  proceeded  to  play.  At  once  the  wrinkled  faces 
of  the  poor  old  fellows  began  to  brighten  up,  and  as 
the  music  grew  more  lively,  they  rocked  their  withered 
frames  to  and  fro  to  the  tunes.  Soon,  one  by  one, 
they  stood  upon  their  feet,  and  seeming  to  lose  their 
old  age  as  the  music  every  moment  became  more 
enchanting,  they  forgot  their  feebleness  and  danced 
gaily  about  the  room. 

*  Younger  and  younger  they  grew,  until  my  husband 
appeared  to  be  such  a  dapper  and  bright  little  man 
that  I  could  not  prevent  myself  from  leaving  my 
hiding-place  and  going  up  to  him  and  clasping  him 
round  the  waist.     Not  a  bit  surprised  did  he  seem  to 





see  me  there,  and  as  we  danced  merrily  up  and  down 
the  room,  to  my  great  joy  and  astonishment,  I  felt 
myself  growing  younger  every  moment,  whilst  the 
rest  of  the  company,  now  all  transformed  to  fine 
young  men,  danced  in  one  circle  round  us,  as  hand- 
some a  couple  as  you  would  wish  to  see. 

*  Still  the  magical  music  continued,  and  if  anything 
grew  more  and  more  enchanting  as  we  grew  younger 
and  younger,  until  we  seemed  to  be  frolicsome  boys 




and  gills  once  more.  At  last  we  found  ourselves  to 
be  a  crowd  of  little  toddling  children,  and,  my  word ! 
how  we  grabbed  at  the  great  heap  of  toys  placed  there 
for  our  amusement,  and  what  a  time  we  had  to  be 

*  Under  the  great  heap  of  toys,  we  discovered  the 
most  glorious  tarts,  pastries,  cakes  and  sweets,  and  it 
didn't  seem  to  matter  how  much  you  ate  of  them,  for 
you  never  lost  your  appetite  for  more.  At  last,  alas ! 
the  wonderful  music  quieted  down,  and  by  degrees  we 
once  more  lost  our  childhood,  then  our  youth,  and, 
when  the  music  suddenly  stopped,  we  all  returned  to 
our  old  selves  again,  and  fell  flat  on  our  faces  quite 
tired  out,  while  our  host  hung  up  his  old  tin  pipe  on 
its  peg  in  the  wall. 

'  When  we  had  all  somewhat  recovered,  I  fixed  my 

eye  upon  my  husband.     "  Now,"  thought  I,  "  I  've  got 

you.     This  is  how  you  waste  your  time,  is  it  ?    And 

why  you  come  home  late  for  supper."    The  conscience- 




stricken  creature  trembled  before  my  gaze,  and  then 
made  a  rush  for  the  door.  All  made  way  for  him,  but 
I  quickly  followed  through  the  tunnel  and  mounted  a 
ladder  which  led  to  the  trap-door  at  the  bottom  of  the 
barrel,  out  of  which  I  climbed,  but  only  in  time  to  see 
the  rascal  disappear  into  the  town.  I  then  made  the 
best  of  my  way  home. 

*  He  had  not  returned  when  I  arrived,  so  I  waited 
three  whole  days  and  nights,  prepared  to  make  the 
unnatural  man  feel  to  the  full  my  resentment  at  his 
shameful  conduct.  On  the  fourth  day,  as  he  had  not 
come  home,  I  went  back  to  the  tub,  and  not  seeing 
any  sign  of  him,  I  gave  a  kick  to  the  old  thing  and 
sent  it  rolling  over  and  over  on  its  side.  Would 
you  believe  me,  there  was  not  the  slightest  trace  of 
any  passage  or  well  ever  having  existed  beneath  it. 
Since  then  I  have  wandered  all  over  the  country 
in  search  of  this  ungrateful  wretch.'  And  the  in- 
dignant woman,  having  finished  her  story,  once  more 
P  225 


attempted  to  drag  the  affrighted  Httle  merchant 
away.  Bill  again  intervened,  and  after  a  few  very 
kind  words,  successfully  persuaded  her  to  allow  her 
husband  to  remain  with  them,  at  the  same  time 
inviting  her  to  make  one  of  their  brave  band. 

This  she  only  consented  to  do  on  condition  that 
the  policeman  also  never  left  them,  'as  you  never  know,' 
said  she,  *  what  the  little  wretch  will  be  up  to  next.' 

The  policeman  having  no  objection  to  fall  in  with 
her  wishes,  they  all  marched  on  in  peace. 





TIME  was  now  getting  on,  and  the  fidgety  old 
King,  weary  of  being  constantly  on  the  move, 
became  more  and  more  impatient  to  reach 
his  journey's  end.      For  many  days  they  had  been 



crossing  the  great  desert,  and  were  fast  approaching 
the  further  side  when,  one  evening,  the  aggravating 
old  fellow  decided  that  they  should  march  on  right 
through  the  night.  In  vain  did  Bill  point  out  to  him 
how  tired  they  all  were  ;  the  old  King  would  not  even 
listen  to  him,  so,  whether  they  liked  it  or  not,  they 
had  to  jog  on. 

Wearily  they  trudged  along,  and  towards  morning 
they  came  upon  a  great  stone  sphinx,  in  the  arms  of 
which  there  nestled  a  company  of  little  children,  every 
one  of  whom  was  fast  asleep.  Presently,  as  the  sun 
rose  and  shone  under  the  lids  of  their  eyes,  they,  one 
by  one,  awakened,  and  stared  in  mute  astonishment 
at  the  dusty  figures  before  them.  Assuring  them  that 
they  had  nothing  to  fear  at  their  hands.  Bill,  with 
the  King's  permission,  invited  them  all  to  breakfast. 
Seated  in  a  great  circle  on  the  sands,  beneath  the  old 
sphinx,  every  one  did  his  utmost  to  make  the  strangers 
comfortable  and  to  remove  their  natural  shyness ;  and, 
in  a  little  while,  it  was  a  very  jovial  party  that  sat 
demolishing  the  substantial  breakfast  prepared  for 
them.  Many  songs  were  sung  and  stories  told  by  Bill 
and  his  comrades,  and  presently  one  of  the  little  fellows, 
who  appeared  to  be  the  youngest  of  their  new  friends, 
stood  up  and  related  the  following  story : — 

'We  are  all  brothers  and  sisters,  and  lived,  until 
yesterday,  with  our  good  parents  upon  a  sandbank  in 
the  mouth  of  the  river  Bhm  which,  as  you  know,  is  one 
of  the  smaller  tributaries  of  the  river  Nile.     Our  father 



was  a  fisherman,  and  upon  the  only  spot  on  the  bank 
which  remained  invariably  high  and  dry,  the  clever 
man  had  erected  a  shed  which  served  us  for  home, 
and  which,  at  least,  protected  us  from  the  showers  of 
spray  blown  from  the  rough  seas,  and  the  chill  winds 
that  blew  across  the  neighbouring  marshes,  as  well  as 
the  cold  rains  that,  in  the  fall  of  the  year,  flooded  the 
adjacent  country  for  miles  around.  A  dozen  stout 
beams,  that  had  been  cast  up  by  the  waves,  served, 
each  with  one  end  deeply  embedded  in  the  wet  sand, 
as  a  framework  for  our  humble  mansion.  These  were 
covered  over  with  numerous  skins  of  fish  and  pieces 
of  old  rag,  all  neatly  stitched  together  by  our  in- 
dustrious mother,  or  pinned  by  fish-bones  skilfully 
sharpened  by  grinding  their  ends  between  two  stones. 
Our  good  dad's  stock-in-trade  consisted  of  one  long 
piece  of  frayed  string,  with  a  sharpened  fishbone,  bent 
in  the  form  of  a  hook,  fastened  at  one  end,  a  small 
boat  and  a  paddle,  the  former  of  which  he  had  skilfully 
fashioned  out  of  an  old  basket  that  had  been  washed 
ashore,  and  over  which  he  had  stretched  more  of 
the  rags  and  fish-skins,  of  which  we  always  possessed 
a  goodly  supply  saved  over  from  our  meals. 

*  During  the  long  winter  months  we  were  entirely 
cut  ofi*  from  our  fellow  creatures  by  the  floods  and  the 
terrible  storms  at  sea,  and  were  compelled  to  subsist 
entirely  upon  our  own  resources ;  and  thus  we  learnt, 
after  many  a  bitter  trial,  to  make  almost  everything 
we  required  from  the  spoils  brought  home  by  our 

They  came  upon   a  great  stone  sphinx 


hard-working  father.  The  flesh  of  the  fish,  of  course, 
served  us  for  meat,  either  fresh  or  pickled  in  brine, 
and  then  dried  in  the  sun.  The  roes,  prepared  in  the 
same  way,  were  our  only  delicacies,  and,  by  an  indul- 
gence in  these,  we  used  to  celebrate  our  many  birth- 
days. Fish  dripping  we  had  in  plenty,  and  the  bones 
were  dried  and  ground  between  two  rocks,  making  the 
finest  flour  for  bread  and  pies.  The  tails  and  fins  were 
always  saved,  and,  after  a  simple  drying  process,  made 
excellent  fuel,  easily  set  alight  with  sparks  kindled  by 
knocking  two  stones  sharply  together.  A  fine  black 
ash  was  left  from  fires  kindled  in  this  way,  which, 
mixed  with  a  little  sea-water,  made  one  of  the  purest 
inks.  The  good  dad  always  encouraged  us  to  make 
notes  on  the  smooth  white  skins  of  the  young  dab, 
bleached  and  dried  in  the  sun,  explaining  how  useful 
they  would  be  to  us  in  after-life,  and  showed  us  how 
to  cut  pens  from  the  larger  bones  of  the  fish.  The 
only  parts  which  the  unselfish  man  reserved  for  him- 
self were  the  eyes  which,  when  dried,  were  his  only 
substitute  for  tobacco  in  that  lone  part  of  the  world, 
and  which  he  smoked  in  a  pipe  most  beautifully  carved 
by  himself,  from  the  spine  of  an  old  cod. 

'  The  heads  of  the  fish  served  the  younger  children 
for  bricks,  or  even,  after  a  little  trimming,  for  dolls, 
with  which  they  amused  themselves  during  the  long 
winter  evenings.  Many  another  device  had  we  whereby 
we  made  the  most  of  our  very  small  opportunities,  but 
you  will  readily  see  how  dependent  we  were  for  every- 



thing  upon  the  good  fortune  and  resources  of  our 
father,  without  whom  we  should  all  very  quickly  have 

'  For  many  days  and  nights  at  a  time  our  good  dad 
would  remain  upon  the  sea,  returning  sometimes  with 
a  good  supply  of  fish ;  at  other  times,  alas !  with  only 
one  or  two  little  dabs,  or  even  with  nothing  at  all. 
Yet.  by  dint  of  saving  up  for  a  rainy  day,  when  we  had 
more  than  enough  for  our  present  needs,  we  managed 
to  jog  along  fairly  comfortably.  One  sad  winter's 
evening,  however,  our  good  parent  returned,  having 
caught  nothing  but  a  very  small  dab  and  a  very  severe 
cold.  Our  anxious  mother,  in  a  state  of  alarm,  lit  a 
great  fire  and,  after  making  him  take  a  bowl  of  steam- 
ing fish  gruel,  with  his  feet  at  the  same  time  in  a  bath 
of  hot  sea-water,  she  sent  him  to  bed,  and  covered  him 
up  with  as  many  fish  skins  as  she  could  spare  from  the 
house.  The  next  day  he  was  decidedly  worse,  and  our 
anxiety  increased  day  by  day  as  he  showed  no  signs  of 
improvement.  Yery  soon,  with  no  one  to  replenish 
our  larder,  our  stores  began  to  run  low,  and  starvation 
stared  us  in  the  face. 

*  At  last  one  morning  the  invalid  called  our  eldest 
brother  to  him  and  said  to  him  : — "  Son,  our  stores  are 
all  eaten  up,  and  unless  we  obtain  food  by  to-morrow 
morning  we  shall  all  surely  die,  so  take  my  boat  and 
fishing-line  and  see  what  luck  will  attend  you." 
With  tears  in  his  eyes,  the  good-hearted  boy  left  the 
house  and  yery  soon  embarked. 



*  Having  paddled  some  way  out  to  sea,  he  threw 
his  Hne,  and  fished  and  fished.  After  a  Httle  while  he 
drew  it  in  again  to  find,  alas !  that  he  had  caught 
nothing.  For  the  second  time  he  cast  his  line,  and 
fished  and  fished  and  fished,  but  on  again  pulling  in 
the  line  he  found  that  he  had  no  better  luck.  He 
now  for  the  third  time  threw  out  his  line,  and  fished 
and  fished  and  fished  and  fished,  yet  no  better  fortune 
attended  him ;  so,  bitterly  disappointed,  he  wound  up 
the  tackle  and  paddled  home. 

*  Sorrowfully  the  unhappy  father  heard  of  his  eldest 
son's  want  of  success,  and  then  sent  for  his  second 




eldest  son,  and  requested  him  to  see  if  fortune  would 
be  kinder  to  him  than  it  had  been  to  his  brother. 
But,  alas !  he  returned  likewise  without  even  so  much 
as  a  whitebait.  Then,  one  after  the  other,  he  sent  all 
his  sons  except  myself,  who  am  the  youngest  of  all, 
but  not  a  little  piece  of  luck  awaited  any  of  them. 
The  wretched  man  now  called  me  to  him  and  said : — 
"  Son,  hitherto  I  have  been  reluctant  to  send  one  so 
young  upon  such  an  errand,  but,  alack-a-day !  you  are 
now  our  only  hope  ;  unless  good  fortune  waits  upon 
you  we  shall  all  perish." 

*  After  comforting  him  as  much  as  I  could,  and 
assuring  him  that  I  would  do  my  best,  I  hastened 
down  to  the  shore  and  embarked  in  the  little  boat.  I 
paddled  a  good  way  out  to  sea  until  I  came  to  a 
suitable  fishing-ground,  and  then  threw  out  my  line. 
I  fished  and  fished  and  fished  and  fished,  and  on 
drawing  in  my  line  found  nothing  on  the  hook  except 
the  bait,  a  wretched  piece  of  dried  fish  skin,  which 
looked  very  draggled  as  it  rose  from  the  water. 


"Better  luck  next  time,"  thought  I,  as  I  threw  my 
line  for  the  second  time,  and  fished  and  fished  and 
fished  and  fished  and  fished.  Yet,  on  pulling  up 
the  line,  I  found  to  my  dismay  that  instead  of 
better  luck  I  had  even  worse,  if  that  were  possible, 
for  the  wretched  bait  had  vanished  from  the  hook. 
"  Once  more,"  thought  I,  as  I  dropped  my  line  over- 
board for  the  third  time,  "  and,  fish  or  no  fish,  I  must 
give  it  up,  even  though  we  all  die  of  starvation."  So 
I  fished  and  fished  and  fished  and  fished  and  fished 
with  all  my  might,  and  when  at  length  I  had  hauled  it 
in  you  may  imagine  my  distress  when  I  discovered  that 
not  merely  was  there  no  fish  upon  the  line,  but  that 
the  hook  itself  had  disappeared.  With  tears  of  rage 
and  disappointment  I  now  gave  it  up  and  prepared 
to  return,  but  I  had  not  gone  very  far  when  I  thought, 
"  Shall  I  have  just  one  more  try  even  without  hook  or 
bait?"  And  not  giving  myself  any  time  to  think 
about  it,  I  hurled  my  line  out  for  the  fourth  time 
and  fished  and  fished  and  fished  and  fished  and  fished 
and  fished  and  fished  as  hard  as  I  could,  when  fancy- 
ing that  I  felt  a  nibble,  I  hauled  it  in  as  quickly  as 
possible  and  found  an  old  sardine-tin  which  had 
become  entangled  in  the  line. 

'  Hastily  opening  the  tin,  all  I  found  therein  was 
the  head  of  an  old  sprat.  "  Alas ! "  said  I  to  myself, 
"is  this,  after  all  my  troubles,  the  only  food  I  can  take 
to  my  suffering  father  and  hungering  mother  and 
brothers  and  sisters ;  better  it  would  have  been  had 



we  never  been  born ! "  and  the  tears  streamed  down 
my  face. 

*  As  I  bent  low  over  my  miserable  catch  a  great 
shadow  passed  across  the  boat  and  suddenly  looking 
up,  I  beheld  a  beautiful  albatross  sailing  in  the  sky 
above  me.  No  sooner  did  the  graceful  creature  catch 
sight  of  the  head  of  the  sprat  than  it  swooped  down 
upon  the  tin  that  contained  it,  snatching  it  from  my 
hands,  and  flew  off  with  it  as  speedily  as  possible. 
Now  it  happened  I  had  not  let  go  my  hold  on  the 
line,  the  other  end  of  which  was  still  fastened  to 
the  tin,  so  that  in  a  very  few  minutes  I  felt  myself 
lifted  bodily  up  and  whirled  through  the  air  and  out 
to  sea  at  a  great  speed.  Dangling  many  feet  beneath 
the  great  bird,  on  and  on  I  was  carried  over  the 
tops  of  the  waves,  in  the  greatest  anxiety  lest  the 
marauding  fowl  should  take  a  lower  flight,  in  which 
case  I  should  inevitably  have  been  plunged  into  the 
sea  and  drowned. 

'How  many  miles  we  travelled  thus  it  would  be 
impossible  for  me  to  tell,  but  at  length  my  arms  grew 
tired  of  holding  on  and  supporting  my  weight,  and  I 
began  to  fear  every  moment  that  I  should  slip  off*  into 
the  sea,  when  I  beheld  a  fishing-boat  in  the  distance, 
right  in  our  course.  Hoping  that  we  should  reach  it 
before  my  strength  gave  out  I  anxiously  watched  the 
vessel  as  we  gradually  drew  near.  At  last  I  found 
myself  directly  over  the  boat,  and  shutting  my  eyes,  I 
let  go  my  hold  on  the  line,  and  dropped  down  right 



on  to  a  pile  of  fish  in  the  middle  of  the  deck,  sending 
them  flying  in  all  directions  amongst  the  astonished 

*  My  remarkable  appearance  amongst  them  had  the 
most  astonishing  eftect  upon  the  fishermen.  They 
one  and  all  leapt  into  the  sea,  and  notwithstanding 
my  endeavours  to  entice  them  back  to  the  boat,  and 
to  explain  to  them  my  sudden  descent  upon  their 
vessel,    the    affiighted    creatures    swam    off"   to    the 



distant  shore,  which,  let  us  hope,  they  reached  in 

'  Looking  around  me  I  now  discovered,  to  my  great 
joy,  that  the  boat  was  full  of  the  finest  fish,  so,  seizing 
the  oars,  I  turned  her  head  towards  home,  where  I 
arrived  with  my  prize  on  the  following  morning,  after 
a  hard  night's  work,  rowing  the  heavily-laden  craft  to 

*The  rejoicings  were  great,  as  you  may  well 
imagine,  when  my  good  parents  and  brothers  and 
sisters  beheld  me  again,  for  all  had  given  me  up  for 
lost,  our  old  boat  having  been  washed  ashore  the 
previous  evening.  A  great  meal  of  fish  was  prepared 
as  soon  as  possible,  at  which  we  all  ate  heartily  after 
so  long  a  fast,  and  the  old  gentleman's  condition  was 
greatly  improved  by  the  meal. 

'Long  before  the  large  supply  of  food  had  been 
consumed,  the  good  living  and  comfort  had  restored 
our  dad's  health,  and  he  was  able  to  resume  his  fish- 
ing. Being  now  so  much  better  equipped  with  the  fine 
boat  in  which  I  had  returned,  and  with  the  splendid 
tackle  we  discovered  therein,  good  luck  always  attended 
his  fishing  and  we  never  wanted  any  more. 

*In  the  course  of  time  it  became  necessary  that 
their  children  should  all  leave  them  and  seek  their 
fortunes,  and  only  yesterday  morning,  with  many 
tears,  we  bade  adieu  to  our  kind-hearted  parents 
and  started  on  our  journey.' 

The  young  strangers  were  now  all  thoroughly 


refreshed  by  their  breakfast,  and  learning  the  nature 
of  the  campaign  upon  which  the  King  and  his  army 
were  engaged,  wiUingly  offered  their  assistance  as 
camp-followers,  or  in  any  other  way  that  they  might 
be  useful.  The  King  very  gratefully  accepted  their 
services,  and  before  resuming  the  march  the  whole 
army  went  out  of  their  way  and  visited  the  kindly 
fisherman.  The  King  was  pleased  to  confer  many 
honours  on  the  old  fellow,  and,  before  leaving  him, 
promised  to  look  after  his  numerous  family,  and  in 
the  future  to  provide  for  all  their  wants. 




EARLY  one  fine  morning,  before  the  soldiers 
had  arisen,  the  King,  in  a  very  excited  state, 
called  his  general  to  his  bedside  and,  point- 
ing through  the  opening  of  his  tent,  said : — 

'  Bill,  can  you  see,  far  away  upon  the  horizon,  that 
little  point  of  light  ? '  And  Bill,  straining  his  eyes  in 
the  direction  indicated,  was  indeed  able  to  detect 
a  little  flash,  as  though  the  sun  were  shining  upon 
a  cucumber  frame  many  miles  away. 

'  Well,'  said  the  old  man,  *  that  is  the  reflection  of 
the  sun  upon  the  dome  of  my  palace  in  Troy.' 


Bill,  delighted  tliat  at  last  they  were  nearing  their 
journey's  end,  went  off  and  awakened  the  camp  with 
the  glad  news,  and  all  came  running  out  and  gazed  in 
the  direction  of  Troy ;  and  so  heartened  were  the 
brave  fellows  at  the  sight  that  they  gave  three  re- 
sounding cheers. 

Their  eagerness  to  be  off  was  so  great  that  there 
was  no  breakfast  that  morning,  and  soon  performing 
a  hurried  toilet,  and  speedily  packing  up  their  sticks, 
they  were  on  the  move  once  more.  The  King's  excite- 
ment knew  no  bounds  and,  after  distributing  amongst 
his  followers  the  contents  of  his  pocket,  he  insisted  on 
climbing  out  of  his  chariot,  and  giving  each  of  his 
officers  in  turn  a  ride  therein.  Having  travelled  some 
little  way,  the  King  suddenly  called  a  halt,  and  held 
up  his  hand  for  silence,  and  then,  in  the  clear  air, 
could  be  heard  the  bells  of  Troy  !  More  excited  than 
ever,  the  King  now  took  off  his  crown,  and  removing 
some  of  the  jewels  with  the  pen-knife  which  Bill  had 
presented  to  him  on  his  birthday,  gave  one  to  each  of 
his  chief  officers. 

In  a  httle  time  the  towers  of  Troy  came  into  view, 
on  the  further  edge  of  the  great  plain  they  were  cross- 
ing, and  the  elated  King,  quite  beside  himself  with  joy 
and  expectation  at  this  glorious  sight,  stood  upon  the 
seat  of  his  chariot  and  danced,  much  to  the  alarm  of 
Boadicea,  who  was  wheeling  him.  He  then  sat  down 
again,  and,  taking  off  his  slippers,  he  threw  them,  one 
by  one,  as  high  into  the  air  as  he  could,  and  caught 



them  as  they  descended.  As  they  came  nearer  and 
nearer  to  their  goal  the  old  fellow's  spirits  rose  to 
such  a  pitch  that  something  really  had  to  be  done,  so 
the  musician  was  told-olF  to  play  soothing  tunes  to 
him,  and  in  time  the  excitable  creature  calmed  down, 
only,  however,  to  break  out  again  when  they  halted 
that  night  before  the  walls  of  Troy.  At  last,  to  keep 
him  quiet  once  and  for  all,  and  out  of  everybody's  way, 
they  put  him  to  bed  with  a  soothing-draught  made  up 
by  the  doctor. 

The  approach  of  the  gallant  fellows  had  been 
closely  observed  from  the  watch-towers  of  the  city,  and, 
in  consequence,  they  found  the  gates  fast  closed  when 
they  halted  before  them.  And,  as  nothing  could  be 
done  that  night,  they  fixed  up  their  camp  and  retired 
to  rest. 

On  the  following  morning,  Bill  sent  the  merchant's 
wife  as  an  ambassadress  into  the  city,  to  demand  its  in- 
stant surrender,  and  very  gladly  she  undertook  the  task. 

*  This  is  quite  in  my  line,'  said  she,  as  she  knocked 
for  admittance  at  the  gate,  through  which  she  was 
admitted  after  a  little  delay.  Bill  waited  anxiously 
for  her  reappearance,  hoping  that  the  King  of  Persia 
would  be  wise  enough  to  give  up  the  city  without 
further  trouble,  but  suddenly  a  great  roar  resounded 
from  the  other  side  of  the  walls,  and  almost  immedi- 
ately afterwards  the  ambassadress,  with  tufts  of  the 
Persian  King's  hair  held  between  her  clenched  fingers, 
was  thrown  out  of  the  gates. 

Closely  observed  from  the  watch  towers 


*  There  's  nothing  for  it  now,'  thought  Bill,  *but  to 
lay  siege  to  the  place,'  and  he  at  once  proceeded  to 
walk  round  the  city  and  examine  the  nature  of  the 
ground ;  after  which  he  mustered  his  whole  force 
before  him,  and  disposed  them  according  to  the 
accompanying  plan : — 

In  this  way  Bill  completely  surrounded  the  city, 
allowing  no  provisions  of  any  kind  to  enter,  and  pre- 
pared to  wait  until  the  inhabitants  had  exhausted  all 
their  stores,  and  could  hold  out  no  longer. 



These  were  the  instructions  of  General  Bill  to  his' 
army,  to  be  faithfully  carried  out  during  the  siege  : — 

1.  That  the  King  was  not  to  be  allowed  out  of  his 

tent  on  any  account,  in  spite  of  his  impatience. 

2.  That,  with  the  exception  of  the  general  and  the 

scout,  no  warrior  was  allowed,  without  his 
officer's  permission,  to  leave  his  post,  day  or 
night,  during  the  siege,  and  if  any  one  were 
discovered  sleeping  without  one  eye  open,  his 
allowance  of  sugar  for  porridge  next  morning 
was  to  be  stopped. 

3.  That  the   scout  was  to  be  continually  on  the 


4.  That  Boadicea  was  to  prepare  all  the  meals,  and 

that  at  each  meal  time  she  was  to  take  the 
food  she  had  cooked  to  the  soldiers  (an  extra 
large  portion  being  always  reserved  for  the 

5.  That  every  morning,  with  breakfast,  she  was  to 

take  to  each  his  boots  brightly  polished,  a 
bowl  of  hot  water  to  wash  in,  and  a  comb,  and 
that  every  evening  she  should  bring  them 
their  slippers  and  their  night-shirts. 

For  three   years   the   siege   went   on,   in   quite   a 

peaceful  and,  at  times,  even  a  pleasant  way,  with  no 

sign  at  all  of  the  Trojans  feeling  any  discomfort ;  in 

fact,  since  the  Merchant's  Wife  had  been  turned  from 



the  city,  not  a  sound  had  been  heard  from  within 
the  walls. 

Now  it  happened  one  morning,  about  this  time, 
that  the  gates,  to  every  one's  surprise,  were  thrown 
open,  and  a  messenger,  with  a  flag  of  truce,  came 
forth.  The  poor  fellow  looked  hungry  enough,  indeed, 
yet  the  Merchant's  Wife  roughly  seized  upon  the 
famished  creature,  much  to  his  annoyance,  and 
brought  him  to  the  general.  Bill,  hoping  that  he 
had  come  with  an  offer  from  the  King  of  Persia  to 
surrender  the  city,  joyfully  handed  the  young  man  a 
chair  and  a  biscuit,  and,  before  allowing  him  to  speak, 
insisted  on  his  eating  a  bowl  of  hot  porridge.  When 
he  had  hungrily  demolished  the  food.  Bill  kindly 
invited  him  to  deliver  his  message,  which,  in  a  hesi- 
tating manner,  he  thus  proceeded  to  do : — 

*  The  King  of  Persia  sends  greetings  to  his  dear  old 
friend,  the  King  of  Troy,  and  wishes  to  assure  him 
that  he  bears  no  ill-will  towards  him.  On  the  con- 
trary, his  happiest  moments  are  spent  in  recalling 
those  far-ofl'  times  when,  as  young  children,  they 
played  the  livelong  day  together,  in  good-will  and 
friendliness.  He  also  begs  him,  for  a  few  minutes, 
to  allow  his  natural  kindness  to  overcome  his  enmity, 
and  send  his  old  friend,  now  faint  with  hunger, 
enough  suet  to  make  just  a  little  pudding  for  himself 
Bill,  a  trifle  disappointed,  took  the  message  to  the 
King  of  Troy,  who  seemed  very  much  affected  on 
hearing  it. 

247  " 



*Give  the  old  fellow  a  cracknel,'  roared  he,  'and 
tell  him  that  if  he  surrenders  the  city  at  once,  he  can 
have  as  nice  a  snack  of  dinner  as  he  could  wish.' 

The  messenger  returned  to  the  city  with  the 
message  and  the  cracknel,  and  Bill  waited  all  through 
the  day  and  night,  but  no  word  came  from  the  city. 

After  breakfast  next  morning,  when,  as  Bill  thought, 
the  King  of  Persia  would  be  feeling  hungry,  he  called 
to  him  the  nine  stout  sons  of  Crispin  and  Chloe  and 
then  summoned  to  him  the  Merchant's  Wife  and  the 
Sicilian  Char-woman,  and  between  them  they  managed 
to  wrap  up  each  of  the  brave  lads  in  brown  paper, 
properly  secured  with  strong  string,  making  nine  very 
neat  parcels.  The  general  had  previously  instructed 
the  brave  fellows  how  to  act  at  the  right  moment,  and 
in  the  meantime  to  remain  perfectly  still.  These 
parcels  were  now  labelled  severally  lemon  cheese  cake, 
fairy  cakes,  rock  cakes,  Jumbles,  raspberry  noyeau, 


mince  pies,  Pontefract  cakes  and  peppermint  cushions, 
and  then  all  neatly  piled  upon  the  King's  wheeling- 
chair,  which  Bill  had  borrowed  for  the  purpose. 

Solemnly  preceded  by  Bill,  the  Merchant's  Wife 
and  the  Char-woman  (being  the  two  strongest  people 
in  the  forces)  now  wheeled  the  chair  up  to  the  gates, 
in  front  of  which  they  emptied  its  contents. 

The  hungry  Trojans  had  observed  their  approach, 
from  the  walls  above  which  could  now  be  seen  in- 
numerable heads  popping  up  and  down,  and  no  sooner 
did  they  see  what  the  chair  was  supposed  to  contain 
than  they  climbed  down,  and  without  any  hesitation 
opened  the  gates.  Bill  then  spoke  to  the  Trojans  in 
the  following  words  : — 

'  The  King  of  Troy  sends  greetings  to  the  King  of 
Persia  and  hearing  that  his  stores  are  exhausted,  and, 
although  at  war  with  him,  not  wishing  that  he  should 
suffer  any  serious  discomfort,  begs  his  acceptance  of 
these  provisions.'  Bill  and  the  two  ladies  now  retired 
with  the  empty  wheeling-chair  and  took  up  their 
position  before  the  walls  once  more. 

In  the  meanwhile  the  parcels  were  taken  into  the 
city  and  presented  to  the  King  of  Persia  who  was 
then  sitting,  with  the  whole  of  his  court,  hungrily 
wondering  what  was  going  to  happen  next.  The 
parcels  were  heaped  up  before  him,  and  he  could 
hardly  conceal  his  delight  and  eagerness  to  begin  on  | 

the  victuals  at  once.     All  his  courtiers  too  seemed  | 

quite  inclined  to  forget  their  manners  and  help  them- 

249  "\ 


selves  before  they  were  asked.  The  King  now  took 
up  the  largest  parcel,  labelled  Pontefi'act  cakes,  which 
happened  to  contain  Hannibal,  when  at  a  given  signal 
each  one  of  the  courageous  young  fellows  broke  from 
his  confinement  and  at  once  set  on  those  around  him. 
Hannibal  and  Noah  seized  the  Persian  King  and 
bound  him  securely  with  some  of  the  string  from  the 
parcels  ;  each  of  the  other  brave  sons  of  Crispin  bound 
some  minister  or  courtier  in  the  same  way,  and  the 
rest  of  the  court  fled  from  the  palace  in  abject  terror. 

The  nine  lads  now  gave  chase,  and  the  panic  which 
possessed  the  affi'ighted  courtiers  spread,  in  no  time, 
through  the  city,  and  the  whole  of  the  inhabitants  were 
soon  fleeing  before  the  infuriated  fellows. 

Possessed  with  the  idea  that  their  pursuers  were 
in  much  greater  force  than  they  really  were,  the  scared 
wretches  made  for  the  gates  of  the  city,  out  of  which 
they  ran  as  hard  as  they  could.  Bill,  the  Geneml, 
wisely  allowed  them  to  pass  through  his  lines,  which 
they  did  in  the  maddest  terror,  and  then  fled  far  away 
over  the  plain,  as  the  besieging  forces  once  more 
closed  in  around  the  city. 

Seeing  that  the  gates  still  remained  open.  Bill  now 
marshalled  his  gallant  army,  and  in  one  grand  pro- 
cession led  them  into  the  city. 

In  front  of  all  solemnly  marched  the  Genei'al ;  then 

the  Ileal  Soldier ;  then  the   Merchant's  Wife  ;  then 

the   Sicilian   Char-woman,   proudly  waving  her  flag; 

then  followed  a  number  of  Bill's  charges,  the  Ancient 






'■       M 





Mariner,  the  Doctor,  Camp-followers,  the  Musician 
playing  triumphant  music  on  his  concertina,  more 
Camp-followers,  the  Respectable  Gentleman,  the  Scout, 
the  Wild  Man,  yet  more  Camp-followers,  the  Merchant, 
and,  last  of  all,  preceded  by  the  graceful  Triplets,  came 
the  proud  and  glad  old  King  himself,  wheeled  in 
great  state  by  the  faithful  Boadicea,  and  guarded  by 
the  principal  policeman  of  Troutpeg.  The  nine  stout 
sons  of  Crispin,  together  with  the  remaining  children, 
formed  a  guard  of  honour,  extending  from  the  city 
gates  as  far  as  the  front  door  of  the  Palace,  into  which 
the  excited  and  Royal  old  creature  entered  at  last 
amid  the  cheers  of  his  gallant  followers. 

His  first  act  was  to  release  the  King  of  Persia,  and 
after  accepting  very  graciously  his  humble  and  sincere 
apologies  for  his  unkindness,  the  clement  old  fellow 
gave  him  a  good  breakfast  and  packed  him  off  to 
Persia.  In  a  like  kindly  manner  he  treated  the 
courtiers,  after  they  had  all  suitably  begged  his  pardon ; 
and  the  inhabitants,  who  came  trooping  back  as  soon 
as  they  heard  how  graciously  the  rightful  King  was 
behaving,  one  and  all  clamoured  to  shake  the  de- 
lighted old  monarch  by  the  hand  and  pay  their  homage 
to  him. 

Thus,  after  all  his  trials  and  privations,  this  Royal 
and  kindly  creature  was  restored  to  his  throne.  The 
crown  was  done  up  and  beautifully  polished,  and  the 
old  King  once  more  crowned  in  great  state.  To  show 
his  gratitude  tol'his  brave  and  faithful  followers  he 
252  "     . 



appointed  them  all  (with  the  exception  of  the  Triplets, 
who  soon  returned  to  Blowdripping)  to  places  of 
honour  in  his  court.     Thus  : — 


The  Real  Soldier,  . 
The  Scout, 
Nine  Sons  of  Crispin, 
The  Camp-Followers  and 

OTHERS,    .... 

Boadicea,  .... 
Ancient  Mariner,   . 

Commander-in-chief    of    the 

General  under  Bill. 
Officer  of  the  Army. 
Bodyguard  to  the  King. 

The  Army. 

Royal  Housekeeper. 

Admiral  of  the  Fleet. 



Sicilian  Char-woman, 

The  Merchant's  Wife,    . 
The  Doctor,     . 
Ptolemy  Jenkinson, 
Respectable  Gentleman, 

Long  Man, 

Musician,  .... 

Wild  Man, 


Head  Char-woman  to  Royal 

Superintendent  of  the  Prison. 
Court  Physician. 
King's  Valet. 
Master  of  Good  Behaviour  to 

the  Royal  Household. 
Hall  Porter  at  Royal  Palace. 
Court  Musician. 
Park  Keeper. 
Preserver  of  the  Peace. 

With  such  a  gallant  court  and  brave  army  around 
him  the  dear  old  man  was  saved  from  further  troubles 
in  his  State  during  the  remainder  of  his  long  and 
happy  reign.  In  fact  Troy  became  the  very  happiest 
town  in  the  world,  and  the  old  King's  noble  followers 
were  so  contented  with  their  lot  that  they  never  again 
left  the  city  of  Troy. 


